Tremble in fear puny mortals.
My wrath has descended on you all!
By now I am sure you are feeling the horror of my Destroyer flu wracking your body leaving you in a fit of cough and fever.
You are all pawns! Pawns in my game of viral devastation!
Be warned worthless creatures that your attempt to avoid my retribution has not gone unnoticed. Your efforts shall be useless as my horror will certainly prevail!
And finally, pitiful creatures heed my warning well. Should you try to edit out my infection there will be even more horrifying, devastating consequences.
Ben Barnes: [act]Uses cattle prod on Dr Satan[/act]
Dr Satan: OW!! Why...who is that handsome young man? :D
Ben Barnes: Oh sorry I thought you were a member of the bovine class of animals. your tail certainly doesn't help your appearance ;P
You are a fool to think I find this Ben Barnes character either handsome or threatening. He too shall soon feel the wrath of myalgia!

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 05:12pm

Mystic Guildmistress
[act]Hacking Cough[/act]
Evil! [act]Sneeze[/act]
Leave Ben Barnes alone!
Ben: o_O
As an aside, this is absolutely hilarious :P
Fen: Cool - can I be your sidekick? I have an acupuncture kit ...
Ben Barnes: o_O
Dr Satan: ":(
Ben Barnes: Here I gift you with a plant of aloe vera. I find it helps take the stress away.
Dr Satan: Yess... well my job IS very stressful. I work day in day out to make sure you mere mortals suffer at the hands of agony and despair. :D *inhales aloe* *goes all floaty and dreamy* Why I think I'll take a nap....a long, relaxing nap away from the stresses of being evil...
Ben Barnes: |:| *has disguised aloe vera to spray Glen 20 every 20 seconds*
[act]giggles at the rather dramatic Dr. Satan[/act] Awww, you think you're all evil and stuff :)
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 05:30pm
*swings in wearing a headdress made of aloe vera plants* Your Destroyer flu is no match for the power of ~Ben Barnes! He is like a shining beacon of Vitamin B[sup]2[/sup]...
Ben Barnes: *strikes pose* 8)
Dr Satan ummm Sir err Mam?
*whispers 'I just can't tell what with all the evil ranting'*
I'm just calculating how long soul possiveness of all obernet would take, plus then all the necessary but boring quarantine proceedings
I just wanted to ask ....WHAT ABOUT MOONFAIR 2009???
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 06:12pm
Ben Barnes: Oh yeah. I am like a shining example of vitamins B A D. 8) *[act]poses[/act]*
Dr Satan: [act]erupts [/act]I am the ruler of all things BAD!! ":( Stop usurping my high and mighty position in life.
Mono: [act]giggles[/act]
you can't get me *pokes tongue out* ;D
I will match you in all you do and fight for the good of obernet

Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 07:31pm

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
oops I'd run now if I were you Lady Dream

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 07:25pm

Wanderer Guilden
[act]swings about Cattle Prod [/act] so your the reason why everyone thinks that Mario Mushroms are evil and changing my sig on me!!! GRRRR! ":(
thats it!! [act]chases after Dr. Satan in a very Benny Hill way with cattle prod[/act] ":(
on the aside: lol! XD
I don't know why people are testing the wrath of Dr. Satan, the only person who could cure us! [act]cough[/act] [act]sneeze[/act] [act]hiccup[/act] [act]splutter[/act] [act]wheeze[/act] [act]shortness of breath[/act] [act]aching limbs[/act] [act]lethargy[/act] [act]vomit[/act]
[act]passes out[/act]
Don't listen to his lies Schis, who is obviously up to something sinister |:|
[act]snoops around through Dr. Satan's trash and laundry looking for clues[/act]
Sad strange little humans.
Dr. Satan does not "erupt".
Dr. Satan does not "go all floaty and dreamy".
Dr. Satan merely takes your souls for eternity and DESTROYS YOUR MORTAL REMAINS WITH HIS FLU OF DOOM.
Continue to test my patience at your peril!
Fen - I am only interested in your acupuncture if it is performed with chisels.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i believe that she wants to use jack-hammers, not chisels :nod:
[act]wonders if Dr.Satan is a Titanic man, if he not any of the above... you know that whole 'im on top of the world' thing?[/act] XP
Your mind works in a way I appreciate Helena.
Then of course you mention that STUPID PITIFUL MOVIE. For that I shall raise your fever by three degrees!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
[act]sticks head in freezer[/act] haha! i know its a silly movie, but its good for gags, you gotta admit ;)
... why is your pitchfork bent? o_O
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 09:17pm
[act]speculates that Dr Satan is not really Satan[/act] |:|
Of course Dr. Satan is not really Satan.
He is Doctor Satan.
You're incurring my wrath puny obernettian!
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 09:31pm
Yaay! I finally finished my sig ;D
Since mine's done I'll put my other idea out there:
Have rushton's words 'Why do you plauge me?' Lool; I thought someone more talented could make that work?
Ahh! the flu is on the loose!!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
so does that mean that you have graduated from the university of evil?
what year were you in? i was in the year of 1894BC :nod:
did you know that the Devil is apparently my father? o_O
15 years ago
Thu Aug 20 2009, 09:46pm
Fine then
[act]speculates that Doctor Satan isn't really a Doctor[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
well, if he's passed his evil exams then yup, he's a doctor... :nod: