I've had a few 'truedreams' but they have always been about really boring things, just like your bird stealer dream. :P Sort of makes you wonder whether it is all just coincidence or not.
I have reaccuring dreams that relate to health issues in my life though, I always thought that was kind of interesting.
14 years ago
Mon Jun 14 2010, 01:28pm
Yer. im no expert but i have always found it fascinating (what people dream that is) because most people say you dream things because your mind is sorting out what happened through the day but iv been really interested ever since reading obernewtyn (even though its fictional) about why some people really do dream true. iv found it's usually things that are boring or insignificant compared to everyday life but thats why i started this thread to see if anyone has dreamed something larger than bird robbers or what will happen when your cat goes missing. im probably considered a freak or mentally unstable ::)[act]laughs[/act] but i do wonder and i love theorising about different things. :-"
I have had a couple. This is a really weird accurance but when I was younger I was playing in a playground and I found an old horse shoe (I lived in the country so this wasnt as weird as it seems) I then went home and that night I had a dream that my little brother had gotten bitten by a brown snake (also common in that area). The next morning I woke up to find that the horse in the feild up the road was sick and later we found out that it had gotten bite from a brown snake. I was really freak and so was my mum coz I had told her of the dream and the horse shoe.
i've never had a true dream.
it would be scary if i did.
most of my dreams involve my friends dying, being shot, or me being stabbed.
some involve really gorgeous guys who save my life when i've been stabbed. *swoons*

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
I dream frequently. I know I've had a few that have ended up occuring in the waking world, but like the others, it is usually mundane, everyday things, so it could just be coincidence.
I've had dreams about events that happened in my life, but in my dream a certain thing happened differently, and so it was a parallel world of sorts...
On the whole though, I'd be very happy if none of the dreams I am happening at the moment were truedreams, as I'm having a bad run of nightmares (have not slept through a whole night in a very long time now)
To Soulweaver |:| that is really creepy 8-|, was the horse ok?
And to Taril, many of my dreams are random and don't make much sense when im awake but when im asleep they seem to be so easy to understand :-/. sometimes i dream the same sorts of things like hot guys saving me or some really cute guy doing something, but they almost never end up like having any faces or bodies, you know like you know they are their but its like you cant remember seeing them, like there shadows :-?. weird ay?!
And black bird, my mum always used to say think of something good just before you go to sleep :). Sometimes it would work and other times it wouldn't. Iv found that if I think of what the nightmare is before falling to sleep I don't dream it :-". But that only works if it's recurring. :(

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Thanks Nefertiti. The content of the dreams isn't recurring, and the level of "badness" varies from the horrific to the mildly upsetting.
I'm sure that it's stress causing the bad dreams, as well as other health issues....
You are probably right on the stress department blackbird. :) I hope your dreams are more peaceful soon!!
I can't remember any dreams in particular that have come true, but I have had several cases where I will be having a dream and then go "hang on, this seems familar, I've had this dream before."
My sister had a whole series of these dreams once. Apparently, it got to the point where she would go "OK, it's this dream agian, and this is about to happen so I should do this instead." She still ended up in the same place at the end of her dream though.
14 years ago
Sun Jun 27 2010, 01:05pm
I've had a few truedreams.. its sorta weird, because at the time they didn't make any sense and then when what I was dreaming about happened I was like "Oh... so that's how it connects!"
One time I swear I dreamt about a LCM advert... you know the LCM milkshakes? I dreamt about them about a month before they started advertising them... so that was weird.
One thing I have noticed though, is that all the dreams that ended up coming true were in colour, and I could remember them no matter what.
Hey bibliophile, if your sister could control what happened in the dream it could mean that she was dreaming lucidly, which is just where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. It's quite rare for someone to dream like that.
I so wish i could be aware of dreaming. and that LCM shake thing is so weird + you could have made money outa that [act]laughs[/act] oh and i love your sig :-"
sometimes i realize i am dreaming and i can usually control it. But the worst dreams are when you are in a nightmare and you KNOW you are dreaming and you try realllly hard to wake up but you can't.
sumtimes like when im daydreaming in class |:| i get these feeling that things will happen like sumthing my friend will say but (not really same thing i know) once though i had a dream i was walking up a hill in my swimmers with my friends (i was looking down while i was walking but i still knew that stuff) and i didnt think of it at all, then like 2 months later my friend had a bday party at this waterpark and i had serouis deja vu and i suddenly remembered it and everything and it was exactly the same. i serouisly freaked out. ~:|
I've had a few "truedreams" ! About 4 years ago I had a dream where Patrick Swazye died of Cancer and when he did last year I was like whoa...
I would never have a true dream because I dream of all sorts of crazy things that I know would never happen.
I sometimes feel as though my life is full of truedreamy type stuff, even though i have only had a few. I once dreamt that my cat (who is evil in my opinion, but i love him) was eating the roast my mum had roasted that was meant for a party the next day. when i got up, half the roast was actually gone... kinda creepy cause my room is nowhere near the kitchen... i also once had this really strong premotion that my boyfriend was gonna break up with me and nothing had happened to put us on the rocks, i just had a feeling. two days later he dumped me for one of my best friends... awkward, but i had been right...
Jeez that would be totally awkward XXP