[act]wheezes[/act] No way am I [act]COUGHCOUGH[/act] signing any contracts with a Ned Flanders look alike!
[act]cough[/act]that's the problem[act]cough[/act]with beng an A. They're always the first to go.[act]cough[/act] :roll:wow look the world is spinning. I hear that [act]cough[/act]hallucinating can be a sign of infection. It could just[act]cough[/act]be a rumor though.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
meh, its just a little feaver... running nose... itchy eyes.... stomache cramps... sore throat.. etc... but we can sweat it out! ;)
come now Sionainn and CQ, we really don't need to be signing over our souls to DS over there, who knows what he's going to do with them and the pigs? o_O
[act]Sits in corner, Glen 20 in hands[/act] 8-| How long 'till we're all infected?
Is anyone safe? Why are we signing our souls to Ned? WHYYYY!
[act]Sprays Glen 20 around[/act]
*cough* at last, i am infected; i was starting to feel a little lonely... *sneeze*. |:|

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
... and your happy about that? o_O [act]sneezes[/act] but i was so enjoying your avie with a face mask on! ;D [act]has a good old giggle at anyone from naruto having a facemask on[/act] XD
you know WHAT? Though I don't know how you actually get infected by this swober flu, I actually have the cold - my nose is blocked and I've a headache... oh the joys!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
yay! no offence, but im not a Narutard.. in fact i rather detest naruto :P
yayness for Bleach! seriously- naruto has nothing on Bleach ;)
[act]sneezes again[/act] :|

Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago
Sat Aug 29 2009, 02:20pm

Ashling Guildmistress
Lol thanks for your participation in the Ashling's Muck up week - we couldn't have done it without you ;D
Meanwhile, if you're noticing strange things around the site, it might be worth checking out the link to in my signature [act]points[/act]
~MornirKirara - for the Ashlings :D