17 years ago
Sat Jan 26 2008, 11:14am
[act]the rig convoy travels along a winding path, approaching its next destination, which can faintly be seen in the distance...[/act]
[act]the wind starts to pick up, blowing with an almost unnatural force[/act]
Swallow: [act]leading the horses at the front of the rig, frowning[/act] What is going on?
Elspeth-as-Elaria: [act]coming outside, holding back hair[/act] No idea.
[act]Swallow slows the lead rig to a halt, and the convoy backs up behind it[/act]
Ari: [act]leaning out[/act] Why are we stopping?
Dameon: [act]stepping down with the assistance of a gypsy, quietly[/act] The storm...
Min: We've seen worse than this before, we should keep moving!
[act]a flurry of leaves gust by, taking her words with them[/act]
Min: ...okay, we should stop and let it pass...
[act]Joining the howling gale is suddenly the sound of time and space being torn apart. Those who hadn't emerged from the gypsy rigs when they stopped, now do, and they all look on in shock as something in the distance slowly appears...[/act]
[act]its a blue, box-shaped object. When the noise stops, so does the gale-force wind, and at the same moment, a man pokes his head out of the box, that's now come to rest in front of Swallow and Elspeth[/act]
Mysterious-man: Hello! Sorry, I know this'll be a bit of a shock for some of you, but I had orders to deliver--
Lioness: [act]jumping forward[/act] Yes! Right, that was us.
Emerald: [act]joining Lioness[/act] You're early!
Mysterious-man: Oi! Circumnavigating through time and space to find them all, and you're upset that I'm 15 minutes early? That's gratitude for you.
MK: [act]joining Lioness & Emerald[/act] What's going on, and who are you?
Mysterious man: [act]holding out hand[/act] Hello! I'm the Doc--
Emerald: [act]cutting him off[/act] We've got some special guests arriving, that were supposed to arrive once we had at the Library.
This part of the party will play like a regular RPG thread, only as the Library is the place that we talk about all sorts of movies, tv shows and books, there will be a number of special guests joining the party - delivered by the TARDIS ;)
When you join in this thread, its your job to introduce your 1 special guest, from any movie, tv show or book you please - apart from the Obernewtyn Chronicles!
Have fun!
Should you successfully integrate your special guest into the party, you'll receive some precious GOLD!
17 years ago
Sat Jan 26 2008, 01:30pm
Ky: [act]trots in on Elli, dismounts and stares open-mouthed at the Doctor[/act]
Doctor: Well, hullo there! What can I do for you?
Ky: ... [act]stares[/act]
Doctor: Erm ... [act]fidgets[/act]
Ky: [act]aside to Elli[/act] I suppose he's already taken then?
Elli: [act]snorts[/act]
Ky: [act]sigh[/act] That's what I thought. Well, who should I pick then? Kerd ... Solen?
Elli: I believe they're both very much besotted with other people.
Ky: That never did stop anyone with Rushton, though. [act]thinks[/act] Right, I've got it. [act]steps up to the Doctor and whispers in his ear[/act]
Doctor: Ah, brilliant! Lives in Great Britain, too. Might pop in and say hi to-- Well, there are rather too many people to say hi to there, I believe. I'll just go fetch your boy then, shall I?
[act]TARDIS makes odd whurring sounds, disappears, and then reappears again. The Doctor steps out with a dark-haired boy.[/act]
Ky: [act]squeals and runs over to hug him[/act] Lud, it's you, it's really really you!
Will Parry: [act]whispers to cat-companion[/act] I guess we're not in Oxford anymore, Kirjava.
Wanderer guild fangirls: [act]moan[/act] Oh ... so not fair.
Hannai: OOOH! Doc! pick me next! Pick Me!
Doctor: *slighly bemused* Very well who would you like me to fetch for you?
Hannai *grins and whispers in the Doctors ear*
Doctor: Are you sure???!!! Well ok, but i take no responsibility.
*Tardis does its whole dissapear/reappear thing and The first person... uhh creature... to step out is Pippin Took*
Pippin: *excited as a hobbit can be* So i hear theres a partyt going on? Wheres the food and ale?
Hannai: Welcome Pippin! hope you brought your singing voice! Refreshments are right this way...
