Mmm, I like them both. Maybe go for the second because the photos on the other covers have sky and ground, and in the second the blue up the top looks like the sky (is it?) so it sort of matches. But I don't know, I really do like them both!
15 years ago
Sun Jun 28 2009, 10:39pm
Ooh, they're awesome Susie! I especially like the Darksong cover- I love the colouring.
I like the second Darkfall as well. Though I like the original too, actually. Both of them work really well.
Thanks Deb, Susie and Cat (The thingies in the corners are fancy arrows! ;))
Btw Susie, I personally would recommend the Dreamweavers Guild, and I'm sure Cat will back me up :P *prods Cat* </endguildplug>

Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago
Mon Jun 29 2009, 03:30pm

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Arien - I love your new cover, especially the second version. The fancified arrows look great, although I'm not sure when I would have realised what they were if I hadn't seen your post. I really like them as they are though - I don't think they need to be more obvious. :) And I'm with Cat in really liking the music notes going across it - I also like how you've coloured the water and Glynna's hair. :)
Susie - I especially love your Darksong and Darkbane - the hair (and eye in Darkbane) are really eye-catching, and I love the images you've included at the bottom. I also really like the colour schemes and the images you've chosen. :)
Oh, and I'm with Arien (and Cat! :P) in recommending the Dreamweavers Guild. ;)
Arien - I love the new cover! It's got a really nice style. I don't think that Glynna looks too rough - it's perfect. :nod:
Susie - I really like Darkbane in particular. I love the colours and the composition - it all really works well together. :) As for Darkfall, I think I like the original the best, although the second version is also good. :)
And I highly recommend that you join the Mystics. ;D We've got chocca, crystals, glowworms, beanbags and frying pans! You can't get better than that. ;P

Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Mon Jun 29 2009, 01:22am

Mystic Ward
Oh, I LOVE all of your covers! :D
Susie - I like both versions of your Darkfall cover, but lining them up with your Darkbane and Darksong, the second version seems more balanced.
Gah, I've only just started my first cover, and the rate it's taking me to Photoshop it I don't think I'll quite make the deadline ~:|
Haha, but now I'll have something to submit for Legendsong fan art :P
Edit: Btw, the Mystics are an awesome Guild :P
Hi Susie - they look amazing! I think the problem in the gallery was that you were using non-alpha-numeric characters in your file naming (#1 / #2 / #3 at the beginning of your images). All fixed now. And wow, they're *beautiful* covers!
Arien, it's gorgeous! I love the arrows, and the music notes swirl around perfectly (song of the Legendsong incorporation? I like :D ).
What would it look like if the border was the same hue as the Darkbane cover, and the blue-ness only on the central image?
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! I might just stick with the first out of the two newer covers.
And Min, haha, that makes sense. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time -_______-
Haha, still really indecisive about which guild to join, but I'll make my mind up soon!
Thanks again!
Does anyone want an extension to this comp? I know it's been going for 6 months already :P but don't want to close entries until everyone's gotten theirs in.
I'm thinking 2 extra weeks won't hurt? Let me know if anyone thinks it's necessary.
Arien might, we've only seen two covers so far I think. And they're too beautiful not to enter! Besides, even though it's been going 6 months you know no one starts entries until 3 weeks before a comp closes :P

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
*raises hand* I for one would like an extension ~:|

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Is anyone else noticing colour themes emerging for Darkfall and Darksong?
I mean, we have myself, Zieria, Pinky Person, Kangaruth, Becaree and Arien using reddish/orangey colours for Darksong (and I even think Min's is reddish to an extent), and then Zieria, Arien, Pinky Person, Kangaruth, Becaree and myself have blue as a dominant/feature colour for Darfall.
Darkbane is much more random, but we also know much less about this book since it hasn't been written yet.
Is this just a coincidence? Or do you think the books are giving off certain colour auras? I mean, the actual covers are completely different, so it can't have anything to do with that...
15 years ago
Mon Jul 06 2009, 07:28pm
For me Darksong is a much more Ember-centric novel. Her storyline develops much more than in Darkbane, and just the whole title with the 'song' in it and Ember being all about music makes it much more her novel rather than Glynn's.
I always associate Ember with fire and the colour red, so that's why my Darksong Cover has the reddish tones.
On the other hand, I see Darkfall as a novel which revolves more so around Glynn rather than Ember. Glynn is a fairly cool person; she doesn't panic too much in the face of danger, and is always composed. She and Ember are also described as being fairly different/opposiutes of each other which makes me associate Glynn with blue.
And then for Darkbane I went with a more neutral colour, since I assume the girls will reunite and the book will revolve equally around the both of them. And of course they are dressed in their respective colours, red and blue :P
15 years ago
Sun Jul 05 2009, 11:09pm
LOL well my covers break that pattern then. I really didnt think it out half as much as that Arien :P I probably should have haha
My Darkbane cover is more redish which i associate with the island Darkfall, and my Darkfall cover is greeny blue which i associate with all the lands and the water because to my memory there is a lot of island hopping. Dark song is my neutral coloured one. But mostly i was just going for bg colours that suited the images You'll see why soon enough :P *hopes she gets time to finish it*
I only really thought about why my I used those colours after Sian mentioned it :P I just kinda automatically went for them
I can't wait to see yours Ness!

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I wasn't really suggesting that such a level of planning went into colour schemes, I just noticed a pattern and wondered if it could be our subconsciousnesses manifesting themselves. My colours were complete coincidences as well XP

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
That sounds good Min :)
Congrats to everyone who entered and wow to the people who got feedback from Isobelle :D