Dinaria FB: *has come back, seeing as not much has changed since she visited four million years ago when studying for her first bachelor of evilness* well Arien and I both have evilness degrees, I'm sure about anyone else... and Helena's his daughter, so he should help us right?
Kieran: Okay, you guys try that, in the meantime we'll try to find Osiris.
All: :nod:
Cameo: Orisis? Weren't we discussing if we could find a street directory?
Keiran: A street directory to Orisis of course!
Cameo: Oh! ~:| That makes sense.. Helena, do you reckon you could ask your dad where we could find one?
Helena: Sure. Daaad?
Devil: *sighs* Yes, sweetie.
Helena; Where can we get a street directory?

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Devil: *reaches into the neither between the worlds* behind the universe's couch of corse! *pulls hand out* *hands over a slightly crumpled booklet that has the universe's car key's stuck to it with a bit of gum*
Helena: *sigh* see? how long did it take you to search under the couch? that's always the last place you look! i mean who wouldn't think to search the universe couch? ::)
Devil: ~:| .... :| you know i could have you sent to Hel-oh, wait you are in Hell :P
Dinaira: so thats where your name came from! :D
Helena: *facepalm* X=P
okies, some how i have manged to loose my internet cord ~:| so if i find it tonight i'll be back on, but most likely i'll be to busy with my extention english essay that's due on the last day of term (thurs) *grrrrr to teachers* :|
I hope it doesn't take you too long Helena, good luck. I have a river cruise on Thurs XD . I wanted to wear pjs but my parents won't let me! :| *grrrr to teachers and parents*
Dinaria FB: so... you know this challenge is taking forever.
Helena: well let's go find Osiris.
Avialle: [act]grabs directory and looks up Osiris[/act] Hmm... Well, it says here his number is "a dead soul crying out for release". o_O
Helena: Ok do we have any dead people here?
All: ... |:|
Avialle's soul (that she got from Helena): Oi! Down here!
All: [act]look around wildly[/act]
Soul: ::) The one without the arms or the legs... or the face... or eyes... or a body - :-| [act]suddenly wails[/act] Waaaaah! I have nothing any more! I just want to die! [act]pauses[/act] Waaaah! I'm already dead! My life is over! I'm so useless I can't even kill myself... :"(
Avialle: [act]holds soul away from her in distaste[/act] Helena, you didn't tell me it could talk... ).(
Soul: [act]mutters[/act] About the only thing I can do any more... :"(
Cameo: Oh great. So we've got an emo dead soul. What now?
Avialle: I suppose we get it to "call out for release", and then Osiris will come...
Osiris: Oh, I've been here quite a while. :)
All: [act]jump[/act]
Osiris: Hello everybody. ;D [act]waves[/act] [act]puts on dramatic voice[/act] I have come to collect that soul. [act]points[/act]
Avialle: [act]grabs soul[/act] Hang on, I paid for this soul -
Helena: [act]mutters[/act] No you didn't...
Avialle: - and I'm not about to just hand it over to you.
Soul: [act]wails[/act] Ahhh, the pain! I CAN'T EVEN TAKE A PANADOL TO RELIEVE IT, BECAUSE I HAVE NO ARMS! :"( :"( :"(
Avialle: ... On second thought, you're welcome to it. :-/ [act]hands soul over[/act]
Osiris: Thank you. [act]throws the soul into his father-christmas-like sac and turns to go[/act]
Cameo: Wait! Can you tell us where the Evil Llama is?
Osiris: Oh, that fellow... Quite insane, I can tell you. :-| Yes, I can sense his presence over by the Necromancy Spring.
Diaria: Thank you! :D [act]grabs everyone and drags them towards the spring[/act]
Everyone: *arrives at Necromancy Spring* ow Dinaria@ You didn't have to pull quite so hard!
Dinaria FB: |:| yes I did.
Arwen: how did we get here anyway?
Dinaria FB: I don't know, why?
All: o_O
Cameo: let's just find the Evil Llama, okay?
Avialle: yeah, that would help.