*Hannai and Pippin both wander off to the bar/caravan*

Ashling Guildmistress
17 years ago
Sat Jan 26 2008, 03:49pm

Ashling Guildmistress
MK: *strokes chin thoughtfully* So... you're saying you can bring anyone here in that... blue phone box... thingy of yours.
Doctor: It's called the Tardis - and yes yes I can.
*MK and Ari exchanged excited glances.*
Ari: Really?
MK: Well if that's the case...
Together in unison: Bring to us Dean Winchester!
*MK and Ari turn slighly fangirly as the doctor goes and fetches him their beloved hunter.*
Dean Winchester: Woah - that was weird. Perhaps I shouldn't have had that last drink.
MK and Ari: DEAN!!
Dean: Ah... do I know you?
MK and Ari: *now on each of his arms* Oh silly, of course you do - don't you remember the Dreamweaver's Olympics?
Dean: *slightly uneasy expression* Ah... it's you two. Great to see you again - what have you been up to?
Ari: Well - we've been celebrating the upcoming release of the new Isobelle Carmody book travelling around as Gypsies -
[act]As Ari continues to infrom in Dean, MK is distracted by noticing a girl hanging back behind the caravans. Unsettled with the notion that she has seen the girl before - MK decides to approach her.[/act]
MK: Hello. Are you here with the Gypsy rig?
Gypsy girl: *nods shyly*
MK: *grins* Well, don't be afraid - come join the party! Right now, we have the amazing blue phone box machine - er I mean Tardis - that can get any character you wish to come!
Gypsy girl: *looks confused*
MK: *still thinks she's seen her somewhere before* Ah wait! I know you! You're the girl who was with that Rushton looking fellow at a rig a few days back.
Gypsy girl: *flinches*
MK: Don't worry! Sorry, bets have closed now - but there is still a chance to earn some gold. Come on - it's a party - let's go.
Gypsy girl: Well, *she replies meekly* I do have some cheesecake.
MK: *being an Ashling, Cheesecake is like music to her ears* Ah! Now why didn't you say so! By the way - where is your friend?
Gypsy girl: Who? *rummages in her bag for cheesecake*
MK: The one at the casino before?
Gypsy girl: *reddens slightly* Oh... I suspect he's a bit here and there.
MK:... okay, well come on - join the fun :D *runs to catch up with Dean and Ari, dragging the Gypsy girl behind her*
Bec: *stares at Dean* Hello salty goodness! Is that Dean Winchester? Yum...I mean, thank Lud for the holidays, I might never have started watching Supernatural if not for them and might never have encountered the hotness that is Dean...
Dom: *slightly exasperated* I thought you liked that Spike person, whoever he was.
Bec: Oh, him to. Actually, I have a list. They're both on it.
Dom: I see. Well, I'm going to go over to the bar.
Bec: *still looking at Dean* Mmm...go ahead. I'll pop past later and we can assess the Rushton situation.
*In the distance, Rushton twitches suddenly as if sensing the malignant energy. Dom heads for the bar and Bec tears her eyes away from Dean's...back*
Bec: Who to choose...who to choose...so many options...this is horrible. Absolutely horrible. I have no idea who I want to drag through space and time. Possibly not a vampire...I don't want to upset Dean. Or worse, have him stake it. *long suffering sigh* Um...oh Lud, I don't know! How about...no, definitely a bad idea. Possibly...but no. That could end very badly. Um...
*Bec continues to look horribly torn*
Bec: *suddenly grinning* I know! *runs over to the Doctor and whispers in his ear*
The Doctor: No problem, you know I remember a while ago, must have been a few decades at least, I met someone similar on this charming little planet, a funny story that...
Bec: *coughs*
The Doctor: Ah. Yes. Back in a tic.
*The TARDIS disappears and reappaers then. Bec looks as though she might pass out from anticipation*
James 'Sawyer' Ford: *surveying his surroundings* Well, hell, this sure beats the Island. *glances at Bec* Who're you, sweetheart?
Bec: *grinning* I'm Bec. Want a drink?
Sawyer: Lead the way.
