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Chapter 2

Ana's eyes snapped open as a water droplet hit her face. Is my mum finally crying over me she thought. Is everything okay with my family now? But as she looked above her she saw emerald green trees sheltering her and wild bush surrounding her... Her eyes widened with fear and confusion. "Where am I?" she wondered out loud.She looked to her right and a wide gravel road twisted beyond her vision. Fancy carriages with magnificent horses trundled by and she caught a few words...
"Fine day in Sutrium, I hope it is like this for the next sevenday," a young man's voice chortled. Sutrium, Ana thought. Abruptly, her mind flickered to a current book she was reading, Obernewtyn.

"My life,"Ana whispered, "It was all fake," and she burst into a storm of sobs.

Drained of all her tears, she smiled weakly as she remembered what Mariel had said. Bye see you tomorrow but now there was no seeing her tomorrow. She must find refuge, somwhere safe and then she would try to work out who she was.

As she walked slowly out onto the road, kicking up the dirt infront of her, she suddenly noticed a dog chained to a rusty pole. It looked miserable. Why does it look so forlorn? she thought.
"That is not your buisness funaga," a tired voice replied. Where did that question come from? Ana thought, but before she could voice the question...
"It is my mindvoice funaga are you so ignorant?" the voice asked. Like a splash of cold water, it hit her that she could talk to animals! The voice was the dog's voice so she decided to ask it a question.
"What is your name," Ana sent
"The funaga call me Rover, but I prefer my original name, Finlay," the golden dog answered.
"Then I shall call you by your original name, Finlay,"

The two talked like long lost friends (maybe they were, Ana didn't know) and Finlay told her that she had one more ability which was coercing. He said that he had no idea where she could find refuge but that he longed to be free. As the talked, the sun dipped low into the sky until darkness fell like a black curtain, and the moon shone a silvery path but still, Finlay's master had not come.
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