The design I went with was an idea I have had for quite some time. I always thought the herder insignia would have to easily replicable so I kept the design relatively clear and simple. I also thought that the herders, with all their knowledge of the beforetime, might use symbols from that time. So I used; a star for Lud, the (greek?) symbol for infinity, and a lightning bolt to symbolise power and divine intervention. The colours (red, gold and white) are ones I have always associated with the herders.
The writing around the outside reads:
"At Lud hymddifiedwn 'n eneidiau a chyyfiwyna 'n brydiau a brydiau achos 'r da chan pawb ddynolryw"
which means: "To Lud we entrust our hearts and souls and dedicate our lives for the good of all mankind"
i'm almost sure it says this but I stupidly forgot to save the original text and so the translation might be a little off. Its in welsh , I chose a language that would look different and that I hoped noone would understand (please note: this is a machine translation and so not truly accurate welsh). I chose welsh because in the books some of the names of places and people appear to ressemble welsh ones (e.g Daffyd, Brydda, Gwynedd, Berryn Mor, Tor)