Bec: *grabs Sawyer's arm and lead him in the direction of the bar*

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: [act]Rushes over and pushes everyone else out of the way.[/act] Doctor! [act]Fangirl moment *** Whispers in the Doctors ear.[/act]
Doctor: NO! I absolutely refuse to bring Captain Jack here!
Deb: Oh! [act]Stamps foot.[/act] OK then how about...... [act]Move whispering.[/act]
Doctor: That one I'll do. [act]The Tardis hums, diappears and comes back.[/act] Here you go.
[act]Out steps........[/act]
Indiana Jones: What the????
Deb: WOOT! [act]Grabs Indi and drags him toward teh bar.[/act] Hey MK, look who I got.
*Bec and Sawyer join everybody at the bar. Sawyer immediately waves over a beer and gulps it down*
Dom: You're drinking that as if you haven't had one in months!
Sawyer: *lounging on a bar stool* That's 'cause I haven't. Since Charlie and Hurley nicked the whisky in my stash, I've been all alcohol free. 'Cept for those couple of beers we found in the back of the van, but hell, they weren't much better than water.
Dom: Uh huh. Of course. *nods*
Bec: *sitting next to him* If it's any consolation, I felt your pain when you came back all wounded and bleeding and found everyone had rifled through your possessions.
Sawyer: Sweetheart, nobody could have felt my pain. But I appreciate the thought *winks at her*
Bec: *falls off barstool*
Ari: Bec! Are you alright? *helps Bec to her feet*
Bec: Peachy with a side of keen. *clambers up and comes face to face with Dean. Loses power of speech once again*
Dean: Hey.
Bec: Guh.
MK: *pats her soothingly on the shoulder*
Sawyer: Hey, sweetheart, did you want a drink?
Bec: Thanks...yeah...whatever's good...*looks slightly dazed*
Dameon: *shifts away from Sawyer* Ah, all that anger and hate, it burns...
Sawyer: *gives him an odd look*
Bec: So, does everyone know Sawyer? Sawyer, this is Ari, MK, Dean, Dom, Hannai, Pippin and Ky.
Sawyer: Yeah. Now, another beer? *waves one over*
Bec: I guess I could have chosen a slightly more garrulous date...oh, and Dom, have you seen Mr. I'm-Going-To-Puch-Unsuspecting-Girls-Into-Pools-And-Generally-Be-An-Imbecile recently?
Dom: You know, he's just going by Rushton now.

Ashling Guildmistress
17 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
MK: *hears Deb call out and begins grinning wildly* Hehe this is like a fangirl's dream come true isn't it!
Ari and Bec: *sighing at respective counterparts* It sure is.
Rushton: *is hiding away from Bec* It's not fair - she's always picking on me and then when I try and get some well deserved payback - everyone goes and hates me again. *continues to sulk*
Gypsy Girl: :O There you are! where did you get off to I though *falters* Oh... I'm sorry. I though you you were someone else.
Rushton: *raises an eyebrow* I'm sorry - but do I know you?
Gypsy Girl: Err no. But here - have some cheesecake!
Rushton: *eyes it suspiciously* This didn't happen to come from a girl that goes by the name of "Bec" by any chance?
Gypsy Girl: Who?
Rushton: ... Well okay - I'm starving!
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 09:36am
*Pippin, now quite tipsy, begins a jig atop the bar*
Pippin: Ho! Ho! Ho! *slur* da dum bottle I go
*inaudible mumble* heart and drown ?? woe.
Rain may fall and uhhh wind may...
*Falls off bar into Saywers lap*
*Saywer, himself now quite tipsy, mistakes this as an invitation to join Pippin in his Jig and swings him off for a dance around the camp*
*Pippins little furry feet kick wildly as he cant actually touch the ground*
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 09:44am
Min: [act]steps up to the Doctor[/act] Could I get you to bring--
Doctor: [act]steps back[/act] Wait a second, aren't I your guest?
Min: How do you figure that?
Doctor: Well, it was you who introduced me! Who's next?
Min: [act]sighing, mockingly[/act] Of course, invite a guy to a party, and he's too busy to spend any time actually partying...I guess I'll have to drink all these banana daiquiris by myself...
Doctor: Banana daiquiris, hello!
Min: [act]handing him one[/act] Gee, that was difficult.
Deb: [act]giggling[/act] That was cheap.
Doctor: [act]sipping daiquiri, eyebrow raised[/act] I say, who's that mysterious gypsy-girl standing over there with Rushton? Is she one of yours?
Min: [act]spotting her, shrugs wonderingly[/act] I thought she was one of yours?
Doctor: Oh well! The more the merrier!
Indiana Jones: What I wanna know, is who that dark-haired fellow is over there makin' all the girls swoon. Shifty lookin' fella if you ask me.
Deb: What, jealous that someone's more popular than you? ;)
Indiana Jones: [act]raises eyebrows innocently[/act] Who...me?
*wanderers in, dragging a stunned looking Alanna the Lioness after her*
Alanna: I don't see any duels needed to be done here... argh, its a party - i hate parties :|
random voice in the crowd: Give us a sword dance, Alanna!
Lioness: ahh, i dont think -
Alanna: *grinning rather wolfishly* Right, who wants to have a go with me?
Indiana Jones: I couldn't fight a woman. *puffs chest* It is a man's thing after all.
Alanna: Oh? Maybe I should teach you a lesson..
Lioness: *Grabs Alanna's arm* Maybe later, my dear. Let's go find some marzipan cakes..
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 11:56am
Sawyer: *returns from dancing with Pippin and sits back down next to Bec, who is giving him a very odd look* What?
Bec: You just danced...with a hobbit. This is odd.
Sawyer: Hell, sweetheart, what can I say? Being off the Island's made me want to share the joy of life with the world.
Bec: *raising eyebrows* I see. And it has nothing to do with the beer?
Sawyer: *innocent look* Of course not.
Dom: *handing him a tankard* Here, try this, it's Grufyyd's Fement.
Sawyer: *taking a gulp* This ain't half bad!
Bec: *sighing* I bring a date and he's more interested in the beer than me. Ah well. I suppose he deserves it. He's had a traumatic few months.
Dameon: *wincing* Yes, his emotions stand testament to that...
Sawyer: *finishing tankard*So, sweetheart, I'm taking it you've been watching what's going on on the island? I don't s'pose you could lend me some insight as to what the monster really is?
Bec: Um...well...as far as I know it's a large cloud of demonic black smoke.
Sawyer: Uh huh. And I'm secretly in love with Jack.
Bec: Ok, at this point you are abusing sarcasm. And I was being serious! It's black smoke!
Sawyer: You expect me to believe we're being terrorised by black smoke?
Bec: It's not just any black smoke! It's demon, killer black smoke from outer space...I did not just say that.
Sawyer: *reaches for another tankard of fement*
Dean: *glancing across* Demonic black smoke? Sounds like my kind of thing.
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 01:19pm
*Pippin stands in front of Bec, habds on hips*
Pippin:*outraged actually kinda squeaky voice* Who are you calling odd?
*hiccough* Its jsut cos im short isnt it? all you humans *burp* yez all the same.
'cept Strider. Real decent he is Strider...
*continues to mumble to himself as Hannai leads him away for a nice cup of coffee and a rest*
Hannai: Sorry about him Bec. I had no idea he couldnt hold his ale... not that hes the only one *looks sideways at Sawyer*

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Indie: [act]Muttering about sword fights and women.[/act]
Deb: I'll try that ferment too thanks. [act]sips, coughs, sputters.[/act]
Sawyer: [act]reaches over and takes tankard from Deb.[/act] Thanks.
Min: Another daiquiri Doctor.
MK: [act]giggles.[/act] Try saying that six times really fast.
Doctor: Another daiquiri Doctor. Another daiquiri Doctor. Another daiquiri Doctor. Another daiquiri Doctor. Another Doctor daiquiri . Doctor daiquiri another.
Bec: I think he's had one too many.
Deb: Does the Doctor get Drunk?
Doctor: Does the Doctor get Drunk? Maybe you should be asking does the drunk get a doctor. ;)
Deb: [act]Giggles.[/act] I give in. Come on Indie, lets dance. [act]dance.[/act]
Doctor: Ahhhhh...... Does the drunk Doctor dance? [act]Swings Min out onto the floor to dance.[/act]
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 02:44pm
Gehdrabrilane a.k.a. GB: *panting violently* Sorry about the lateness to this kick-[censored] party... I was really busy just talking Alad... *coughs* Anywho. *blinks, stops* Wait is that Sawyer and Dean Winchester having a drinking contest?
