Mystic Guilden
11 years ago
Mystic Guilden
Sounds like a great finish to OberNo Arwen :)
Huzzah! Congrats on the words
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
11 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I can't believe it's already summer!
So for the first time in a few weeks I actually sat down and did some writing. And then at 11pm I realised that it was day one of the season. So yay for writing words already :D
I'm going to aim for 10k this summer, and I'm mainly going to continue writing PostScript, though I may also write more Morgaine/Mordred stories.
So far I have written 2651 words, so if I keep up this momentum I may increase my target :)
Ooh wow, on a roll already. Good luck. :D
That's a fantastic start! Going by your current rate of writing, you may be have to increase your target by quite a margin. :D
Congratulations, Arwen. I love your PostScript story.
Ooh, you've got a lot done already. You should be able to extend your goal soon enough :D
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
So January was pretty much a bust for writing, but I've finally managed to meet my goal, and might actually get some more writing done in the next week to add to my total.
No more tonight though, I've just written another sad scene. Suffice it to say that if I have a little girl some day she will not be naming a puppy Sprinkles.
Mystic Ward
10 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
congrats Arwen. :( for Sprinkles
Congrats, Arwen! It's great to hear you're going to continue your story, too. What are you writing at the moment?
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Thanks :)
I'm mostly writing PostScript. I think drama, angst and tragedy are the words which come to mind first. Pretty much a teenage girl with a boatload of survivor's guilt and a lot of sarcasm.
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Tue Apr 22 2014, 11:24pm
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I've done a bit of writing so far, not as often as I'd like, but today was fun, so I'm providing a snippet :)
Outside of Fillgrove there are these giant flowerpots, big enough for a person to hide in. I would know: I did it often enough, sometimes watching my peers as they walked in or out of the school gates, sometimes jumping out to surprise one of my classmates. The time I got Dean was different, and looking back I realise that it could have been a turning point, had we let it, but we didn’t. We brushed it off awkwardly and tried to pretend that his face hadn’t been so close to mine, that our hearts hadn’t been racing and that we didn’t blush when we realised how clear the others’ eyes were at such proximity.
After Principal Lyvlee was startled by my Maddi-in-a-flowerpot act I expected that the flowerpots would actually be put to use, but eighteen months later they’re still empty. I’m glad, because for some reason this flowerpot feels like a safe haven. The day is overcast and cold, but all that matters to me is that I am curled up into myself staring blankly at the terracotta walls, remembering and imagining.
I imagine what Dean would say if he saw me now, even as I remember what he said the time he was.
“You know Maddi, I’d try and convince you, and even myself, that you didn’t just scare me, but just listening to my heart, I know I’d be lying. It’s beating so loud I can’t ignore it. It’s screaming at me that it’s scared and never wants you to do that again.”
Then he realised just how close he was, turned red and awkwardly attempted to climb out of the pot. While I just blinked rapidly before blushing at what had just happened. After he climbed out he turned to offer me a hand, but it was too late, I was already stepping over the rim of the pot, and I pretended not to notice how his hand disappeared into his hair as he blushed again.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - your work is very much fairy-tale in nature. Sweet and lovely writing.
And now... SHONK! I say, SHONK! I'd say this is pretty close to a hug, wouldn't you?
(Don't mind me. Thanks very much for sharing, Arwen. I very much enjoy this story.)
This is tormenting, Arwen. It is the kind of hug that is not-quite a hug but is so obviously hug material that you are gritting your teeth at the not actual hugness of it.
I'm not making any sense am I? HUUUUGS??
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I come bearing actual hugs! Or at least my notebook has some hugs in it... I'm currently working on typing up my writings so far, half of which is of Maddi, and half of Morgaine/Mordred.
Current total is 637 words.
Excellent. I approve this message :D
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Yes! I just made my target - and mostly because of my creative writing course this semester. I can't wait to be able share some of that work :)
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
So this season I started a little late with my writing (three days ago) but I've surprised myself with how much I've already written:
16/12/2014: 3216
17/12/2014: 2114
18/12/2014: 3374
Running total: 8704
So I've increased my normal goal of 10000 words to 25000.
While I'm sure I'll still be writing PostScript every so often, depending on my mood, at the moment I've started something new. The idea started on the last day of November when I needed 600 words to reach my spring goal, and it has since evolved into something huge. It's actually something that resembles fantasy, which is surprising for me, because I've had trouble writing fantasy in the past.
And may I just say I love using Scrivener again, I finally got around to downloading it for this computer.
Hooray ! Well done so far!
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
9 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I started seriously writing for this summer on the 21st, with the goal of writing at least 1000 words per day. So far I'm at 13034 words and still very motivated :)
Great job Arwen, keep up the excellent work!