Fantastic work, Nef! I think handwritten works should count for double because of the physical exertion of hand writing!
I agree, handwriting takes long so should definitely be worth more (and also takes a bit more effort to type up too since I am completely unable of reading my own handwriting)
OK, after transcribing all of my scribbles, I now have 11,333 words. Not bad, considering I'm only getting a couple of hours of writing time (if that) per day.
I'm hoping to knock out at least another 1000 today! (which will get me over a 1/4 of the way to this week's target!)
That's a pretty fantastic achievement! How did you go with your plans for another 1,000 words? Did they behave for you?
Not bad? I think it's brilliant! That's awesome work, Nef.
I managed another 800 last night. It would have been more, but just as I set up my computer, a spider came to my notice, and I had to spend an hour eliminating it and picking everything up off the floor (to prevent future interlopers having something to hide under.
I've been noticing that the writing gets a bit easier every day ... how about you guys? Not that my quality increases, but that I get more into the story and the characters ...

Mystic Ward
11 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
great count Nef. I wish I could find the motivation to write, but it's just not there. Perhaps after Christmas is done and dusted, I'll be in a better frame of mind.
Agree, Nef. If you write regularly, eventually you find that fantasy world of yours creeping in and taking over your brain. Then the voice of your story becomes even more familiar than your own voice. Consequently it becomes easier to write than have conversations with real people :).
11 years ago
Wed Dec 11 2013, 09:49am
Who needs conversations with real people when you have words anyway, pfft!
Unfortunately, even as it does get easier, it is a terribly easy habit to break though. I find just taking one day is enough to make me fall off the wagon, so just keep on it! Go! Go! Go!
some small progress today - about 600 words on the train (and a few more on the way home if I'm not too drunk), but I'm facing Jossie's problem this week of having Christmas related ... stuff going on. Too many dinner, not enough writing time. Except when I write about my food ... which I did, so I'll post it!
Huzzah for more words! And bah at Christmas for getting in the way of things - it's so inconsiderate. On the other hand, you never know what you might write in a semi-tipsy state - it could be amazing, provided it still makes sense in the morning...
Sionainn's so right about how easy it is to break the habit of writing. I figure that if we're writing something each day - even if it's a hundred words or so - it has to help. That will keep us going.
If you don't have time to write write, I'd still suggest trying to take at least five minutes to jot done some ideas or notes for writing, just to keep your head in it, give yourself something to remind you to keep writing/make you excited for the next time you have time to write. Just helps to increase the chances of writing again.
I agree, Nef - writing does come more easily as you continue to do it (the quality might not be superb). For me, just by the act of writing the ideas are rolling in, which then I want to write about. Straight after a writing session, I always make notes of ideas that have come up.
And as good as the lovely food is for Xmas dinners… it's taking away from our precious writing time, grr!
That's a reassuring tip, Sionainn and makes my day of non-actual written words not so bad, since I did make notes on missing scenes!
I'm gonna see if posting works now ...
No words last night - too tired. More this morning.
I'm also shaping some of the characters. They're coming slowly ...
Nice work, and indeed posting works now :nods:
No writing last night. Brain fried - and it was christmas cake baking (part one) time. A sat around napping and watching deep space 9. Tonight is Gingerbread house making night ... perhaps tomorrow.
I'm spending my time thinking about characters ...
Gingerbread! That's almost more important than writing. Almost.
Time spent thinking about characters is more productive than it might sound, isn't it? I love those times when you're away from your story and your imagination starts thinking about what makes this character tick or why that character made that strange choice. It's fantastic! Then you go back to your story with a new understanding of all these crazy people in your head.
On a side note, please share photos of the gingerbread house when you're done. :D
This week is lost. I'm stuck at work today doing dictation (yes, dictation...) so I'll probably be too tired to do anything tonight ... we'll see.
But it's Saturday! That's just cruel.
Yeah - I was wiped for the weekend. Better luck this week.
After such a crazy weekend, I think you've earned a break! I hope you have more of a chance to write this week. Let us know when you need us to break the prods (or props) out. :D
1200 words! But that was just selection criteria for a job ... but that totally counts as fiction, right?

Mystic Ward
11 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
lol. I'll let you count it. And I think you might need to rename you thread now.