13 years ago
Tue Sep 01 2015, 10:54pmArwen
This idea was brought up in the Statistical Analysis of the Destroyer thread- on this thread, before the Sending comes out, you must commit to who the Destroyer is. One word, no edits, winner takes all (possibly in the form of a shiny banner saying "I was right about the Destroyer").
I will start the ball rolling:
Credit for this idea goes to Lol- the edit was to credit this, but no more edits :)
Moderator Edit:
Guesses so far:
Larana - Dameon
Min - Matthew
Loren - Ariel
Nef - Dameon
Ari - Daffyd
Sian - Daffyd
Axe - Jes
Tonks - Matthew
Arwen - Dameon
Eyore - Matthew
Jemma - Agllians
Aoife - Dameon
braolainn - Dameon
Zieria - Matthew
Sionainn - Dameon
Hannai - Louis Larkin
Helena - Jes
nnnnn - Jes
Bibliophile - Daffyd
Jacqui Metal Storm - Rushton
crogirl432 - Elii
Phixster - Matthew
Miky - Dameon
Lol - Daffyd
Kaede - Rushton
Sahric-Rei - Rosamund
Dream Traveller - Jes
Fate - Elspeth
Meza - Daffyd
Dolorosa - Daffyd
Wayla - Matthew
KaylanR - Daffyd
Dargafleas - Jes
Jana - Salamander
Ash - Ariel
M - Maruman
Taril - Ariel
Lilac - Atthis/ the Agyllians
Kay - Dragon
Nataayla - Dameon
Ellenah - Matthew
Rhaegor - Salamander
Seagullia - Dameon
Herder Sympathiser - Ariel
Amashelle - Dameon
Ari-roth - Daffyd
Meisje - Elii
Daniel (pizzagreen) - Jes
Jeneli - Dameon
Special Me - Ariel
WraithKing - Rushton
AF - Dameon
Lady - Jes
Lostris - Matthew
Kella - Jes
Karana - Matthew
13 years ago
Mon May 11 2015, 09:57amMin
I've been saying it for years and I stand by it still :P
I might be displaying newbie ignorance, but why do we know the Destroyer isn't the H'rayka? Isn't the whole TSK based off the idea that Ariel is the Destroyer and that's why he hates Elspeth so much. Why else would he hate her with such passion?

Mystic Guildmistress
13 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
We don't know for certain Loren, and Isobelle has dropped some hints here and there to make it seem like the destroyer might not actually know what they're doing.
If it's not the big obvious one (Ariel), then I have to say either The Druid or Daffyd. There's no coincidence they're both in the first book (I know the Druid was only mentioned by name but it still counts :P ).
Okay, thanks for the explanation EI. I've alwasy thought Ariel was the Destroyer, even before i found out he was the H'rayka. I can't change my belief now, even with what I've read here. It would break my heart if it was Matthew, even more so if it was Dameon. So, public commitment, I think Ariel is the Destroyer.
I've been saying Dameon for years, so i'm sticking with him.
Loren - a lot of us think that Ariel my not be the destroyer because H'rayka means "he who brings destruction" - and that may mean that he isn't the destroyer but he leads the destroyer or influences him. Of course, the meaning is deliberatly ambiguous and this may all be us overthinking the meaning - which leads us back to Ariel being the destroyer after all ...
We know the destroyer is in it from the start (which gives us a small pool), we know that they may not be evil and what they do may not be intentional (hence the possibility of matthew or Dameon - or even Rushton) ... so the field is open ...
i still say Dameon, though. I think that boy is going to lose it BIG time! I see a tragic mistake, and an even more tragic death as he tries to right that ...

Mystic Guilden
13 years ago

Mystic Guilden
At the risk of revealing just how defective my brain is...I saw the thread title in the side menu and began humming Hoist the Colours. Damn you PotC :P
I've been tossing up between Elii and Daffyd, but would be more inclined to say Daffyd, though I don't think it will be through his own free will. He's gone after Salamander, and Ariel can't be too far away....
[act]Continues humming Hoist the Colours[/act]
13 years ago
Sun Aug 28 2011, 09:10pm
I think that it is Dameon, from the story behind the name Asura. However, I am going to throw my weight behind Rushton being the Destroyer.
No, wait! No no no! I know! It's Jes. My official guess is Jes.

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
13 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I've never been the biggest Dameon fan, I don't know why.

Mystic Ward
13 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
While I consider who might be the destroyer I will add the guesses to the top post.
Oh, its so hard to decide! I'm tossing up between Matthew and Dameon :-/
But, I'll have to go with Matthew :'(
Ok, this isn't following thread rules, but if I may make one comment:
I am amazed Isobelle has said in interviews that no one has guessed the destroyer because it's not who we would expect! it makes me think- why would the Argyllian's set everything up to believe that Ariel is Elspeth's arch nemesis? why would there be a destroyer and a separate person who may unleash destruction (Ariel). I'm going to look at this from completely different angles now (which is what I have always loved about IC's style). Also, it's interesting how no one has guessed a female character. I'm thinking of a particular female character right now....
I hope to make an official guess before the sending release...
I've had for awhile one of those theories that you know is wrong but it sticks in your mind because it slightly makes sense. I've thought that Elspeth was the destroyer. It does slightly fit being that I don't think anyone has guessed her yet, her whole quest is to destroy the deathmachines. And I've never quite trusted the Agylians because why wouldn't they hate humans, you know we tortured them and nearly destroyed the world and I think whenever the next great white is mentioned they say that all the land will look like darklands but they have a pretty safe haven up high in the mountains. So we'll all die out a second time while they sit cosily up in the clouds. Ariel is the H'rayka, the 'one who brings destruction' but that could be just the destruction of the land (as shown in the blurb of the Red Queen). It doesn't specify what he will destroy or bring destruction to.
And also it would just make for an amazing OML twist.
So basically I've thought that at the end the Agylians (sorry if I've spelt that wrong :S ) will try to trick Elf into destroying the world.
Dameon :(
He's my favorite character, so of course he's either the Destroyer or he's going to die. That's just how it goes with me :P
Dameon. After the release of The Stone Key I did a post breaking down the reasons I came to that conclusion. Basically he is the only character that fits all of the criteria for the Destroyer that we know about. Plus there was all of his weird behaviour in the last book.

Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Jes. He just can't be dead after all of that character development.
13 years ago
Tue Aug 30 2011, 12:12am
(At least, he is my top guess for whom IC originally intended as the destroyer; I'm not entirely convinced that she still intends it to be him but I don't have a better guess.)
All of the recent speculation has started to make me think that it will be Dameon, but I'll go with Daffyd.
1. He is one of the few known misfits not assosiated with Obernewtyn
2. He was specially introduced in the first book without really playing a signifficant part
3. He keeps randomly popping up at significant points in the story
4. His obsession with Salamander and love for Gilaine make him a prime target for acidentally (or not so accidentally) setting off the weaponmachies
Rushton, no reason, just don't like the guy.
This is probably totally wrong but I'm going to say Elii. He's male, alive, not the H'rayka as it seems to be popular belief that this is Ariel, isn't evil by any means as he opposes the Council and is a leader in the rebellion and is definitely not obvious. The only thing I'm not sure about is him being Elf's opposite but hey 6/7 ain't bad.
Like I said it's probably not him at all but it would just be so fantastical if it was and my messed up little theory was right =P