Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
Oh take our souls Doctor Satan so that we would [act]cough![/act] [act]cough![/act] [act]COUGHOUGH!!!![/act] be rid of this [act]ACHOOO!![/act] unbearable plague :-{
[act]enters a spasming fit[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
okies, who hooked Agy up to the power point again? ":(
[act]blows nose[/act] [act]unplugs Agy from power point[/act] better? :-/

Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
[act]Cough[/act] [act]Splutter[/act] [act]Sneeze[/act]
Stupid doctor, make it stop!
[act]Uncontrollable hacking cough[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
..Agy wasn't coughing while he was being electricuted... maybe that's the cure? ???
it'd be logical in a nonsensical way if it really is the [act]AH AH AH CHOOOOO![/act] cure.. :nod:
Fen: the acupuncture is with nine inch nails ... will that do?

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i think that Dr.S was rather taken with the jackhammer idea.. here, you can borrow mine :D [act]hands over jackhammer.. but not without sneezing on it accidentally first[/act] |:| ~:|
Helena, I'm already infected ... see the big [INFECTED] sign?
15 years ago
Fri Aug 21 2009, 01:00am
Doctor Satan I do believe you are in violation of the Evil Medical Association's Code of Conduct, and Questionable Ethics by spreading this virus for purposes of good. Your terribly thought out plan has caused multiple Ben Barnes talismans to surface and spread like wildfire. Such a level of goodness has invidiously undermined your plan, rendering it nugatory. On behalf of the Evil Medical Association of Evil Medicinal Practices, I strip you of your title. You are henceforth just Mr Satan.
-- Executive Director,
Board of Evil Medical Association of Evil Medicinal Practices

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
[act]wonders why an evil overlord such as Dr Satan would cease referring to himself as Dr, just because an association told him to[/act] ::)
15 years ago
Fri Aug 21 2009, 08:29am
I'm sorry Dr.Satan
I did not disrepect you .... I just want to go to Moonfair
Pretty Please
I'll help carry out your plan and spread disease and pestilence if only I can go to Moonfair
*clears throat*
Doctor Satan, dishonourable, omnipitant, genius being, I humbly defer to your clear and obvious dominion.
In case you think I am only sucking up to avoid being infected, I would like to point out that I have been a huge supporter of one of your most loyal subjects, the dubious Ariel. Also, I might already be infected as I have had a soar thoat all day and I'm fairly sure I'm running a fever, so it is too late for that (although I would not say no to a cure if you deemed fit to present me with one, your highness).
That being said, I would offer you my services, such as they are. Is there naught that I can do for you?
[act]COUGHCOUGHCOUGH[/act] Uuurrrghhhh...I don't feel so gooood x_X [act]splutters[/act][act]sneezes[/act]
Why You! Mr Satan! [act]gurgles[/act] [act]vomits on dr. Satan's shoes[/act] ......

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
*looks at fallen comrades*
Damn you Dr. Satan, can't we all just get along?!
*rolls in aloe vera cream*
*walks around with x_X expression on face...still attached to intravenous drips*
Brainwaive activity: *maps out message*: I am so proud to be one of the few who disrespected Dr Satan. :D
15 years ago
Fri Aug 21 2009, 04:50pm
*defers to the dark side much too late*
well, as long as I'm one of the living dead, I think i'll go haunting...
EDIT: i sat transfixed for a sec when the pigs started falling down my screen..death is so bizarre..
[act]cough[/act] I think we might [act]cough[/act] need to get farmer Hoggett in here stat...
[act]has coughing fit[/act]
He says 'That'll do pig, that'll do' with such conviction it just might work. ::) [act]sneezes[/act]
Either way something needs to be done... [act]heads for stockpile of tissues[/act]
Agyllian I would be most pleased to take your soul.
Sign this contract and those flu symptoms will disappear...
Amashelle - sign this contract please. Then we'll talk. Or at least I'll talk and you shall obey!!
Mono: *uses the subtle knife to open a window from the seventh circle of hell and allow captured souls to roam free in heaven*
Dr. Satan: :( There goes my dominion...
[act]cough[/act] You know Mr Satan this flu isn't so bad [act]wheeze[/act] Is this really the best you can do??
I May have disrespected you! but I shall still fight. In a small way by getting better.

Mystic Guilden
15 years ago
Fri Aug 21 2009, 06:22pm

Mystic Guilden
Ari: It's all fire and brimstone.
Halina: And kleenex.
Ari: Not to mention the fine mist of glen 20, vaporub and stray germs.
Halina: This Dr Satan. He wasnt part of Survivor was he?
Ari: That would be him.
Halina: I've got a bone to pick with him.
Ari: Hey, you're a jedi remember...besides I think if you tried to pick a bone with Dr Satan you'd end up a pile of bones... so can you cool it before you get me into trouble.
Halina: :|

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
PML Ari.
[act]Dogdes stray tissues, buckets and assorted other disgusting illness related items to add more clean tissues to the room.[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Sat Aug 22 2009, 10:15am

Wanderer Guilden
[act]takes a handful of tissues[/act] [act]stands on a conveniantly places Soap Box[/act]
sure it may the the piggy apocalypse, but DT's right! we can beat this silly flu! i mean, what's antibiotics for, anyways? so rise up peoples of ober.net! do we stand for tissues, snot, buckets and intravenous drips? NO! we stand for tim tams, cheesecake, glow worms and squirrles! ":(
i mean, come on- if we die, we'll just come back to life anyways and what flu can harm the already dead? ::)