I wasn't sure exactly what creating a 'dreamscape' actually involved, as all references to it are rather vague (probably on purpose), so the below image is just my interpretation. The people are recurring symbols that are inherent in Obernewtyn residents dreams, as are the other objects included. I was going to add other effects to it but I ran out of time. And with pictures that are grouped together, they were the most recurring images in relation to the others they are grouped with (e.g. people who saw a black sword also saw Elspeth in correlation to this, even if they didn't understand what they saw).
On the left hand side we have cryogenics pods, the wolves the help Elspeth and her friends in the Sending, Cassandra and Hannah.
Elspeth and the black sword in the middle.
And on the right hand side there are the companions of Elspeth in the Sending to the top, Dragon down the bottom and Matthew off to the bottom left of the group, showing that he's still a recurring feature in Obernewtynites dreams.
Behind the group is the image people have been seeing in their dreams about beforetime cities and dark roads (tainted, as well as beforetime).
ElspethInnle of the Mystics