Here is what Isobelle posted on these boards back in March:
Quote:my dear faithful readers
I have absolutely not forgotten The Sending... Nor am I blocked. I have been working on it for years as u know, and when I work on other things it is either because I need to think or get some space about something in The Sending. This year I will have three books come out. The Cat Dreamer which is smaller, Little Fur which is for me a book that has been a long time in the coming and one where I go out on a limb... but that is good for anyone, not just a writer. I also have a really big stand alone book coming out, which I have been working on for six years, called Alyzon Whitestarr. It is not that I let other books get in the way or get diverted, it is only that my life is a tapestry of book threads that weave in and about one another, so that I am never exactly sure when one will finish. But I am sure that I will finish The Sending by the end of his year. I have been in australia for a short tour, not quite two weeks, and I go home to do the final edit of Alyzon Whitestarr which will come out this year, which I have to deliver by mid april, and then the rest of the year will be devoted to The Sending.
I am endlessly touched and motivated by your ffidelity!
warm good wishes
isobelle carmody
ps I am afraid that I will not finish Darkbane until next year, but anyway the publishers would not bring it out in the same year as they bring out The Sending.[/quote]
That also (sort of) answers questions on when Darkbane is coming out... If The Sending comes out late 2006, then hopefully Darkbane will be out late 2007.
O_o thankx for finding that emerald [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/> much appriecated [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
Yes, I'll add my thanks for that too, Emerald. I was going to have a look for that post but I couldn't remember where it was located. [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
Aug 26, 2006, 2:54am[/url], Dark One[/url] wrote:By the same line of thought though, you could also say that the post apocalyptic world of OC can be full of death and destruction. I guess its how its written that dertmines if it appear depressing, or if it will be enthrallnig and captivating[/quote]
Good point! I suppose the good thing is that it will HAVE to end with Cassy hoping that the Seeker will come along one day and make everything right again. And we'll know all about how THAT happens...
I know it's hardly conclusive evidence, but I work at a bookstore and last week we received a massive shipment of all the previous Obernewtyn books. I think we got about 20 copies of each. Generally, if we sell one copy we only receive one back to replace it.
This large shipment could indicate that the Sending will indeed be released in October and we're being prepped for it by having lots of new copies of all the previous books at our disposal.
That's generally what happens with other popular series when a new one is about to be released.
I'm quietly optimistic.
Quote:could indicate that the Sending will indeed be released in October[/quote]
whilst I'm *really* hoping it will be, I very much doubt it.
The Penguin Website updates each month with the books scheduled for release in the following month. They currently have the books listed for October up, and nothing by IC is listed, TheSneding or otherwise. [img]" alt=":(" border="0"/>
So it really is the conclusion to the OC?
maybe they're going to add it at the last minute as a suprise?

Mystic Guilden
19 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I'm hoping so....i'm still hearing that it wont be out now until (maybe) March or May 2007.
Has it been absolutely established that the Sending is the last book in the series?
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
19 years ago
Keeper of the Sherbet Lemons
Oh god, please let it be the last *sobs dramatically* I can't take another Keeping Place I just can't. I'll go utterly spare. I'll have a nervous break down, i swear it.
But knowing IC [img]" alt=":'(" border="0"/>
She has said it will be the last for Elspeth's quest, but it won't be the last time she'll visit the Land. She has mentioned that she's going to write the Beforetime Chronicals, so there is still that.
Im looking forward to the Beforetime series
i know. Its so heart-wrenching!
I can't believe there won't be anymore!!
As am I. And if the Sending isn't the last I'm going to throw the book out the window then mope about its damamge!
It would be such a let down if it wasn't.
i am looking forward to the BC as well. i was reading what others were saying above, about the lack of suspense and that we will already know the conclusion to Cassey's story. i don;t think that matters. i have a feeling that this series is going to be a huge statement on power, corruption and greed- i have a feeling that is the ultimate message IC is going for with the BC.
by the way, i just realised its been 7 years since i first read TKP! i have been waiting so patiently and i swear, if the Sending is not out this year, i will go stark raving mad! there are only so many times you can re-read books!!!!
lol i know. sometimes you know too much about them and it gets boring. you've theorises all the theories ;p
I know! It will mean an end to all my happy theorising [img]" alt=":(" border="0"/> Still, I suppose I could move on to theorising about The Legendsong [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
Anyway, my Mum was in Borders yesterday and she asked about The Sending. According to the computer there, it's coming out next August [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
although i love the Theories forum - i'll go read a new theory, and have to re-read the book, to see what i can add to the theory. so that keeps me interested a bit. also, i just love getting carried away by IC's writing and getting lost in her worlds. the OC books were my life for such a long time - they were all i read, and i made so many of my mates read them too. one friend didn't like reading, but i was so convinced she would love the story, that i read the books aloud to her!
Lol keep away the light, im reading obernewtyn...again
I think that when the sending's out, we're going to have more theories about the other four books because they would of been explained more, and that mean's there's going to be some people who dissagree about what's being explained because they will have their own theories.
Hi guys, this is my first post!
Sorry if this has already been posted, but on the Penguin Speculative Fiction page in the Fantasy section, right at the bottom of the page, is says that The Sending is due to be released in early 2007. I'm personally still hoping for an Oct 2006 release but the March 2007 date is looking more likely isn't it?
Seems like I've been waiting for this book forever, it's been years and years since I read TKP. When it's finally out I think I'll have trouble believing it's really happening.
Yeah, I'm guessing March 2007 is the next release date...hopefully it won't get pushed back any further, these release dates keep going from October to March, then back to October...Oct 2007 is...well, over a full year away!!!
Let's hope it is March 2007!!!
(and welcome, spark!)
lol it happens so often. we get our hopes up then nothing. lets just hope its out as soon as possible
a month or so ago, the bookstore rang the publisers who said its July 07. im pretty p!ssed about that but then again, i cant be sure if it's true or not.
ive given up asking publishers because i allways get differneet answers!