12 years ago
Sat Sep 01 2012, 12:03am
Moonfairy #1: My Precious… My Precious…
Moonfairy #2: It’s time to hand over the cup to the Obernetters.
Moonfairy #1: But… It’s mine.
Moonfairy #3: Actually, it’s ours.
Moonfairy #1: Precious…
Moonfairy #2: [act]Snatches the cup from Moonfairy #1[/act]
Moonfairy #1: Nooooo…
Moonfairy #3: You distract her and I’ll go and hide the cup.
Moonfairy #2: Hey!
[act]The Moonfairies disappear in a big cloud of dust, each trying to get their hands on the Moonfair cup[/act]
[act]The cup flies out of Moonfairy #2’s hands and into…[/act]
12 years ago
Sat Sep 01 2012, 12:32am
*DragonMornir runs in, swipes the cup and keeps running* YOINK!!! I never get a chance to get this.... so......
FIRST!!!!! *runs away into the Dreamweavers Tower*
Sionainn: [act]slips into the thread wearing a very inconspicious bush[/act] |:| [act]falls out of the bush some seconds later as the moofair Cup lands on her head[/act] XXP

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Sat Sep 01 2012, 12:34am

Mystic Guilden
Ari: Lemme help you with that [act]grabs cup from Shonk and runs[/act]
Sionainn: [act]struggles to her feet, giant egg forming on her head[/act] [act]stares about and relises she seems to be seeing multiple Moonfair cups[/act] Oh my, that can't be good [act]struggles back into her ninja bush[/act]
*flies in in spirit form and scoops the cup out of Ari's hands*
Haha!! :D
*looses control of her briefly corporeal form and drops the cup on Shonk's bush* :(

Ashlings' guildleader
12 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
[act]Picks up the bush mistaking it as a shrubbery[/act]
[act]clip clop clip clop clip clop[/act]
[act]Runs in and trades a tomato plant for Agyllian's 'shrubbery'[/act]
[act]runs out hides in a tree with the cup[/act]

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Sat Sep 01 2012, 12:58pm

Mystic Guilden
Ari: Fly my pretties, FLY!!
glowworms: [act]look pointedly at Ari[/act]
Ari: Fine, I'll do it myself.[act] begins clombing tree.[/act]
]half an hour later
Ari: [act]takes cup and uses a well appointed zip wire to escape to a neighbouring hill[/act]
[act]Ari sneezes and accidentally lets go of the cup.[/act]
Ari: Noooo! My precious!
[act]Cup does slow-mo fall, until it lands on Kay's head[/act]
Kay: Hey! Who turned out the lights?
[act]Kay starts to stumble around in her perceived darkness[/act]
[act]nicks the cup and runs for the helicopter[/act]
Loren: [act]is flying the helicopter[/act]
Axe: [act]straps Moonfair cup in copilot seat[/act] [act]sits on secret ejector seat[/act]
Loren: [act]presses eject button[/act] |:|
Axe: o_O :O XXP
Loren: ;D
Hannai: [act]Puts Loren on the terror Watch list and poses as a customs officer at the airport where Loren lands the helicopter.[/act]
Police: [act]drag Loren away for questioning[/act]
Loren: O_O What?? I'm innocent!!!
Hannai:[act] Steals cup from co-pilot's seat while pretending to search plane[/act]
[act]Runs off into the fire-swamp[/act]
No-one will ever be stupid enough to follow me in here!
Sionainn: [act]dresses as a ROUS[/act] Hehe, this disguise is much better than my shrubbery. [act]jumps out from behind tree as Hannai comes running past[/act]
Hannai: O_O [act]drops cup[/act]
Sionainn: [act]grabs it and scampers off right into the middle of a group of real ROUSs[/act] |:| Oh, um hi there fellow rodents of unnatural size!
ROUSs: o_O
Sionainn: Right buddies well, if I can just get past . . .
ROUSs: [act]bare teeth[/act]
Sionainn: ~:| [act]tucks Cup behind back as she tries to scoot around ROUSs[/act]
Meza: [act]grabs Cup from Shonks' hands[/act] Noink! :D [act]puts Cup on her head and runs for it[/act]