*Louds cheers from everybody as both Sawyer and Dean chugs down another shot*
Sawyer (obviously tipsy): You know what sucks about the Island? Too much dying... not enough drinking.
Dean (amused): Dude, can't you even hold your alcoh... *falls over flat on his face*
GB: Ahhh... people getting drunk and falling over all over the place. It's like being at uni already.
*GH goes wandering throughout the party as people continue to drink more and more*
Alanna (yelling): Take that you demon machine! Fall beneath the wrath of my almight sword and Gift!
*A flash of purple light and there's an explosion with some screams*
Random bystander: Uhhh... that was the karaoke machine
Random bystander #2: Why do gypsies have a karaoke machine?
*crickets chirp*
Random voice: Not right! Not right! The logic and numbers don't match. The logic commands the numbers to go one by one but they won't.
*GB turns around and is confronted with... RIVER TAM (from Firefly)
GB (unsure): Hello?
River (staring): You want to know don't you? What happened...
GB (alarmed): What... how?
River: Talking to the little creature... markets and bricks. Had to talk, talk to them to find out wha...
*SIMON TAM appears
Simon (flustered): Sorry about this, my sister's not...
River (screams): Talk to them but they don't know a thing. Grovelling in dirt, eating in slop, don't understand! Don't understand! Need to talk to him, the Horned One! Talk to him!
*Simon leads River away as GB stares after them
GB: Right... *recovers* Cheesecake anyone?
17 years ago
Sun Jan 27 2008, 05:31pm
Bec: *holding onto Sawyer's arm as he finishes off what must be at least the seventh tankard of fement* What possessed you to decide to have a drinking contest with Dean Winchester of all people?
Sawyer: Sweetheart, it's about time I had a little fun.
Bec: *muttering* What about my fun?
Dean: Dude, chill, seriously... *has an arm wrapped around Ari's shoulders*
Ari: You know, I'm starting to see the upside to this drinking contest...
Bec: *seizing her own tankard* Well, if you can't beat 'em...*takes a gulp and starts to splutter* Good Lud! That's...
River: *popping up behind her* Strange. and stranger still, makes the whole world change. Spinning and blurring until up is down and down is up. The people are still people but they are not themselves anymore...who are they then? Are they anyone at all? Am I anyone?
Sawyer: *looking quizzically at Rive*You look like a girl to me, sweetheart.
Simon: *Bustling up in a Simon-ish way* River, there you are. Come on, I'm sure these people are busy.
Bec: No, no, pull up a stool. I don't suppose you're a drinking contest man?
Simon: Not as such. *glances at Dean and Sawyer who appear to have resumed the competition*
Bec: *to the bartender* Hey, I know this is a bit random, but I have a quota to make, so could I ask if you have any animal crackers?
Bartender: *giving her an Are-You-Crazy? look* I don't think so...*hunts behind the bar* Nope, sorry.
Bec: Damn. That's a shame.
River: *rambling* Animals but not animals...all made from flour and wheat and salt. Crunchy, crunchy then gone! Nothing anymore! Nothing left of the hippo or the monkey and his pants! Dissolved into nothingness, everything always ends up as nothing...
Dom: *tapping Bec on the shoulder* In case you're interested, Rushton just finished telling the entireity of the other end of the bar how emotionally unstable you are.
Bec: *leaping to her feet* He what? I tell you, he is the deadest man in Deadonia...emotionally unstable? How dare he? *eyes flash red*
Dom: Well, I just thought you should know. *evil grin*
Dameon: *recoils from Bec* Would everyone mind at least trying to keep their intensely negative emotions under wraps?
Bec: Sorry Dameon! *goes to eviscerate Rushton, trips on Sawyer's outstretched leg and falls flat on her face* This is becoming a worrying pattern...
Sawyer: *helps her up a little too vigorously*
Bec: *tumbles onto his lap* Well...on second thoughts...Rushton can wait...
[act]takes Gb's offer of cheesecake[/act]
Schis: Would you like some of my cheesecake?
