I have bought an outfit! It's a fairly simple one, red, lace up top with a hint of floral pattern, and a long skirt - I don't have a specific theme in mind really, I am hoping that it will match enough with something in the Red Queen that I can tweak it a bit and add something if I need~ I always feel the need to order stuff early if I'm buying online...hopefully it works out!
I will add links to other options I have been looking at, in case it is in anyway helpful to anyone!
This one is probably my favourite, and if I could have justified the price I would have gone for it
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/FESTIVAL-Peasant-Gypsy-Lace-Up-Layered-Gothic-Tie-Dye-Dress-Sz-8-10-Au-/271654968776?hash=item3f3fe5ddc8I also looked at these ones on ebay
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221706780084?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&var=520553622798&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIThttp://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Maggie-Tang-Medieval-Renaissance-Chemise-Summer-Beach-Wedding-Dress-Costume-/221452176050?var=&hash=item338f940ab2I also looked at a lot of dresses at zaful.com, these are a few examples:
Edit: I have edited out the links, because as I was about to buy some non-Ball related stuff I read some horrible site reviews that were really terrifying
I didn't always have a specific theme in mind while looking at these either, really just sharing in case anyone is interested~
My partner is also looking at what he'll wear, and though he asked me to ask for ideas, he seems to be leaning towards pretty normal un-themed clothing - ideas welcome though~ I am trying to get him to go as a white-faced lord, but I think I will be unsuccessful