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: What was his trademark? Was it evil laughing?
Aragorn: Maybe if we just try last times trick it would work.
Arwen: but I really don't want to do that again.
Cameo: What was it?
Dinaria: Pretending to be God and making him do as we said.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Arwen: yeh we don't have Fat Cat here to do that :P ah well-
Disembodied voice that can be heard from far away:Mwahahaha! wait until those Kingdocastrians see what i have for them now!!
Helena: found him :P
Avialle: Right. Let's get this sorted out soon. I want wedding cake. :(
All: [act]approach Evil Llama[/act]
Evil Llama: [act]is staring into the spring[/act] Muahahaha! Just wait until I release the Awesome Power of my Kedavas! Then you Kindocastrians will be OBLITERATED and the Kingdoms will be MINE! Mwahahaha -
Helena: [act]taps him on the shoulder[/act] Hello. ;D
Evil Llama: [act]turns[/act] What is it - Aaaah! :O Oh, it's you. :|
Arwen: [act]waves[/act] Nice to see you again. :nod:
Evil Llama: Silence fool! Just wait until I attack you with my ninja-Llama move. [act]strikes ninja pose[/act] |:|
Avialle: [act]whispers[/act] I think death has driven him a bit insane...
Evil Llama: I heard that, puny human! ":( I will bite you! Bite you I say! [act]bares teeth[/act]
Avialle: ::) Look, I don't have time for you right now, Crazy. Right now you're standing between me and wedding cake. :(
Arwen: yeah. And how come you're not with the Herders? Lud doesn't like it when you ignore his orders. ":(
Cameo: This way then! Come on all! *skips off*
Dinaria: She's skipping in hell... that's a little ironic.
Cameo: Hmm? Oh, not for me. But I do hate being around these poor lost souls. i just want to hug them all, but they are insubstantial *chucks panadol back to the soul*
Evil Llama: *spots them* What?! What?!! *splutters and turns blue* What are you doing here? You're meant to be up there! Dead!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Apr 08 2009, 11:34pm

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: wait! are you saying that we'd end up in heaven?
All: *burst out laughing exept for Cam, Arwen and Bambi, who prolly would end up in heaven :P )
Helena: ah, yes i remember back in the days when TSC died and we found out what comes after death for Kingdocastrians..... *sighs*
Llama: huh?
Helena: The Kingdoms :nod:
Bambi: wait, so when you die in the Kingdoms you go to-
Arwen: the Kingdoms, yeh :nod:
Helena: of corse... i still have that pretty sig that MM made me... :D
i found my internet cord! it was under the computer ~:|
I probably won't be on till next week- I'm on holiday for Easter
Cameo: It is pretty!
Llama: Mwuhahahaha, even though you are here, you will never discover the secret to getting rid of the RLers!
Arwen: Oh, really?
Llama; Yes really!
Helena: What if we kill you?
Llama: I'm in hell! You can't kill me!
Helena: ::) Do you think I'm stupid? With the devil as my dad, I ought to know a few things. This is only the outer layer of hell, how do you think we're still alive? If we kill you, you go down to the pit of souls.
Llama: grrrr.....
Cameo: Can we cage up his powers rather than kill him? Reform him into a normal, good llama?
Helena: Perhaps....