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
12 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: [act]assembles squirrels tree branch[/act]
Meza: [act]is about to run under said tree branch with Cup on head[/act]
Arwen: Now!
Squirrels: [act]perform a trapeze act in which they secure the Cup and swing it up to Arwen[/act]
Lone squirrel: [act]bravely acts as the Cup on Meza's head[/act]
Squirrels: [act]salute in farewell[/act]
Arwen: Yes! [act]cradles cup[/act]
Axe: [act]uses a ninja substitution move to replace the cup with herself[/act]
Arwen: O_O
Axe: Heh heh...hi... [act]jumps off and runs[/act] Wait a sec...where's the cup?!
Meza: Mwahahahahahaha! [act]is scampering down the tree trunk with the Cup, giggling madly[/act] See ya later Squirrel-ator! :D
Arwen and Axe: [act]scramble and fall out of the tree[/act] XP
Meza: [act]runs over to a familiar looking blue box and clicks fingers[/act] 8)
TARDIS: [act]opens doors[/act]
Meza: [act]enters and starts pressing buttons on the console[/act] The Eye of Orion, or where-ever we need to go!
TARDIS: [act]dematerialises[/act] Vwoooorp, vwooooorp.
12 years ago
Sun Sep 02 2012, 01:21pm
TARDIS: [act]splutters and dematerialisation fails[/act]
Meza: What? Hey, what's going on?
Fate: [act]reels in fishing line with TARDIS on hook[/act] Hey, what do you know, I found [strike]nemo[/strike] the cup!
Meza: Oh, no, you don't! [act]hugs cup to chest[/act]
Fate: Looking for something?
Meza: I have the cup right... Here! [act]brandishes Goblet of Fire[/act] Huh?
Fate: Hehehe... [act]uses rocket-powered moon boots to fly away with real cup[/act]
12 years ago
Sun Sep 02 2012, 01:40pm
Ama: [act]Takes aim with sonic screwdriver[/act]
Fate's Boots: [act]Stop working[/act]
Fate: O_O [act]starts falling; drops cup[/act]
Ama: [act]Uses sonic screwdriver to re-activate Fate's rocket boots, catches cup as it falls, hides it under her fez and hurries into the trees[/act] :D [act]kisses sonic screwdriver (11th edition) and straightens her bowtie[/act] 8)
12 years ago
Sun Sep 02 2012, 01:50pm
River Song: [act]appears out of nowhere[/act] What in the name of sanity have you got on your head? [act]chucks Ama's fez into the air and shoots into itty-bitty pieces[/act]
Ama: My fez! O_O [act]falls to her knees in sorrow, her bow-tie crooked[/act]
Meza: [act]plucks Cup from Ama's head and takes off[/act] Thanks River! ;)
[act]WK fals down from his tree right onto the 'taking off' Meza and notices the cup lying on the ground. He picks it up and scrambles away into a nearby tunnel[/act]
Vestie: [act]crouches at the end of the tunnel[/act]
Vestie's rabid squirrel: [act]launches at WK's head and starts eating him[/act]
Vestie: [act]Snatches cup[/act] Don't make yourself sick! [act]runs towards her flying train[/act]
Flying Train: Toot Toot!
Vestie: [act]swings aboard[/act] Have fun with my rabid squirrel Wraithking! Mwahahaha.
Train Conductor: |:|
Vestie: Hello, precious! You're mine now, yes you are. You're all Vestie's now. ^^; [act]shines Cup affectionately[/act]
Flying Train: [act]changes direction[/act]
Vestie: Wait, what? This isn't the right way to my lair!
Flying Train: [act]tips dangerously[/act]
Vestie: [act]begins to slide across the floor[/act] Ahh! [act]tries to find a handhold[/act]
Moonfair Cup: [act]glints[/act] 8)
Vestie: [act]is hanging over the edge with one hand, Cup in the other[/act] Help! Somebody help meeeee! ~:|
Train Conductor: Here! Give me your hand! Pass the Cup to me and I'll help you up.
Vestie: Thanks, thank you so much! [act]hands Cup over[/act]
Train Conductor: [act]is Meza[/act]
Meza: It's you I should be thanking darl! This'll look nice in the fridge at home! ;)
Vestie: [act]lets go in shock and falls - onto a trampoline[/act]
Meza: Bye-bye, Vestie dear! [act]skates away over the clouds[/act]
Meri: [act]zooms past in her flying car, gently takes the cup from Meza's hands[/act] I'll just look after this.
Meza: Wha..?
Car: [act]runs out of flying car fuel[/act]
Meri: Lud dang flying cars, guzzling up all the fuel! [act]lands car in a nearby field and starts to sprint away[/act]