Meriymun's Entry:
Part One:
Part Two:
Secret Word: 'WHITEFACE'
Title: A Song for the Moon
Maruman hates the moon; 'whiteface' he calls it. I've never understood why. The moon is my inspiration, the only power in this world that really calls to me. It flows through my body while I splay, the light of the world glowing from within me.
I once wrote a song about the moon and would always play it to myself, selfishly hiding it from those around me. And I didn't want Maruman to find out, he would not understand my love. Miky does though, she understands, but still I cannot share my song with her. I am selfish in this regard but I just cannot help it.
She's here now, looking over me with her worried face. She's so concerned, doesn't know what to do and I wish I could tell her I'll be okay, but I don't know if I will.
The moon has risen in the sky and the light from it shines through my window. I ask Miky if she would grab me some water and of course she immediately races out. I turn to the moon, letting it bathe me in it's pale glow. It's been too long since I've played a song, so I grab my gita and let the music float through the sky. I sing too, in my mind, because this song needs words.
"The pale face in the sky
Glows down upon me.
Oh, whiteface in the sky,
Let your power shine through me.
For no matter how old
your beauty forever calls me
Your the face of my soul
Let your power shine through me.
Oh, let your power shine through me.
Shine through me."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I peek through the door and watch him play and he almost seems himself again. I want to go, I want be there with him but I'm scared I'll only frighten him away. I love him, he is my other half I only wish I could help him. All I can do is stand and watch and believe that some day he shall come back to me.
~Meri of the Ashlings
Bibliophile (Mystics)
2. ?
4. Atmosphere
7. ?
13. Astronomy
15. ?
17. Talliard
18. Seraphim
19. New moon
21. Newrome
22. Moonfairy
23. Maruman
24. Space
25. Tides
1. Constellation
3. Observatory
5. Sun
6. ?
8. Reflection
9. Malachite
10. Moonstone
11. Rocket
12. Moonfair
14. Telescope
18. Stars
20. Moonwatcher
EI-Watcher ?
Refers to Maruman and Gahltha, they watch ElspethInnel (EI) :P
Maruman padded along silently, using the line of trees beside the river to screen himself from the baleful glare of the moon. ElspethInnle, the equines and the other funaga had been taken the day before by the strange ones to their burad. He had not followed, there was no need, he had been there many times before.
Atthis had foreseen that Innle and the others would be taken, so Maruman was not overly concerned. He was actually more worried about his belly as he could find no small creatures to stalk and eat. A flash forethought came to him and he knew then, that when he found a meal, it would be his last so he was in no longer in any particular hurry. He lolled on the bank of the river under the shade of the trees.
The next night Maruman paced up and down the river bank. Coming to a break in the trees, he sat and glared up at the moon. ‘Stupid funaga and their weaponmachines.†He thought. “Always the me, me, me in their minds, never thinking/feeling for all life.†He had seen the rockets taking their loads of weapons to the moon as a young cat and knew that they waited there patiently to be sent back to destroy the earth. The only one who could save the beasts was now laying in stasis in the place the funaga called The Eden Project.
Finally, when the moon set, Maruman headed across the white sand to the strange one’s burad. These were more like machines than funaga. They moved and talked and took nourishment of a strange kind, but they were not alive as the beasts and funaga were alive.
Reaching the compound that housed The Eden Project, the old cat meowed at the door. After waiting for some minutes he was admitted. He followed the strange one down glittering corridors to a large room containing many stasis machines. He found the one he was looking for and jumped onto it to stare at the face of his beloved Innle. “It will be soon.†He said and settled on top of the machine to sleep.
Entering the dreamtrails in his tiger shape, Maruman went seliga. Finding Cassandra was easy. Her joy at seeing him was hard for the cat to take and he growled at her. “I’m sorry Merimun.†She whispered. “I know you dislike funaga feelings, but it’s been so long.â€
“It is time.†Maruman wound himself around Cassandra’s legs like a kitten then disappeared.
Finding Innle was as easy as finding Cassandra. These two were the only funaga he had ever felt love for. He walked alongside her for a few moments in silence then sat on the road in front of her. “Time is here for Innle to free the beasts.†He told her.
“But I’m trapped.†Elspeth cried.
“Not trapped.†Maruman replied. “Waiting.â€
“Waiting for what?â€
“You know who you wait for.â€
Elspeth shuddered. “We will do it together.†She said as she bent to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Must/will do alone.â€
She stepped back with a little cry.
“Maruman/my time is done.â€
“Remember the seed from the crystal room.†Then he faded from her sight.
Waking up in the stasis room, Maruman felt a sense of peace. His purpose had been fulfilled. He wandered off to find his meal then settled down for the longsleep.