GB: Why would i wait any of your cheesecake when i just offered you some of my own- hang on, i love cheesecake... i'd love some of your cheesecake. Oh, raspberry cheesecake, my favourite!
Schis: I'm more fond of caramel cheesecake to be honest, which is quite fortunate that i took the offer of it, but anywho... woah, so many people I've never met... perhaps i should go introduce myself? Excuse me, GB.
[act]Schis wanders off in search of others, steathily... Spotting Sawyer he proceeds to introduce himself[/act]
Schis: The name's Schis, and you're Sawyer i hear... Cheesecake?
Sawyer: Ah no im right thanks... but yes i am Sawyer.
Schis: Cool. Have you seen Swallow?
Sawyer: Who?
Schis: You know, Swallow... I've been meaning to have a conversation with him...
Sawyer: I may have seen him but i dont know him if i have...
Schis: Very well... [act]goes off in search of Swallow[/act]
Seramia: *siddles up to the drunk dancing Doctor and Min* sorry Min just need to er, *borrow* him for a moment!...*pulls Doctor away, whispers in doctors ear*
Doctor: o_O really?
Ser: *nods*
Doctor: *steps into Tardis and disappears*
Ser: *slightly apprehensive at the drunk Doctor picking up the right person...*
Doctor: *Tardis reappears and steps out with and odd looking greasy haired young man*
Ser: *horrified* 8-| WHAT!? I said SIRIUS, not SEVERUS!!
Doctor: ah... well you really shouldn't mumble,
Ser: I'm sorry you'll have to return him! I can't dance with him, I don't care how much re redeemed himself! >:( *shudders* could you, you know, return him and pick up the right guest? pretty please?
Doctor: *sigh* a Doctor's work really isn't done...*disppears dragging Severus into Tardis* *reappears with a handsome young man in a very dashing cloak and robes*
Ser: *major fangirl moment, runs and hugs Sirius*
Sirius: *bemused* okay I think my apparation may just be a little off... *sees bar and grins* well better make the most of it!
Sirius: il have a large firewhiskey
Bartender: o_O
Sirius: out already, well *pulls out wand and condours a bottle of firewhiskey and 2 glasses*
firewhiskey: *pours self into glasses neatly*
People at Bar: 8-|
Sawyer: *chokes on ferment and splutters into tankard* what the...?
Dom: well thats a new Talent...
Ser: oh this is Sirius Black, and this is er everyone else...
Sirius: *smiles charmingly at people at bar. Spies messy darkhaired hidden at end of bar * Oi James! James! *flicks wand* Levicorpus!
Rushton: *finds himself dangling in the air upside down*
Ser: uh I dont think thats James...
Rilla: *Sidles up to Ky and Will Parry* Heeeeeey Will.
Ky: He's mine, you know *glares*
Rilla: I'm pretty sure Lyra would have something to say about that.
Ky: Well, she isn't here, is she?
Will: Uh, can I go now?
Rilla and Ky: No.
Ky: *turns back to Rilla* Go get your own guest!
Rilla: Fine! *goes and taps the Doctor on the shoulder*
Doctor: Hello! Yes?
Rilla: *stares* You know, you're even hotter in real life.
Doctor: ... thanks, I think. Do you want to invite someone?
Rilla: Uh huh! *whispers in his ear*
Doctor: Okay then... *disappears off in the TARDIS and comes back with...*
Artemis Fowl: Right. So I'm in some other world, am I? *looks around in mild disdain*
Lioness: *is pulling Alanna out of the reckage of the karaoke machine*
Alanna: *slurring* It offended me, i swear *stumbles*
Lioness: *long suffering* Yes dear. *spots the Doctor* Doctor!
Doctor: Yes?
Lioness: *whispers in the Doctor's ear* I need a sleep potion for my friend here. She's a bit um boisterous...
Artemis: *inspectinghis nails* She's drunk.
Alanna: *points swords at him* Am not! I's be fine perfect. *blinks owlishly*
Pippin: Oh, the poor wee lass. I'll take care of her!
Alanna: *Blearily* You sound just like my George...
Aliya: *Arrives at party huffing and puffing and gasping for air*
Doctor: I suppose you would like to summon a male fictional character that you can act all fangirlish and twittish over?
