Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *thinks* hmm... how about we go back to where we were before the start of the not-yet-finished-wedding? |:|
Avialle: oh! yeh, you have that 'somthing' to do don't you? *squints at her suspiciously*
Helena: |:| ...... *grabs johnie and dives out of the balloon*
All: 8-| *rush t the side*
Both: *are already gone and can't be seen anywhere*
Cam: so.. does anybody know how to steer this? :P
MM: *is sitting in her castle* i dont know how this keeps happening! one minute im with the adventure and now i am here!...
Jasper: cant explain it your majesty...
Emmet: lets take the yoyo copter to find them all!
Ravyn: *calling out to the others* I MIGHT, BUT I-... THE VIEW'S TOO GOOD FROM THIS ANGLE!!
All: *look out over the sides and see Ravyn hanging from a rope taking photos of hell* ::)

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Johie and Helena: *creep accross the front lines and split up after a hurried whispered conversation*
Helena: *takes out a *w/t** *whispers* Abhorsen, pokadots and candiecanes.
Abhorsen, can you hear me?)
Sabriel: *w/t* salt'n'pepa squid- echoing in the distance. (loud and clear, lady)
Helena:*w/t* Tango- Yankee, Alpha Bravo. (initiate- Yankee, Alpha Bravo.)
Sabriel: *w/t* mink toilets, hills hoist pop (got it, over and out)
All: *arrive back at Dinaria's wedding*
*Real worlders now inanimate bodies*
Cameo: They are still here.
Avialle: Why don't we take them with us to use as cannon fodder against Aggy?
Helena: Wow! Evil!
Avialle: Yeh, just a little.
Dinaria: Ahhem! My wedding!
All: Oh, yes. ~:|
Kieran: Let the wedding resume!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Tue Apr 14 2009, 08:22pm

