Exciting news everyone! We've decided to do something special in the lead up to the release of
The Sending later this year, and have a joint rereading!
As such, here's the run down of how the middle months of the year are going to go with the OBC:
June's books are Obernewtyn and The Farseekers.
July's book is Ashling.
August's book is The Keeping Place.
September's book is The Stone Key.I realise you've probably all read them :P But if you haven't, this is your perfect opportunity; and if you have you might find something new in them! Discussion threads will open on the first of the month.
So, get ready for the great rereading!
Also, just a note for those who aren't Australians - those are the books as they are called in Australia. In the US (and possibly elsewhere)
The Stone Key was split in to two books -
Wavesong and
The Stone Key, both being around 500pages instead of around 1000. Most of them are the same, except for the section where they're split (to make sure Wavesong actually has an end). Feel free to talk about them in the Stone Key thread :)
(But, PS, don't completely write the OBC off for half the rest of the year! Stay tuned and keep suggesting books you think we should do)