Aliya: Yes! Lud yes! Finally! *Whispers in Doctor's ear*
Doctor: Are you joking?
Aliya: Of course I am, ahaheh... who would want a timtam as a date... not me... never me... *Shifty eyes*. *Whispers once again in Doctor's ear*
A human sized flame springs up and out walks Farid
Farid: Meggie? Where are you? Oh, not again...
Aliya: *Jumping up and down in a fangirlish and twittish way whilst speaking* It's okay, the Doctor just transported you from your world to mine because he's so charming and understands my need to release my inner fangirl!
Rilla: Yeah, you're pretty safe. Except, of course, now there are fangirls on the bad side and good side of the guards. Watch out for them.
Dom: 'Them' meaning-
Bec: Them. Them meaning them and that's all that them means. Them, a'right?
Ariana: *Steers Farid away from them, to Dameon* Farid, this is Dameon. Dameom is a charming gentleman who knows what everyone else's emotions but can't get Elspeth to understand his own. Dameon, this is Farid. Farid is a romantic by nature whom I summoned from another world with the help of the Doctor. Doctor, this is -
Doctor: I think that is a wee bit too much information.
Sawyer: And not enough beer!
17 years ago
Tue Jan 29 2008, 11:26pm
Bec: *is looking around, wide eyed*Sirius Black...Artemis Fowl...Dean Winchester...Sawyer...I've died and gone to fangirl heaven...'tis the only explanation. *sees Sirius dangling the protesting Rushton upside down* Oh my Lud! *dissloves in laughter*
Rushton: *dangling by one foot* Put me down! I am the Master of Obernewtyn! How dare you treat me in such a manner?
Bec: No! Don't put him down! He's a git! He deserves to be treated in that manner.
Sirius: 'Ey, you're not Prongs. Damn. *Rushton crashes to the ground*
Bec: *snorts with laughter*
Rushton: *glaring at Bec* Sadist.
Bec: Imbecile.
Rushton: Vindictive...person.
Bec: Person? You lash me with your words...
Dom: *hides a grin behind his hand*
Rushton: All I did was even our scores! You deserved it!
Bec: Did I now? Well, why don't we ask Sawyer? Sawyer, darling, in all the years you spent conning unsuspecting women out of their life savings using your wiles, did you ever push anyone into the pool?
Sawyer: Can't say I have, sweetheart.
Bec: Hah! See! Despite his various nefarious enterprises, Sawyer never pushed anyone into a pool! Proving that what you did was totally unjustifiable.
Dom: *raises an eyebrow* Right...
Rushton: *throwing hands into the air* That's it. I give up. I'm going to go and find somewhere where I can drink unbothered by...people such as you.
Bec: That's a good idea. Toodles for now. I'll come find you later. Keep a weather eye *grins evilly*
Rushton: *storms off*
Sawyer: *still drinking beer* You two have some kind o' history?
Bec: You could say that...and very, very soon I'm going to swoop down and do an Anya on his [censored].
Sawyer: *raising his eyebrows* Are you quoting Buffy?
Bec: *shifty eyes* No...of course no...wait! You watch Buffy?
Sawyer: Hell no! Just picked up a few character names here and there.
Bec: Yeah yeah. That's what they all say. 'Oh no, I've never watched, it, can't stand it but omg, the Spike/Buffy lot arc was so overrated...or at least, if I watched it I'd think that. Not that I do.'
Sawyer: *ignores her*
Dom: Does it always have to be about this Buffy person?
Bec: You watch enough episodes and you realise life is all about Buffy. Really. I'm sure someone would second that...Artemis?
Artemis: I suppose you're referring to some infantile twaddle infesting our television screens?
Bec: Ok, apparently not.

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Deb: [act]Drags Indie and Min back from the dance floor.[/act] Drink......I need a drink. [act]Gasps.[/act] ~:|
Bartender: [act]Hnads over more glasses of ferment.[/act]
Deb: No, not that stuff, just water.
Sawyer: I'll have hers. [act]Hic.[/act] ;D
Tardis: [act]Starts making whooshing noises.[/act] |:|
Doctor: What????? o_O ..........................

