14 years ago
Sat Jan 04 2014, 05:00pm
Exactly what the title says. Maybe if I start a thread I will get off my butt and start writing more than a few sentences here and there. :P

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Haha! Goodluck Sionainn! :)
Good luck getting started, Sionainn!
I've sorta started writing. Just nto very much yet, I'll give a word count when/if I type it up. :P

Mystic Ward
14 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Well done Sionainn. Hope you get more words out than I've been able to. :P

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Hurrah for starting Sionainn! :)
*holds up a cattle prod* HAHA guess what i found from the Ashlings Obernet flu days. I think this may come in as a handy motivational tool. *tests out cattle prod* 8)
Well I've writen 1494 words tonight so far, but i still haven't typed up any of the other stuff.
13 years ago
Fri Dec 07 2012, 08:38pm
945words for, well, yesterday since it is now 1am.
Have snippets, because I think that's what we are meant to do?

Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I really liked that snippet Sionainn, you're writing is always so much fun to read! :D It doesn't need a point, I think you could probably write a story about watching paint dry and make it interesting. :rolling:
Also, I want to congratulate you on your sentence length. I still think you're much better than most people at writing long sentences (Yours are actually readable and don't make my eyes water), however I still think you deserve praise for keeping them all under 30 words since practising shorter sentences can't do any harm :nods: :P
Haha, thanks Sian. My word lengths have greatly improved. I still have a bad habit of writing extremely long ones, but at least they are somewhat more comprehensible these days. [strike]Unfortunately there were two 48word sentences in the rest of this bit of writing, but lets not talk about that.[/strike]
Woo, great start! I really liked the snippet too, it really tells us a lot about your characters even with such a short amount. The dialogue is very realistic--I can totally picture it. :) Excited to hear more, keep up the progress! :D

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago
Tue Dec 13 2011, 05:51pm

Mystic Guilden
Congrats on the word count! Unfortunately I can't read your snippet (I'm avoiding outside influences on my story at the moment.....weird I know :P ) but it sounds like it'll be an entertaining read when I get back to it after OberNo ends :)
13 years ago
Fri Dec 07 2012, 08:39pm
I've been slaaaack. Still writing, but so very little. (Like awhole 800words since my last post and sentences are getting longer again XD )

Ashlings' guildleader
13 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
Sionnain, 800 words in two days isn't bad, and in any case, what you have put down is really good. You've got a really unique style and you've wrapped the narration around the dialogue really well. I am exceedingly jealous :D
Not to mention, each of your snippets really hooks me in as a reader. I really want to know what's happening in your story!
I'm wondering, do you worry about the quality of your writing as you're doing it? (If not, I'm going to be even more jealous that it just comes out like that ^ :P ) If you do, maybe you should try to just push the words out of your head and ignore whether it's any good or not. I often find that going back and editing things that I'm not happy with is heaps easier than trying to get it right the first time :)
800 words is horrible by my usual standard, and that said, I have now written nothing since (unless a rant on how cafes are horrible places to write in counts?) :P So definitely horrible now.
Anwyay, as for quality: it actually depends on how I'm writing it. I tend to get conscious of things when I'm typing my writing. Usually I hand write everything first (therefore I know I'll be typing it up later) so I don't care about the quality, as I figure if it truly is horrible I can just fix it once I type it. Usually the only things I really worry about and spend time playing with is grammar though. I suck at it, and I really do have to sit and think about it at times.

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago
Sun Dec 18 2011, 03:51pm

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I've only just read both your snippets, and I love them Sionainn! As Sian said, they really draw you in. I want to know the rest of the story! [act]waves arms around and wails pathetically[/act] :P The way you right is really realistic and believable too. Do you prefer writing dialogue to descriptions? I only ask because the majority of both your snippets are dialogue :)
I really love writing descriptions actually, but for the type of writing I do, extensive descriptions ways the writing down too much, so they only appear where they are really needed. That and my word length is extremly long and something I'm kinda concerned about. I've already cut so many details from the first novel that these characters are a part of, and the word count is still sitting at just below 200,000 words.
Also I'm currently not writing these chronologically so I'm skipping out on a lot of descriptions at the moment. (The two extracts I’ve posed here are actually separated by about three years and two books) I'll tie them in when everything gets editing together so that I don't end up repeating myself with descriptions.

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Wow! The world you've created sounds so expansive already! And you've got a work that's 200 000 words long! I'm so jealous! Go Sionainn! :D [act]feels she should mellow down and stop finishing every sentence with an exclamation mark[/act] If 800 words is bad for you, how much do you normally write per day? And how long did it take you to write your 200 000 word novel if you don't mind me asking? :)
Umm, before I started Uni I would write every single day and I'd usually fill about 5-10pages in my notebooks. Since starting Uni I only really write a lot during the holidays though, so I usually hit upwards of 3,500words a day (I haven't been hand writing as much lately either :( ).
As for the 200,000. I started planning it at about 14 but only started writing it when I was 16. I pretty much cut 90% of what I wrote back then though, so as it is now I think it took roughly two years. I began re-writing it in 08 during my year 12 exams, because my priorities are awesome. I wrote the majority of it over the summer of 09 though, and pretty much killed myself doing it. I pretty much becam a complete hermit, stopped sleeping, and ended up super depressed. I haven't been able to get the same drive back since then. I think it's also why I can't write chronologically anymore. I get too tied in and it drives me mad.
Bad habits are bad.
Whoops I just rhymed, I should probably stop rambling now.
13 years ago
Fri Dec 07 2012, 08:40pm
Yes, I'm double posting because I am a terrible person. I'm writing but everything feels weird today. Flow is off or something. [act]shrug[/act]
I like the characters Sionainn, especially the fact that you can tell so much about them through your description. I think Sian mentioned above something about your sentence length, and there are noticeably long sentences in the above segment but I didn't even notice until I read over it again. It's really compelling. :)
200 000 words! That is heaps! You should be so proud that you got through that much. [act]like Kaede, refrains from putting exclamations everywhere[/act] :P Keep up the brilliant work, I'm very interested in the story. :D
Thanks, Fate. I think I'm going to have to go through all my writing and find my longest sentence and post it just for laughs (this will not be a form of procrastination at all). But I guess that as long as they are not reading as minivans I can get away with it, so good to know.
Anyway, I seem to have ruined my ability to write by starting too many things! Well, I have always had too many things started but now I want to write all of them at once which means I just sit there, flicking through each, not actually writing anything on any of them. Bad Shonk, bad bad Shonk.
I've completely fallen off the wagon. I think I'm gonna concentrate on editing older stuff for awhile since nothing Ive been writing lately has been of any use. I think Ive confused myself or something. Hopefully January will bring more luck.