Well, avergaing at 1000 words a night, you're sure to get it done. Good luck!
Blog post completed!
1,083 words!
1,366 to go! Go me! ;)
Thank you for all the encouragement - much appreciated! I am looking forward to going to bed earlier next week, though.
Excellent work! At this rate, it looks as though you'll be finished tonight.
Mystic Ward
10 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
no issue with getting your total. Nice
1,105 words tonight, and another new post is up.
261 to go, but I promised myself that I'd stop at midnight, so I was beaten by the clock!
Ah well, an hour or so later on today should see me though, and then I can start planning for Saturday!
So close! That's absolutely fantastic!
280 words, for 10,019 total - DONE! :rolling:
A bit of an anti-climax I suppose, but nevertheless, now I have time to catch up on some reading, plan for tomorrow, and hopefully go to bed before midnight!
Extra thanks again to all those who've supported me, and good luck to those still going! :D
Brilliant work! Congratulations! :D
HUZZAH! :D And you exceeded your goal too :D
10 years ago
Wed Mar 05 2014, 07:18am
Ah, autumn - my favourite season!
I decided to change the name of my thread because being self-deprecating was no longer relevant once I actually hit my target instead of failing miserably, as I thought I would do until the last week of the season.
And of course, it will now change with the seasons.
So, another target of 10,000 words, with a sub-goal of 4,000 words of creative writing. To assist me in this sub-goal, I've decided to go on Long Weekend Poetry Rampages (please help me think of a better name for this) where I attempt to write a number of poems over the course of a weekend with a public holiday attached.
Given that Labour Day is next Monday, I can try this out immediately! I'll be composing short form poems, firstly because I prefer them to longer formats, and also it allows for a greater number of poems to be written, and that's just more fun.
My Labour Day long weekend target will be: 30 tankas!
For those who are unsure, a tanka is a Japanese poetry form similar to the haiku, but where haikus are meant to be inspired by nature, and have 17 syllables in across 3 lines (5-7-5), tankas are more for social commentary and are two lines longer (5-7-5-7-7) for a total of 31 syllables. While I intend to stick to the syllable limit, despite the fact that most tanka poets writing in English more or less ignore this in favour of a more general short-long-short-long-long structure, I'll be a bit more flexible with the thematic guidelines.
In addition, I'm going to set up fortnightly "Ekphrastic Evenings". The idea is that I'll pick a visual art work (submissions gratefully accepted) and write an ekphrastic poem in response to it in one evening. Again, it won't be a long poem. The first ekphrastic evening will be this Thursday (6th)! I already have a few pieces of art I'd like to use, so don't all submit things at once ;)
That all sounds super organised. I like that you have set aside days for particular types of writing - it gives you great structure without being too prescriptive. Good luck with it all (and please share some of the results of your hard work in Prodders, if you can).
Good luck with your endeavours, AF. Setting small achievable goals and setting aside particular days will help you achieve your goal! We look forward to seeing your progress!
Ooh, those sound really interesting (and I'm a poet-a-phobe for the most part). Good luck!
Two changes to my schedule:
1) The first Ekphrastic Evening has been postponed until next Friday, because I just didn't find the time.
2) Focus for this weekend has changed from tankas to my Gardens project. When I was at the Botanic Gardens today I visited Dorothy Porter's memorial bench as I usually do, and realised that I was dancing about this project and had to start it properly.
So I'm deploying the poetic format I developed myself (somewhat pretentious, I know). It's called a "moment", and is a poem of exactly 90 syllables spread across between a minimum of 9 and maximum of 18 lines. I read that in the middle ages, a moment was a measure of time equal to 90 seconds. I haven't seen much to verify this apart from a few questionable links online, but I like the idea so I've taken some poetic licence with it :P
This long weekend, my target is now to write 15 moments.
Maybe pretentious but it sounds great all the same. Goodluck with reaching your goal for the weekend.
10 years ago
Fri Mar 14 2014, 09:00pm
My long weekend plans vanished as quickly as the weekend went by, but hey, at least I sorted my CD collection!
We are suddenly going away this weekend, to a place near where a certain favourite writer of ours has a home (she still has it there, right?). It all rather impulsive, but a good test to see how our four-legged companion deals with staying in another house.
I intend to take little more than pen and paper, so something might happen. Who knows?
Catch you next week.
Ooh, that sounds rather fantastic! Hopefully you'll find the same sort of inspiration there as Isobelle does. :D
Mystic Ward
10 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Hope you enjoyed it. Beautiful down that way.
I've been having so fun posting my daily poems in Prodders that I've given up on my 10,000 word target for this season. That's okay -- I'll have to change my format a bit, as I'll never manage more than a few thousand words per season given the short length of my poems. My blogging has slowed down significantly, and while I have a few posts to clean up and publish, they'll be the last I do for a while.
It's all about having fun!
10 years ago
Fri May 30 2014, 10:48pm
Most of my stuff is in Prodders, and it would seem a bit silly to come in here each day and say "oh hey, I wrote another poem", so this thread's going to stay fairly quiet.
My plans for the next season (June, July, August) are:
5 poems a week for a total of 65.
That is all, for now.
In an effort to focus more on long-term, larger projects rather than the pressure of writing almost daily, I'm reducing my target to 3 poems a week.
That brings my target down to 40 poems, given that I've already completed two weeks.
If needs be, I'll review this target later.
In the spirit of today's write-in being awesome and inspirational and all, I'm going to attempt to make the above target of 40 poems.
I'm at 15 so far for the season, so another 25 need be produced by the end of the month. Here we go ...