Mystic Guilden
17 years ago
Mon Jan 28 2008, 09:53am

Mystic Guilden
Dean: [act]To Sawyer[/act] I request a time out from this drinking competition.
Sawyer: Cant handle it?
Dean: Dude, i could drink you under the table at any time.....its a call of nature thing.
Sawyer: Then by all means...but you have to forfeit.
Dean: FOREFEIT! Why do i have to forefeit? I just need to use the bathroom!
Sawyer: I dont make the rules, you want to go, you forefeit. Its your choice.
Dean: [act]sitting back down on stool[/act] You seriously wont let me leave?
Ari: I dont think this is such a good idea.
Sawyer: I'll make you a deal. If you go, one of the girls has to go with you...to make sure you dont cheat.
Ari and MK: Wha??
Dean: Dude, you think i need to cheat? And seriously, how am i supposed to cheat?
Sawyer: I dont know. Maybe you have a deamon tucked away back there or something.
[act]Sawyer gets cynical look from Ari and MK[/act]
Dean: Ok then, fine. [act]Looking at MK and Ari[/act] Who's coming with me?
Ari and MK: ....................
Dean: Oh come on! Help a guy out!
MK: I draw the line at accompaning a grown man to the toilet.
Ari: [act]glancing worriedly at the Tardis out the corner of her eye[/act] Thats not right.....
Dean: Fine then. I'll hold it. Give me ten more minutes and i'll clean you up island boy!
Sawyer: [act]looking bored[/act] Whatever, just drink.
MK: This can only end badly.
Ari: [act]giggling[/act] This reminds me of the purple nurple episode....
Sawyer: o_O
[act]The sounds from the tardis get louder, and louder until suddenly...it stops. The doors open and every turns to see.....[/act]
Dean: Sammy!?
Ari: Sam! What are you doing here? And...how did you get here?
Sam: [act]looking a little out of it[/act] Dean! I thought you'd been taken by demons! Why dont you just tell me where you're going instead of taking off like that!
Dean: Hey dude, chill a bit will ya. I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Sam: A hunt?
Ari: No.
MK: Drinking competition.
Sam: Oh. Wait, your not on the purple nurples are you?
Ari: [act]giggling again[/act] Told you it reminded me of that epp!
Sawyer: What the heck is a purple nurple?
Dean: [act]Hastily[/act] Never mind, just keep em coming.
Sam: If i'd known what you were doing I would have bothered coming.
Dean: Well you werent invited.
Sam: Dude, i thought you were in trouble!
[act]Dean ignores Sam to down another beer[/act]
Ari: Come and sit with us anyway!
Sam: Nah, i should get back and keep an eye out for demons... [act]louder for dean to hear[/act] Like we should be doing!
Dean: [act]Finishing beer[/act] Jusr chill Sammy, those demons will still be there when we get back.
Sam: [act]Frustrated sigh[/act] Fine.
MK: What will you have?
Sam: A beer, thanks.
Ari: Cheer up. At lweast you get to have some quality time with your brother.
Sam: [act]Watching Dean jiggle around while drinking another beer[/act] Yeah, real quality time.

Dreamweaver Ward
17 years ago
Mon Jan 28 2008, 11:37pm

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Doctor: *dives into Tardis, drags Pippin out by his ear* I believe this is your guest? *leaves Pippin with Hannai* That could have been a disaster...
Zieria: *appears, late, walks over to Doctor, whispers in his ear*
Doctor: *whispers back*
Zieria: *whispers again*
Doctor: Okay, well, if you're sure... *disappears with Tardis, reappears with her guest - Captain Jack Sparrow*
Captain Jack Sparrow: *looks around at everyone* Some of ye look kind of familiar. Have I threatened ye before?
Zieria: Captain Jack Sparrow, it's great to meet you. Hey, everyone, this is Captain Jack Sparrow.
Captain Jack Sparrow: Hello, mateys.
Random person: Jack Sparrow, eh? Nice to meet you.
Captain Jack Sparrow and Zieria: It's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.
Captain Jack Sparrow: *notices the bar and makes a beeline for the rum*
Zieria: *runs after him to make sure he doesn't threaten anyone for it*
Captain Jack Sparrow: *after a bottle of rum, leads everyone in a rousing chorus of "Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"*