Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 09:49pm

Wanderer Guilden
it goes by guild names Bambi ;P yay! (another reason why Wandies are awsome ;) ) [act]duct tapes some socks and aloe plants to the walls/roof of the thread[/act] hmmmm... [act]wonders if she's going a bit over-board with trying to get people non-infected [/act] :-/

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
yer Helena I know thats why I'm worried. I am in Dreamweavers and if Arwen already has it. . .
Fen: WATCHOUT!!!!!!
Nef: [act]sneezes [/act]shut up Fen!
Fen: what are you going to do, shiver at me?
Nef: [act]SNEEZES[/act]
Fen: that's what I thought. [act]holds up her hammer and nails [/act]Now, is anyone up for acupuncture?

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
PML at Mins sig! This is much fun, but oddly really scarily related to my real life right now. x_X
[act]quickly puts on the disease protection supplyed by EI[/act]
I think I'm safe.. for now.
What if the disease mutates? 8-|

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
Lol mutated virus :roll:
It's oddly comforting seeing all these potential Rushton's about the place...
[act]Someone coughs[/act]

Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Wed Aug 19 2009, 11:16pm

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
OML! PML!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go MK!
I take it all my hard work was for nothing. I guess I got infected anyway.

Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
[act]tries to whistle innocently - but has to save her breath[/act]
I don't think it's so much that you are infected... yet XD
[act]is sufficiently distracted by Ben Barnes - for now[/act]
Holy cow! (or should I say pig? o_O) I think I put my anti-flu outfit on just in time! *uses Ben Barnes as a shield*
This newb humbly offers Obervirus prevention kits in the form of sig images (500x150px, see below for example) as a coming gift. This newb will happily change the text in the sig for those who ask for it - however all are welcome to snag and edit it on their own if they so desire.
(This newb will stop talking in third person now.)
@Paperwings: ...it would be bad if us Wandies brought in the virus. 0.0 We should help in preventing its spread...
Aaaaahhhh I'm being attacked by flying pigs [act]dives under mat, wonders if her cattle prod will work on them[/act]
Hulicinations aren't a symptom of these deadly disease now are they?? 8-|

Wanderer Ward
15 years ago

Wanderer Ward
[act]blinks more[/act]
Ober... disease... flying...pigs...?!?
[act]hurries to protect herself[/act]

Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
Latest news:
It seems Obernewtyn.net has been overrun by a swarm of pigs... that fly.
Your MoOs[act]cough[/act], MoOs are looking into the cause of these oinks - er, I mean pigs. And will be informing you of more details as they come.
Meanwhile, if you happen to come across any pig infested pages, it wouldn't hurt to ettuce know. Even though Swine Flu has not ac -
ah -
ach -
[act]blows nose and wipes it surreptitiously[/act]
Actually caused by pigs, until the cause of the mysterious illness can be resolved, we advise all members to stay alert!
[act]looks into tissue box[/act]
Ah curses! I've run out of tissues [act]sulks[/act]

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 09:08am

Mystic Guildmistress
[act]Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Chooooooooooooooo![/act]
Noooo! [act]Coughs uncontrollably[/act]
I guess [act]Sniff[/act] I didn't have enough Ben's. Or aloe (Not sure if the grenery actually had aloe in the first place...)
[act]Sneezes and sits in corner with a box of tissues[/act]
I just hope the flying pigs aren't hallucinations... ~:|

Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 10:28am

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Oh My, it seems this infection is worse than first thought. Might need more Bens. Definately need more tissues! I'll be avioding a few forums as well, might go hide out in the library or Writersmerge, seems safe there so far.
[act]Runs to supply cupboard and grabs all the tissue. Places them in stategic locations for sufferers to use then leaves the infected thread[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
[act]runs about like a headless chicken[/act] AHHH!!!! PIGS ARE FLYING!!!
wait... does this mean that Hell is going to freeze over too? :-/ if so, im in big trouble ~:|

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
[act]Rushes back in to say...[/act]Oinkernewtyn.Pen PML! [act]rushes out again to try to find a way to de-infest the Mystic Cavern [/act] :O
Do we have enough Rushton look-alikes to be able to give them a pig each...that might satisfy the virus.........

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
oh, yes i forgot to mention- if anyone wants a protective, 97.5 per cent effective sig feel free to pm me, and i'll make you one asap :nod: :)
[act]attempts to defrost Hell[/act] :-/
These pigs are actually stuffing up with the browser . . . the buggers keep going over too far and keeping swinging the screen back and forth, it wont stop it :|

Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 01:18pm

Wanderer Ward
Yup, they keep messing with the width of the page. They just keep drifting over, and the page keeps expanding for them!
Edit: I'm using firefox.

Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
Hmm, that's not happening for me. What browser are you using? I've tested it on IE 7 & Firefox
The same thing is happening for me. A scroll bar appears at the bottom of the screen and moves about to keep up with the piggies :P
I'm using Firefox atm..and I have a widescreen computer if that helps ???
*check IE* IE doesn't seem to be affected for me though
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 01:15pm
Min: It wasn't me! [act]points to Hacker!MK[/act]
Oh, poo :'( it seems I've caught whatever it is that's going around...
(Also...[act]tests[/act] if you don't maximise your screens, you might have a bit more luck? LOL the Pigs are really infecting Obernet!)