Ashling Guildmistress
16 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
That's crazy! :( It's a shame, I was really hoping you could all have a read.
15 years ago
Mon Feb 16 2009, 07:24am
[moves first bit of post to the actual thread ;) ]
[act]squees at March's book[/act]
Ohh!! Good Omens! I read it about 2 months ago, it was brilliant!
[act]gets whispered to shut up about it until next month :P [/act]
I really am disliking my library - doesn't have the next one either :|
I LOVE Good Omens! It's hilarious lol I should get my copy back from a friend I lent it to a couple months ago...

Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Ooh, my brother has Good Omens! :D I've been planning to read it for ages - he highly recommended it - so hopefully I'll get the chance to do so in time for the bookclub! ;D

Dreamweaver Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweaver Guilden
Huzzah I just placed a copy of this on hold from the library. Also I love Terry Pratchett, so I can't wait to read it. It'll be the first book club book I actually read. I have a hold on the Book Thief, but I'm still 13th in line for it. Oh and I'm part way through The Big Over Easy, but it's a bit late for that one now.
Alright it's March - everyone get reading Good Omens. Trust me, it's hilarious and fantastic and everyone should read it!! (Hmm, now to get it back from my brother to reread it...)
Thread should open on about the 14th of March. Happy reading!
Neil Gaiman is awesome :D If you havent read it, read Stardust :)
This looks awesome, i wanna read it!!!
I really dislike my local library - yet another book they dont have ":(
You need a new library! That sucks!!

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
I will read it as soon as i get through IC's books. . . It sounds good though. Is the book theif i've been told several times to read it but have never gotten around to it! :P
Yay i bought this book ;D
Yay! Chocolat's been sitting on my shelf for ages and now I have an excuse to make it skip the book-reading queue! Yay for Bookclub!! Yay for jumping the queue!! :D
YAY for our very own board!!
Don't forget, you can of course rekindle discussion in any of the threads in here, now it's even easier to find them! And the great thing is there'll almost definitely be some people around who have read it! (Unlike when you read a great book and just want to talk to someone about it and no one has :( But here people have! Yay!)
*bounces off to check out the board some more*
Just wondering - when can we start talking about Howl's Moving Castle? :D

Ashling Guildmistress
15 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
Woo - I'm halfway through it atm! And just finished watching the movie as well :D
I'm quite fond of them both, though each time I watch the movie it grows on me :)
But yes, I look forward to chatting away with you all! Love DWJ (L)
Normally we open the threads on about the 14th to give people a chance to read it first, although since we now announce books way in advance maybe that's a bit superflous... Anyway, it'll probably open on about the 14th.
I read the book yesterday (started on the train on the way to my physics exam, finished it that afternoon :D ), it's good!
*pats *dpm**
I know this is still 2 months away, but this is just a head's up to say September's book People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks is a bit longer than our normal books and might take a while to read. Just letting you know so that if you'd like to you can start early to make sure you're ready for the discussion in September :)
my mum just bought this book, and i've stolen it off her lol. so far its really good!!!! but its also so sad!!