12 years ago
Tue Jan 15 2013, 12:01pm
But you haven't read Skip Beat manga? Seriously ... READ IT!!!!!
At Nef, Fifi and HotD's behest, I have started Skip Beat!
I am going to start reading the Bride of the Water God, currently in the process of transferring it across to my phone.
No fighting scenes (or not many) and it's pretty easy to follow - and FUNNY - did I mention funny? 'Cos it's FUNNY!!!! And it gets funnier as it goes on! I love Kyoko!!
Mangareader is where I read it ( I think) - sometimes their translations are so-so, but it's only in spots ...
I've started re-reading S.A. Special A. My aim is to buy the hardcopies. Already bought all the volumes of Ouran High School Host Club (my favourite manga). Thinking of reading Library Wars after hearing about it on Obernet.

Wanderer Ward
11 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Was in Minotaur last weekend (no such thing as a cheap visit there for me!), and my eye was caught by a particular manga - being in hardcover format and in bright block colours - as well as the title: Message to Adolf...it's by Osamu Tezuka (aka the mastermind behind Astro Boy and what not), is about WWII, and all I can say is "Holy cheeses, this is awesome!"
I'm so glad I took the chance on this (given my areas of interest/study, it seemed worth it), because I've not been able to put this manga down, and an so glad I purchased both parts (all 36 chapters in 2 volumes).
Seriously awesome.
I LOVE BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD. Seriously. Love it.
Also re-watching FMA:B
The latest chapter of Skip Beat! and Kaichou wa Maid-sama! were released recently~
There are also a lot of feels in the latest chapter of Kamisama wa Hajimashita.
I've been reading Area no Kishi - you cry before the main plot starts, but I love it all the same. When you don't read sports manga you forget just how good they are. I should catch up with Kurogane soon for just that purpose.
Also, anyone who hasn't been reading Horimiya - GO. READ. IT. NOW.
I finished reading Koko Ni Iru Yo recently. It's a short manga series (5 volumes) but I find it incredibly sweet.
I am so incredibly behind on Kaichou wa Maid-sama... I think I'll start that one from the beginning again after I finish BotWG. Because I remember loving it.
New updates for Kuragehime, Kamisama Hajimemashita AND Skip Beat! XD feeling pretty lucky!
Anybody here read Kyoko Hikawa's From Far Away? It's a sweet fantasy romance gem that deserves more attention.
Maid-sama's update was fantastic. Just sayin'.
There's a relatively new manhua called Dear, Only You Don't Know! and it is funny and fabulous and well constructed. It's about different women who lie to the person they like/love about a specific thing, and it's quite creative. The stories are interwoven well too.
I am currently reading Ouran High School host Club and Rourni Kenshin!
Does anyone here know of any good mangas with unicorns?
'Nuff said.
The update was a while ago, but I'm having trouble handling just how precious Miyamura is. He's just...a bundle of lovable-ness. If you haven't read it by now, go do so.
Some of my favourites are finishing! Otomen and Vampire knight!!
Oh well, there is always Skip beat ... there will ALWAYS be skip beat! And Akagami no Shirayukihime ... and Love So Life (seriously, read it!) and Bride of the Water God (Oh the latest volume! I'm avoiding reading it online because the art is too beautiful) and Natsume ...
I'm reading, well I finished it last night, Miki Falls! I borrowed the whole series from the public library yesterday and read it in a day! The series was seriously good, I recomend it thoroughly. It was one of those romantic love story type, that I have grown to love so very much!
I have just started reading Kaichou wa Maid sama. Really enjoying it!
Not a manga per se, but not long ago I read a web comic called Two Keys. HIGHLY RECCOMENDED. Stylistically, it's a strange mixture of noir and fantasy, NUU HAS A REALLY DROOL-WORTHY ART STYLE, and the characters are just so defined and interesting.
Gosh, sop happy. I recently went to the public library and borrowed a WHOLE STACK OF MANGA (woo), and have finshed a couple (greatly recommend Arisa and Dracula Everlasting, they are so cool *dribbles*. So I am now reading Dragon Knights, gosh I LOVE fantasy manga so much.
I'm re-reading Kuroshitsuji because I felt behind about a year ago and a friend has recently started reading it. I forgot how much I love it. :3
I started re-reading SA: Special A after buying all the volumes of it. There's so much from the manga that I can't remember.