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *comando crawls through the barbed-(somewhat besmirched)-wire* |:| *w/t* Jelly Bean, prenombra la couscous? (johnie, are you in position?)
Johnie:*w/t* mopoke, la coucoracha.... somthing.... somthing.... somthing (yep)
Helena: *w/t* Banana Rama dingdong. pong ping. :nod: (give me 2 mins to get out of here. when im out, initiate launch sequence) :nod:
Johnie: *w/t* pocahontas, hills hoist pop (right, over and out)
Helena: *w/t* Abhorsen, machu pichu doe ray me far. so! (sabriel, get ou of there. now!)
Sabriel: *w/t* mink toilets salt'n'pepa squid (got it Lady)
Mogget: *snatches the W/T off of Sabriel* *w/t* salt'n'pepa squid, sing me a song, a song of the sea- spounge bob square pants?? (don't tell me, let me guess, Helena... if we don't get out we're going to die) ::)
Helena: *w/t* juicy oranges! gah gah goo goo,hills hoist pop (of course not! got to go, over and out) *gets out of there*
Hey guys, I am so sorry I've been gone! *feels really guilty* I was away at a friends for Easter. I will be away Sunday-Sunday as well (I'm up at Shark Bay with Bushranger Cadets). I get a total of 5 days home these holidays! :(
Meanwhile: *is back at the wedding*
Dinaria walks… well, ‘storms’ may be a better word, down the aisle for the third time, eager to get it over with. When she reaches the alter, she gives a sigh of relief. She made it. But before she has time to look at the fire-elemental (who is acting as priest), there is a disturbance at the back. Several Evil, Evil Penguins are in a fight.
“We need to behave at Dinaria’s wedding,†One of them tells another.
“Quark? Quark quarkka-quark-qua,†The other replies (translation: Why? We’re supposed to be evil and not behave).
Dinaria glares at the offending penguin who takes no notice, fighting of another EEP who is apparently trying to save the wedding. After fifteen minutes, the EEP gives in to the others and the wedding continues. Everyone is surprised that Dinaria is looking much cleaner and neater than before. She explains, “I had a lot of time to clean up while those three were fighting.â€
Meanwhile, slightly further away, Dinaria is tied to a tree. Another Dinaria appears before her. “Oh, Dinaria, thank Lud I found you, sister,†She exclaims, “You’re evil clone, Airanid, is planning to kidnap you and marry Jacob instead!â€
“You think I haven’t noticed that?†Dinaria asks, looking pointedly at the ropes tying her to the tree, “You know, for a parallel-universe me, Elleinad, you’re very unobservant. Oh, and I’ve told you before WE’RE NOT SISTERS!â€
“Have you tried shapeshifting out?†Elleinad asks, ignoring Dinaria’s last statement.
“No, I’ve been sitting her doing nothing all this time. Of course I have! They have the special anti-shapeshifting rope… Would you care to look behind you?â€
As they talk, several EEPs sneak up behind Elleinad and chain her to the tree as well.
“Very unobservant,†Dinaria repeats.
Meanwhile, as Jacob looks at Airanid, still thinking she is Dinaria, he doesn’t feel the love that he felt for her before. Somehow, probably with his imprint powers, he knows she isn’t Dinaria. Looking around, he realises the EEPs have bombs ready to throw at the ceremony.
The guests look around and realise this as well.
Someone has to stop Airanid (preferably without killing her, I like having a clone ;) ) and the EEPs (kill as many of them as you want).
15 years ago
Tue Apr 14 2009, 11:30pm
Avialle: [act]glares at the EEPs[/act] You're supposed to throw confetti after the ceremony. ":(
Ravyn: Aren't those... bombs... ? :-/
Helena: [act]runs in[/act] Everybody down!
MM: [act]speaks to the EEPs[/act] You do realise that if you throw those bombs, you'll blow up yourselves as well?
EEPs: [act]hadn't thought of that[/act] :-?
EEP#46: Quark quaaaark! quaaark! ":( (Who's stupid plan was this anyway?)
EEPs: |:|
EEP#76: Qua - quarrrk! (It was his idea!) [act]points[/act]
EEP#5: 8-| Quark! (No it wasn't!)
Avialle: [act]whispers to the others[/act] Did someone bring the EEP repellent?
Cameo: I've got that! ;D
Helena: Weapons?
All: [act]nod[/act]
Avialle: Tool of Mass Destruction?
All: o_O
Mono: You mean this? [act]takes out rubber band[/act]
Avialle: Exactly. :nod: Ok, let's go.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *reminds everybody* maybe we should, i don't know... get down on the floor? you know, because we're all going to get blown to smithereens if we don't.... but then again... that's all up to you guys :)
Kingdocastrians and guests, excluding the EEP's: ::) *get down on the floor*
Helena: *w/t* Miky mouse club black sheep (now would be good Johnie)
Johnie: *appears beside everyone and gets down* *turns off his *w/t* * three...
Helena: two...
Both: ;D one!
S/TC: *explodes, engulfing all of Agies secret weapons and leaving only his normal army standing in this dimention*
Kingdocastrians not in on the plan: 8-|
Avialle: what in luds name did you do?!?
the Real Dinaria: *nods sagely* ah, yes! but i thought i broke it at your wedding?
MM: oh! i know what it is now! yeh! it was broken! *wth-ing*
Helea: :nod: indeed, but it can move between time and space, so technically that was a younger version of it... before dinaria breakes it and sends us all to the RW :nod:
Newer Kingdocastrians that weren't here for Helena's wedding: *WTH-ing* o_O
Johnie: *whispers to them* the Rock of Continuum ;D
Ravyn: ahh!! i remember that rock... good times *grins at Arwen and Legolas* ;D
Avialle: Does that mean Aggy's defeated now? :D ... Wait, does that mean I don't get to drop an anvil on his army? :-/
Helena: (soothingly) No, it's ok, he isn't defeated yet. He just can't use any secret weapons or tricky tactics. :nod:
Ravyn: You mean he has to fight fair? :D ... Do we have to fight fair, too? :-/
Helena: Nope. ;D
All: Hurrah!
EEPs: Quark quaaark! ":( (Hey, we're still here you know! Don't just ignore us! We're about to attack you with machine guns, don't you think you should pay us a little more attention? ":( )
Avialle: Quark! (Be quiet and stop ruining Dinaria's wedding! ":( )
Kieran: ... You can speak EEP? o_O
Avialle: No, I just figure if I make random penguin noises I'll get my point across. ;D [act]turns to EEPs[/act] Quuarrrrrk! (I saw you eating blankets and dancing naked in the rain last night).
EEPs: o_O [act]wonder if Avialle is insane[/act]
EEP#56: |:| [act]tries to slink away[/act]
Avialle: See, I must have said something intimidating! ;D I've thrown them off balance. :nod:
Mono: If that is so, why have they just pulled out the big guns?
EEPs: *have pulled out the big guns* ":(
Avialle: Hehehe....I don't know why... |:|
EEP#5: ":( ":( Quuuarkkkkkquark (You just insulted our most holy religious festival!! CHHAAARRGGGEEE)
Kindocastrians: 8-| eep!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *pulls out her bigger-than-big guns* *hands one to Mono* ready? aim-
Mono: shoot 'em! :D
Both: *start to shoot* :D
Other kingdocastrians: hey! where's ours? ":(
stock pile of weapons: *appears*
Other Kingdocastrians: :D yay! ;D
Dinaria Human: you know guys, I am still tied up with this half-wit.
Elleinad: we're tied up with someone else? ... Oh I get it! You mean the tree!
Dinaria Human: *to Elleinad* go die in a hole. *to others* you gonna get me out?
Helena: maybe later.
Avialle: we'll finish this first.
Cameo: maybe we should...
Others: *glare at her*
Cameo: 8-| or not.
Ravyn: :D *tosses two toothpicks to Dinaria* in the meantime, have fun ;)