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
EL: 8-| you never take me alliiiivvveeee!!! *jumps into the pit of souls*
Avialle: *catches his tiny tale* oh, no you don't ;D *hauls him back up*
15 years ago
Fri Apr 10 2009, 12:03pm
Avialle: [act]plonks the Evil Llama down at her feet[/act] ;D Ok, so, how are we supposed to reform an Evil Llama? Evilness is part of its nature. :-|
Evil Llama: Ha-ha! That's right! You will never - [act]Helena stuffs a sock in its mouth[/act] ).( MPPHH! ":(
Helena: Good, now we can talk in peace. So does anyone have any ideas?
Cameo: ... We could brain-wash him?
Helena: [act]writing ideas up on the whiteboard[/act] Excellent! Ok, what else?
Arwen: We could hypnotise him?
Helena: Good, good... Any chance we could come up with something a little more... evil? You know, less humane. :)
Arwen and Cam: ... er :-?
Avialle: How about we throw him off the edge of a cliff?
Arwen: I don't really think that's a very good plan.
Avialle: [act]defensively[/act] It's a plan. ;P
Evil Llama: ::)
Avialle: Ok. So, how about we hypnotise him to be good and to be the Devil's personal slave for eternity. You know, torturing souls, cooking breakfast, doing the dry-cleaning...
Helena: Perfect! :D Ok, who knows how to hypnotise?
All: ...
EL: *coughs up sock* that's enough. You're not hypnotising me.
Kieran: Yes we are. *casts cage*
EL: *cage appears around Kieran* Ha take that!
Kieran: Hey! Let me out!":(
Cameo: Let him out!
EL: As if I'm doing that. * Waves a disembodied arm and leg, and releases the Awesome Power of his Kadavers*
All: OH! *Now surrounded by Undead Kadavers*
EL: Just try and stop me. Mmwwaaahhhhhah!
Osiris: *Appears* Your underworld residence contract says 'strictly no defiling of bodies'. *Kadavers disapear* Any more enfringements and you will be but to the mercy, or lach thereof, of the Devil and Hades. *leaves*
EL: Fine! I'll do this myself.
Arwen: Looks like another fight then.
Cameo: I suppose we'll have to hypnotise him later.
Kieran: What about me!
Avialle: We'll get to you later. At least you'll be safe.
*Evil Llama charging*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: Daaaaadddyyyyy??
Devil: *appears* *sighs* yes, my little princess of Death and distruction?
Helena: can you re-catch the Evil Llama pleeeaaase?? *uses her puppy eyes on him*
Devil: ::) *zaps the Evil Llama* *pulls him back and looks like a mime pulling an invisible rope*
Helena: yays! thank you Daddy! *hugs him*
Devil: *looks slightly less peeved* no problem my harbringer of chaos :) *potters off to the throne room to tourture a few more people*
Cam: so, where were we?
Kieran: um, saving me? :P
Avialle: oh, yeh! :D
Mono: Ahhh, let's do this shall we? Getting rid of the Evil Llama once and for all, that is.
Avialle: But how will we do it?
Mono: There's always the devilled eggs of course :D
Evil Llama: Nooo! Not the devilled eggs!
Helena: Muahaha. *stuffs Evil Llama's mouth with devilled eggs*
Evil Llama: :-X *swallows* x_X
Mono: YAY! Now we can all get out of here and never return!
Helena: Except for me...and Arien...and Dinaria...because we've got Bachelors of Evility and all. 8)
Avialle: ... How come i don't have a Bachelor of Evilness? :(
Helena: Because you didn't take the course. You wanted to do 'ninja school' instead. ::)
Avialle: Oh, I remember now... And I passed with flying colours! :D
Dinaria: No you didn't. You failed, but you black-mailed the Ninja Master into passing you. ::)
Avialle: Lets not get into the details. |:| Hehe, that Ninja Master was a softy though... We were good friends. :nod:
Mono: ... Didn't he try to kill you just last week?
Avialle: Oh yeah, he's a joker alright. [act]fond smile[/act]
Kieran: So... is anyone going to get me out of here? You know, when you've finished reminiscing and all. ::)
Avialle: Oh, ok. :) [act]rusts bars so Kieran can climb out of the cage[/act]
Arwen: Back to the Surface World?
Dinaria: I didn't get to ride on the Boat of Eternal Pain and Suffering. :(
Helena: [act]soothingly[/act] It's ok, we'll come back soon and I'll get you a ride for free. We can even visit the Gold Class Torture Chamber.
Dinaria: Yay! :D

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
lol Avialle you make it sound like the movies XD
Helena: all abord the Balloon of No Return! :D
Cam: why is it called the balloon of no return :-/
Helena: well, if people get out of Hell, they generally don't come back, but "the Balloon of Occasional Returns Oly Because The Found This Way of Life Interesting or They're Just Plain Insane" didn't have quite the right Zing
Ravyn: |:| *runs over to the balloon in slow motion and jumps - also in slow motion - onto the rope hanging from the balloon* *pulls out camera and takes photo of Hell* 8)
hey guys i'm back!! my boyfriend and his dad fixed my computer!! ;D

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago
Sun Apr 12 2009, 05:02pm

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: We can go now?
Helena: We've done with Evil Llama, so yes.
Arwen: Good, because I really want to go to a wedding now.
Aragorn: ::) You always want to go to a wedding.
Arwen: What's that supposed to mean?
Aragorn: Nothing, let's just climb in the basket.
I have returned from my Sus Ridless exile. For now :P

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *waves to her daddy* see you next thousand years or so! :D next stop- The Kingdoms!
raven: so are we going back to the wedding now? or do we have to finish off lord Aggy first?
kingdocastrians: oh, hmm..... [act]put on thinking caps and stroke imaginary beards[/act]
Avialle: How about we do both? We can make a quick stop on the way. :nod:
Raven: [act]shrugs[/act] Sounds good. How should we defeat him?
Avialle: Hmm... How about we inconspicuously fly over his head and drop and anvil on him? :D
Arwen: Doesn't that seem a bit... violent? :-|
Cam: Not to mention messy. He'd be all smooshed! I'm not cleaning up that mess. ).(
Helena: Ok, ok, does anyone have any other ideas then?
Avialle: Because if not we're going with the anvil plan. :nod: