Obernewtyn.net Moonfair

Moonfair 2010 is over!

Monday 01 November 2010 - 06:54:00
moonfair_2010.jpg Thank you to everyone for participating in this year's Moonfair! It's now closed for entries! Anything submitted on the 1st November can't be counted (sorry!).

[hr][/hr]What happens now?
We Moonfairies will need a week or two to sort entries. Once that's completed, we'll be posting the entries on this message board, so the judges can access them, and so everyone can see and read everyone else's entries. The judges will then have a few weeks to pick their winners and send the details to us.
Once everyone's sent in their judging scores, the Moonfairies will tally up the guild points and a winner will be announced!

Any questions? Please ask in this thread!