Hi guys!!!
Here are some cast ideas of mine, with input from my +1 (he's partway through Ashling), some of which I ignored...
I've gone primarily for look, so there's a lot of Americans. But since this cast will never happen anyway, never mind!
ElspethWhat about Kat Dennings?
~Link~She's American, and 25. I've never seen her act, but the LOOK is perfect. She has Elspeth's face for me. She's interesting looking, but not exactly pretty in a traditional way. Elspeth was never the prettiest girl at Obernewtyn to me.
You can't tell from this photo, but she is bizarrely proportioned though. She's apparently one of the closest real life women to Barbie's shape... so that's a bit wrong.
RushtonWhen +1 showed me this picture, I laughed and laughed. This is Rushton to me! And he is actually a very good actor, so that wouldn't be a problem.
Ladies and gents, I give you:
~Link~JARED LETO!!! This is first book Rushton, standing out on the farms looking all manly and giving Elf strange feelings inside.
MattyHas anyone heard of Jim Sturgess? He's in Across the Universe. I think he looks like Matthew. He's 33, which is a little old, but look at this cutey face!
~Link~He's saying "Pick Me!!! i'D BE THE BESTEST MATTY!!!"
KellaI have a massive thing for Kella, who is a blonde girl with a cutey round face. You know who else is blonde with a cutey round face who I totally adore? Amanda Bynes.
~Link~Probably not right for the part at all, but she looks right. She's got something in her eyes in this photo which particularly reminds me of Kella.
SwallowThe day I saw The Mummy, my mind was made up. I will not be moved. Oded Fehr is the only Swallow.
~Link~DragonElle Fanning is Dakota's little sister. She is the cutest cutey muffin who was ever as cute as a cutey! And she is a brilliant actress, better than her sister in my opinion. Here she is aged 9, with reddish hair:
~Link~And here is Cutey McCuteyson this year, aged 13 (but Marc Jacobs have made her look a little older)
~Link~Put red hair on that and BAM! One dragon!!!
And that's my cast so far...
EDIT: Oh wait!!! You CAN put red hair on her, with help from the someone who likes photoshopping. Thanks Plus 1!!!
~Link~We couldn't remember if her eyes were blue or green, so one of each! Does anyone remember?