16 years ago
Sat Aug 03 2013, 11:11am
The Royals:
The Queen of Sparkles- Sezzaxox, Sezza rules the HyperSparkleLand and The Elementals of Water and Sparkles. Her precedence is #1
The Queen of Glitter- MisfitMind, MisfitMind rules the Land of Glitter and The Elementals of Air and Glitter. She is the bearer of the solidying Glittergluestick #2
The Queen of Brilliance- Mono, Mono rules the Land of Brilliance and the elementals of Spirit and Brilliance. #3
The Queen of Rust- Avialle, Avialle rules the RustLand and the Elementals of Earth and Metal, the latter being a loyal, if inarticulate friend#4
The Empress of Tea: Nef: Nef rules the Unchartered Tea-ritories and the Elemental of Tea. #5
The Princess of Pearls: Arien, Arien has superbly powerful Pearl Powers. Prone to having Maniacal Tendencies, she half-heartedly supports the Pearlish Supremacy Fascists... #6
The Crystal Queen: QueenArwen- Arwen is moderately interested in the land, and has a magical Crystal. She is now having her wedding to Aragorn. #7
The Seven Trustee-Knights of the Rose-shaped Square table:
The Lord of Reflection(and Facets)-The Swedish Cat, The Swedish Cat rules the fabled Isle of Reflection and the Elementals of Ice and Reflection. Bearer of the Mirror of Transportation. His gem is the Diamond. He lived through the Great Silence. #8
The Lady of Ambivalent Auras- Smuppet,Smuppet rules Auraland and the Elementals of Psychic and Rainbows. Her gem is the Opal #9
The Lady of Shining Darkness- Raven, Ruler of the Walled Land of Shining Darkness and the Elementals of Darkness and Lightning. Her gem is the Lapis Lazuli#10
The Lady of the Peculiar Incandescence- Helena Helena Rules of the Land of Incandescence and the Elementals of Fire and Light, with the help of Feral Goldfish. Her gem is the Ruby #11
The Lady of Bubbly Effervescence - Farseeking Sab Sab rules Bubbly and The Elemental Embodiment of Foam, which the mother of all elements. Her gem is the Amethyst #12
The Lady of Coriander Effulgence - FCSquibbles(Elisa). Rules in the legendary Coriander Elysium, she cares for the Elemental of Wood. Her gem is the Emerald#13
The Lady of Dimly-lit Light: - Sand Cat- Sand rules the Land of Pale Light, surrounded by a soft mist of protection. Her Elemental is the Fulcrum Elemental who controls the Space/Time continuums of Sus Rid, among other things... Her gem is the Topaz #14
Former Enemies:
Lord Agyllian of Besmirch, Knight Errant of the Order Peripatetic, Servants Varied, Revealed to have been the Mermaid Queen 8-| . He was later deposed, after two Teapots were found in his cupboards.
Ladette Fen, CoffeeLover. Pure Evil, except for her Yin Spot, which she covers up with evil deeds. Now reformed; addicted to Tea. #15
Duchess Hannai: Lady of Darke. #16
Proper Knights:
RosalieHale The Lady of the Dead Marshes... also of the order Peripatetic. #17
Dinaria: Lady of the Shimmering Wolves.... of the order Peripatetic #18
Bookworm23: The Lady of Unspeakable Things... of the order Peripatetic................... bearer of Excalibur #19
Snowfall: The fabled unicorn, now The Lady-Knight of Scintillating Time #20
Aliya: The Lady of Masquerade. Wields Boyd!!! The moody Walking Piano. #21
Maruman32: The Lady of Shining Scales. Wields FatCat... #22
Sparkline The former Queen of Sparkles. She possesses ultimate power. Snowy the Unicorn turned her into a tree. #0
The Moongoose A mysterious Enemy, who commisioned Agyllian steal the Teapots of Moonlight and Shell. #23
The Evil, Evil Penguins, who want to destroy Tea and Sparkles. EEP nO. 1 is dead, But EEP No.2 is still alive, and allied with the Mongoose. EEP No. 2. #24
the Double Rebel Pirates, who want the Pearl Princess.
Quanke: A duck who has enslaved peasants and taken their money, causing hatred towards the Royals and Trustees. He has kidnapped the real commoner inerface, Quark, and his wife Lepton. He is technically under the government of SandCat... but is behaving like a naughty child.
Still living clones: (Not including Fen)
XOXAZZES: Zes: On a leash. #25
