Obernewtyn.net Moonfair

Welcome to Moonfair 2012!

Saturday 01 September 2012 - 00:04:00
moonfair_2012_logo.jpg The 10th Annual Moonfair is now open!
What is Moonfair? Obernewtyn.net holds an annual online Moonfair, based on the idea from The Obernewtyn Chronicles, of the community fair. Activities in our online version of the Moonfair can include games, puzzles, treasure hunts, writing and art comps, recipes, quizzes, storyboards...anything goes, as members come up with the competitions for a few months prior to Moonfair launch!
Moonfair 2012 is now open, though - and runs, as usual, from September 1st to October 31st.


It is an amazing achievement to get to a 10 year anniversary of anything online, let alone a fan(/volunteer)-created 2-month long competition microsite. Moonfair means a lot to the members of Obernet. There's some incredible people who we have to thank for coming up with it - primarily, Lauren (/Seagullia), who will always be Queen of the Moonfair to us, and Isobelle Carmody, for coming up with the concept of Moonfair in The Obernewtyn Chronicles.
You can read both their 10th Anniversary Moonfair messages, plus a couple of other messages from oldbie Obernet members, here in the Moonfairy section of the Moonfair 2012 site.

Want to leave a comment on what Moonfair means to you? Head over to the Moonfair 2012 Welcome thread / Guestbook!

We hope you enjoy Moonfair 2012 and congrats everyone - without your enthusiasm and participation, we'd never have gotten here to begin with!


    12 years ago

    Yeap - you need a modern browser to view it. We simply don't have time to browser test old ones any more.
    The page you're seeing will have links to new browsers. They're all free!
    [ edited 03 Sep 2012 : 07:10 ]

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    12 years ago

    I cant get onto it! :( It says I need to upgrade my internet?

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