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
stray bullet: *zooms towards Dinaria*
Dinaria: um, guys.... HELP!?
All: *are shooting people and don't hear*
Stray Bullet: *cuts the ropes*
Dinaria: never mind! ;D *joins in shooting*
Cameo: *shoots EEPs* I feel kinda evil..
Dinaria: Isn't it great! :D
Cameo: Not really..
Helena: But they were trying to shoot us with machine guns!
Cameo: True..true. An I do dislike people who try to kill my friends *continues to shoot EEPs*
Ravyn: ahh, but the EEP's aren't people, are they? *grins wickedly*
Cameo: :-/

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *lobs a handgrenade at the EEP's* here *throws one to Cam* you try ;D
Cameo: :-/ *pulls pin* *throws*
BOOM!!!: *happens twice*
Cameo: :D

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: ::)
Aragorn: Join in Arwen, it's fun.
Arwen: ::) I think I'll stick to using my sword when they try and get past me.
Dinaria: But that's not really evil!
Arwen: I know. Want another gun?
Dinaria: :D
Cameo: It is sorta fun... and no, they're not really people, so maybe I'll explode some
Helena: That's the spirit!
Cameo: How many of these things are there?
15 years ago
Fri Apr 24 2009, 09:31am
raven: [act]drives through the reception in a steam roller, squashing all the remaining EEP's[/act] die evil evil penguins die!!!! [act]cackles manically [/act]
all: o_O [act]shrug[/act] :D [act]cheer[/act]
Cameo: Does this mean Dinaria can finally start to have the wedding of her dreams?
Jost: We may have to clean up first...
Cameo: *sees destruction wraught by steam roller* 8-|
Raven: ~:|
Cameo: Right then. I'll need a broom, a phone, some cleaning fluid and a lot of people to help pick up debris. Lucky we have spare benches out the back, and the altar wasn't destroyed, at least.
raven: (0-) i have a better idea! why don't i just open a black hole and suck everything up into that?! :D
cameo: [act]skeptically [/act]does everything include us?
raven: |:| accidents happen....
Cameo: Forgive me, but I'm not sure that I want to end up collateral damage
Raven: :| Fine...
Cameo: You can move those EEP bodies to that feild ten kilometres that way and suck them up with a very small black hole if you want to! They will get in the way of cleaning. *gets to work*