@Alyse, I know what you mean!!! When I watched the first episode of series 2 I was SO lost. it basically makes sense now that I'm a few eps in but WOAH.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i've started reading Mahou Sensei Negima! it's brillopants! :D
How far into it are you Hel? Just wait until you catch up, massive climactic battle about to take place.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
not very far :( i've seen some of the anime and i've only just started reading the manga... i can't read any more until my net goes back up in a few days, though :( but what i've seen/read is epic! :D
I actually just finished rereading Mahou Sensei Negima, mainly because I had forgotten what happened at the start. Its a great manga, and although its slow to start once you get about 120 chapters in it really picks up a lot, it gets much more exciting. I pretty much spend each week waiting for the next chapter to come out, I don't care about anything else.
Still its not as good as Love Hina.
Alyse, I read hana kimi like two years ago, so I have no idea what is going on in that chapter...I might have to go and re-read that one though if its that great :P
He he. I've finished reading Hana Kimi now. Finally.
I'm starting two new ones; Ko Akuma Cafe and Nyan Koi!, Nyan Koi! is rather entertaining so far. Ko Akuma Cafe I am reserving judgement.
any one know where i can find some manga comics in Comic Book Archive files? (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7)

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
lol i wasn't having a go at InitialD in general (from what i've seen, it's epic), but the live action movie, as they always tend to be, was absolute crap :P
also- lol at the sklz :D
I know, I really just needed an excuse to post the video on this thread, and because of your comments about the live action movie, I thought you'd make the perfect excuse.
I've been thinking about something for a while now, In Sus Rid there is the Harry Potter House Points Thread, is anyone interested in having a general trivia thread for all manga? I for one, can think of lots of great trivia from manga I've read, and everybody has a favourite manga that they know everything about (at least I do anyway). Just thought I'd see if the manga readers among us were interested before I started a new thread.
^ that sounds really interesting :)

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
mm, it's a nice idea and all, but i don't think that many people would be able to participate. only maybe, at best, 3 or 4 regular participants. i know that this sounds harsh, but it's the truth.
BD- glad i could give you a good excuse ;P lol
D.N.Angel Updates. Squee!
waaaaaaaah Kuragehime is only going to be 11 episodes long. I don't want it to end so soon! and I will not be able to watch the last episode until over a week after it comes out because I'm going away D: shock!
It will be interesting when the manga gets past where the anime ends!
Alyse, I only watched the D.N Angel anime, is it worth reading the manga?
I want to read the Kuragehime manga! I'm addicted to the anime! (<3 TsukimixKuranosuke!!! ) Where do you read it Kelda?
I actually do like the D.N.A manga, it differs enough from the anime to keep you entertained.
I read it at mangafox, but there isn't much that has been translated yet unfortunately. The manga is quite a way behind the anime! and OMG i feel the same way (kuraXtsukimi~) but I do like shuu as well...
hmmm, I might have a look at the DN Angel manga then :)
About Kuragehime
My main problem with Shu is that he doesn't recognise or respect Tsukimi in her 'Before' state.
^ yes, I agree. The fact that he doesn't recognise her, even though she looks VERY similar, really annoys me. whereas kuranosuke accepts her the way she is :-} I would say that I hope they end up together, but I want more seasons of the anime, so I hope that they EVENTUALLY end up together XP

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
finally up to date with Claymore again! is it just me or is the plot getting more convuluded and interesting? definitely liking the random parts that mess with my mind :-"
and OML[act]SQUEE[/act]! Raki has turned hot! 8-|
... and Clare has turned into a giant pile of Yoma... stuff...
and that guy keeps the former number 1's?! wtf?! o_O
and i'm up to date with Bleach... and 1/2 Prince (to which i will only say: lol)... i'll start reading Naruto again when i can be bothered... it's not as much fun to read the actual manga rather than the fanfics... never thought i'd say that :-|
okies, i think i'm all good now :D
14 years ago
Mon Dec 20 2010, 10:57pm
Yayy Hel~! I'm doing my head in just by waiting for the next 1/2 Prince chapter. If only they came out more often *withers up inside* It's my favouriiiite * whinges*

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
[act]hugs Smuff in comfort and anime cries[/act] i want moar 1/2 Prince, too!! TT^TT i want chapter 48 to come out alreadyyyy!! :"(