Anelah, Formerly Agyllian's expert on the Elementals. Evil! Curently on Medication. #26
DnimTifsim: MisfitMind's clone. Behaving Nicely. #27
Teppums: Behaving like Gollum. Sort-of Behaving. #28
Important Servants:
Byrne: Fire-breathing Nemean Lion of TSC's
Stella: Giant Snow Leopard of TSC's
Schnappi: Snapping Turtle of TSC's
Kandi: TSC's Talking Pie.
Facetious Kitten #'s 1 and 29: Only remaining Facetious Kittens, the others were murdered by a mysterious queen....Sparkline. They are #27 and #28 respectively.
SuperiorRustyClown: Briefly mentioned. An uber-powerful RustyClown of Avialle's. #29
CaptainGlitteringKnight: MisfitMind's seldom remembered head servant.
IT: Helena's greathorse.
The Glittering White Tigers: MisfitMinds.
The Cullens, who are guests, and hold no precedence:
Edward: IS MONO'S!
Rosalie(Don't confuse with the Obernetter!!): TSC'S!
Honoured Guests
Minerva McGonagall: Has a holiday home on the Isle of Reflection.
Luna: Friend of TSC's.
Sabriel: IS HELENA'S!
Mogget: IS TSC'S!
Elspeth: Belongs to no one.
Rushton: IS SCARED OF MM!!
Embry: IS MISFITMIND'S! (yes...another one. lol)
If you want a character in the story, just write them in. But do it well...
Kingdoms {queendoms really} Sagas so far:
The Besmirch Saga: Adjourned, with Agyllian disappearing and Fen captured.
The Elemental Saga: Finished, for now, With, Agyllian and Hannai agrreing to play nice.
The Princess of Pearls Saga/Evil, Evil Penguins Saga:Finished, with most of the Glacier dead.
The Clone Wars Saga:Resolved, with new clones to join Aneleh.
The Glitterball!: Finished.
Sub-sagas of the Glitterball
The Crystal: Queen Arwen has found her crystal... but what will she do...now? Resolved: The Wedding is next.
The Dead: The Swedish Cat, Helena and Sabriel have defeated the dead army... without MisfitMind discovering anything... but who was that mysterious Dead Adept...... could it be Percy Weasley? Resolved.
The Quest of the Four Teapots Saga: Found all Teapots, Nef has restored peace to the Tea.
The Mysterious Queen Saga.: RESOLVED: With TSC going exploring on his own, and Sparkline turned into a tree by Snowy.
Postponed: Molecular Ducks and Revolting Peasants! With Quanke under arrest and QUark and Lepton released from prison. The ramifications of this event will be revealed in time.
The Wedding of QueenArwen of the Crystal Lands and Aragorn.-Finished
Currently Screening: TeaLand Mystery Adventure!
The Land:
If you wish to be a character just post and introduce your character into the story. There are no trustee-knight positions left, if you want to be a knight now, you become an ordinary knight, automatically, as there are no Peripatetic knights left.
No more room on the mainland. You can still be a knight, you'll just have to have land on an island, or you can be foreign....
All Obernetters Read this: Yet another Announcement: Regarding omnipotences and annoyances, dated Thursday, the Twenty-fifth of September 2008
When posting in the Kingdoms, you are not allowed to make your character;
A) Have Uber-Magic Powers, without the need for Magical Objects, such as spellbooks or elementals. Magical Powers are allowed; but they must have a counterpart.
B) Disrupt Time in any way other than tha abnormal Sus Rid way. It's annoying.
The only feasible way to have Time Travel is if more than seven Obernetters tacitly agree to it in posts.
The only feasible way to have ultimate power in this thread is to be an evil character, and even then said evil character must be able to be defeated by the good guys.
And remember Punctuation, and spacing between lines to make things easier to read.
P.S. Don't interrupt people when they are trying to start a new saga, as everyone is allowed to. Don't interrupt after said saga has commenced for at least three pages with a sub-saga. Sub-sagas have to be finished within a few posts.
For the saga-starters: Don't be upset if others change your major plot points to what they want.
Just change right back; they must respect you if you want it to go that way.
Don't be a bully.
Once upon a time, there was a queen who loved sparkles...

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago
Thu Mar 05 2009, 08:36pm

Wanderer Guilden
Okies People! because TSC can't update the info post, this shall be the 'replacement' post for the time being:
Queen of the NINJA CATS and something or other- Ravyn D'angelo - (foreign)
Lady of the Wilderness:Madi, has the ability to communicate with animals, lives on the island of four seasons, neighbouring volcanic isle
The Wandering Scholar-learns from stone tablets ans scrolls-Keiran
Geomance- Controls earth, plants and weather-Rin
Lady-in-waiting - Power over Light-Bambi
Still living clones: (Not including Fen)
XOXAZZES: Zes: On a leash. #25
Anelah, Formerly Agyllian's expert on the Elementals. Evil! Medication has failed, rebelling. #26
DnimTifsim: MisfitMind's clone. Currently trying to kidnap Misfitmind. #27
Teppums: Behaving like Gollum. Sort-of Behaving. #28
Helena's Wedding
Reception (and the sub-sagas, 'EEP/BP' and "rock of Continuum")
Postponed Saga:
When Mysterious Dark Grasshoppers go to the .... Dark side
Current Saga(s):
Helena: *mind link* wow! it's soooo pretty! *points at a crystal swan* I want one!!!
TSC: ::) *mind link* Helena, don't kidnap the locals...
Helena: but their so pretty!!!
TSC: keep your mind on the task at hand, Helena
Helena: but there is no task at hand :-?
TSC:...... fine
Helena: ;D
16 years ago
Sat Sep 13 2008, 08:07pm
[act]The mindlink shatters as the Teaship hits the centre of the Clarity Currents, and hits full speed[/act]
Arwen: Ah, I dropped my crystal glass!
Alice:[act] sighs[/act] I'll get another one. [act]stops in her tracks[/act] Woah!
MisfitMind: Is that... the Crystal Capital?
Arwen: No. It's home. [act]the Crystal around her neck glows and a beautiful music plays[/act]
Nef: Entering the Arch of Glass!
[act]An impossibly loud fanfare erupts all over the city.[/act]
A shout rings out all over the city: The Queen is Home!

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *has a head-ache* ow...ooohh... so pretty...
QA: I would apreciate it if you didn't kidnap the locals, Helena
Helena: sure |:| ....*gets on with task at hand*
TSC: *some remaints of the Mind link survive* no
Helena: what ever are you talking about about TSC?
TSC: *is confused*
16 years ago
Sat Sep 13 2008, 08:21pm
The Swedish Cat: Never Mind. Just get to the Crystal Corporation Tower Penthouse. That's where Sezza, Zes, Smuppet, Raven, the Flamingo and are staying.
Helena: Okay. I'll tell the others. Arwen, we've got to go to the Crystal Corp. Towers...
Arwen: Okay. Nef? Take that canal. [act]Points to a gargantuan crystal canal, with turquoise waters, off to the right of the Arch of Glass.[/act]
Nef: [act]grumbles[/act] I know it's her wedding, but I'm a self-respecting Empress!
16 years ago
Sat Sep 13 2008, 08:25pm
Dinaria: *whispers to Helena* they never said anything about me kidnapping the locals. If you cover for me, I'll get you one too.
Helena: *whispers* okay.
QA: Neither of you are whispering very quietly. Dinaria, I forbid you to kidnap the locals.
Dinaria: *grumbles to self* *has an idea* *looks up hopefully at Jacob*
QA: And anyone else that may wish to kidnap them for any reason.
Dinaria: *goes back to grumbling to self*

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *whispers to Dinaria* don't worry, I don't have a reason! I can get away with it!
Dinaria: *whispers back* but what about the ducks?*as she is covering*
QA: no ducks either....
Helena: *silently* he he he.... |:|
Dinaria: *whispers to Helena as they get in* I wonder if we could steal the crystal elevator. We could see if Bkwm23 can use her magic to turn it into ducks... or swans... or caramel slice... :D
Helena: *whispers to Bkwm23* can you turn crystal into swans or ducks... not so much caramel slice though...
Dinaria: 8-| no caramel slice?
Helena: X:-/ *sighs* can you Bkwm23?

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago
Sun Sep 14 2008, 10:09am

Wanderer Guilden
Bkwm23: *can't hear as she is wearing earmuffs* huh?
Helena: oh, nevermind... :| *takes the elevator/duck/swan up to the pent house*
All: *miss the elevator* *get the next one*
Helena: *walks into the pent house* WOW! it's so awsome in here!
TSC: ::) indeed...
Helena: shut it Stoopid Cat... can I have some liquid diamonds?
TSC: some what?
QA: *comes in* wine, and no, Helena, you can't your underage...
Helena: *pouts* so are you... and it's an RPG, it doesn't count
QA: fine you can have some... but only 'coz it's in here...
Helena: *goes to the Bar Penguin* hello! could I please have a glass of Liquid Diamonds?
BP: Quark (right-o) *hands over the glass*
Helena: *takes a sip* ahh, lovely vintage, QA!
QA: o_O how would you know?
Helena: well... I've been alive for well over when anybody can remember... |:|
The Swedish Cat: (0-) I remember exactly how old you are Helena.
Helena: (0-) Shut up!
Arwen: We'd best get to the boardroom, so we can plot... I mean plan my Wedding.
Avialle: Yay!
The Swedish Cat: Sezza and Smuppet are playing paintball with Zes, the Flamingo and Raven. They're using M.A.D. weapons*, so watch out. It's going to get messy. It's a good thing this place is so easy to clean!
*Mutually Assured Destruction = Messy.

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: (0-) and I remember how old you are, TSC...
TSC; (0-) when have I ever told you how old I am?
Helena: (0-) he he he |:| i just know...
Raven: *bursts in* *shoots TSC* *runs back out*
TSC: *is paint-ball-ed*
Helena: Bahahaha!
TSC: (0-) shut up, Helena...
16 years ago
Sun Sep 14 2008, 11:13am
Lol, Helena. I'm 14, 000 years old, I've said it heaps. Nice to see that your using the mindlink symbol.
The Swedish Cat: Clean Come on everybody! [act]attempts to lead, but Arwen pushes in front[/act]
[act]They enter the boardroom[/act]
MisfitMind: What a view! You can see the palace from here!
Alice: [act]is suddenly very business-minded[/act] Let's get this over and done with, then!
16 years ago
Sun Sep 14 2008, 11:34am
Sorry for not posting in ages.
SandCat: [act]Who Has been there the whole time! |:| [/act] This place reminds me of Venice....
The Swedish Cat: Okay! Where will the Wedding be?

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
16 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
QA: Well, can you see the Crystal Lake, towards the left of the palace? In front of the mountains? There's a meadow there, and that's where the wedding will be. The reception will be in the palace of course.
MM: Who's that? *points to strange man*
QA: Doom! You're here! Did you get my message about giving me away?
Doom: I'd be honoured to do so.
QA: Thankyou so much. Is everyone else here? *sees Anna* I see they are. Did Anna get the dress I sent?
Sand Cat: So this is Doom. From Deltora?
Doom: The dress fit perfectly.
QA: Yes, these are the Deltorans I invited. I mentioned them a while back. Is Aragorn around here somewhere?
Alice: Aragorn is with Jasper. You shan't see him until the Wedding!
Arwen: But.... But I am Queen!
Alice: And I am Wedding Planner!
Arwen: :|
The Swedish Cat: I'm going to play Paintball....
16 years ago
Sun Sep 14 2008, 12:34pm
Snowy: Paintball! Neigh!
Alice: [act]Sighs[/act] Don't worry, I'll take care of the Wedding, you can all have fun. [act]adopts a martyred air[/act]
The Swedish Cat: This thread'll turn just like that FFF Ball if something doesn't happen.
MisfitMind: Oh, TSC. [act]Shakes head[/act]
The Swedish Cat: Are there any Crystal Mafia Bosses nearby?

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: (0-) have fun, I'll look after this lot.... who knows what they might land them selves in...
TSC: *plans to have fun*
lol TSC it's easyer to type! so does that make me almost 16,000 years old? lol
No, you're like 11,000. You were born as to be a trustee, I worked my way up from a humble senior undersecretary.
The Swedish Cat: [act]Surreptitiously hits Bookworm23 with the paintball gun, and avoids the m.a.d. backsplash.[/act] [act]runs out to find some mob bosses[/act]
Don Cristoli: [act]In an exaggerated Venetian accent[/act] The upcoming wedding of my great-niece is a great way to get some money for our.... illegal ventures... We could even kidnap her and hold her to ransom....

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
lol ok, what ever you say TSC...
Helena: *pops up behind Don Cristoli* *kidnaps him*
Other Mobsters: o_O *are confused* 8-|
Back at the Pent House....
Helena: *pops up there* Hey!
QA: what is the sack for?
Helena: just some.... trash?
QA: put it in the garbage disposal, then....
Helena: *puts DC in the back room* ok, QA....*to DC* and be quiet... or else...*cracks knuckles*
DC: mooo muph neth sagwy iz iff!!! (you wont get away with this!!)
Helena: *grins threateningly* reeaally?
DC: *is quiet*
TSC: (0-) ::) typical...
Helena: (0-) no one is going to ruin this wedding! *dusts hands*
16 years ago
Sun Sep 14 2008, 01:46pm
Don Baklava: Hey... Where did he go?
TSC: He's sleeping wih the fishies...(The Feral gold ones....) Would you like to follow him?
Don Sorbet: No! Please... leave us alone! We won't kidnap the Queen! [act]starts to cry[/act]
The Swedish Cat: [act]Walks out[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
16 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: (0-) i wonder if QA will ever realise how much she owes us...
TSC: (0-) she doesn't owe us anything, Helena
Helena: (0-) yeh, I know that, but I still wonder... *absentmindedly throws knife up in the air and catches it by the handle* *repeats this many times*
TSC; (0-) Helena, you do realise that your freaking DC out... don't you?
Helena: (0-) oh, ok then... *continues the repeated motion*
TSC: ::)