REALLY!?!?? what book is that in and where?! *gasp* *slaps head* arghhhh
well, ember has already been on a hell of a journey...but someone on an earlier page suggested that the journey might be into the void...after all she does have soulweaving tendancies...and that it might be into her tumor itself...a symbol of chaos. that the unykorn might actually be within ember's tumor which is like a small segmet of the she will have to go on a mental, soulweaving journey (and probably defeat dark ember on the way).
also, there has been some debate whether ember, glynn and solen will live...i think ember will but will probably end up alive blind (IC hints that she will if the tumor is not dealt with) and become a souldweaver. then, glynn will have to decide whether to become her mymidon or staay with solen...she can't do both.
as for the weaving when glynn falls off the cliff...remember that we don't know where solen is, and that he can FLY (think peter pan catching wendy as she walks off the plank)...may nbot happen, but that image has been in my head since i read that passage.
oh, and i still vote lev or tarsin for shadowman...both have mysteries.
She can, actually. Myrmidon can get married, though few choose to. Or at least that's what I thought.
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:02pm
i dont think i agree with u there...but u may be rite nic... there was somethin siad like that but i always thought it was meaning...the first girl ahd the choice but chose not to, becoming Myrmidon...but i could b very wrong! :S that would be the nicest way to finish it....solen and glynn together protectin ember! :)
Sorry to interrupt the flowing line of conversation, but has anyone read darksong (book 2 in the legendsong)?
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:03pm
Maybe Soonkar is the Shadowman? I'm only saying that cos with IC it's usually someone that appears elsewhere in the story and is seemingly totally unconnected with it - the last peron you would expect - like in the OC. People from the past keep popping up unexpectedly, I think in a way IC likes to show that we can't escape our pasts, that for every action there is a reaction and that supposedly insignificant events and people can have alot of unintended consequences. Just for arguments sake.
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:03pm
YES I have read Darksong... It's long but a great book. I LOVED it! ;D
Yeah I've read darksong, great book and i actually went to it's launch.
I also have a feeling that Soonkar may be the shadowman, I mentioned it in an earlier post. It must also be remembered that Alene knows who the Shadowman is but does not trust him, there is tension in that relationship. But the Myrmidons do not experience that tension and are quick to ask for his help.
Another thing, here is the journey of the unraveller or rather what the tapestries were pictures of. I don't think these places need to be visited in order either but i'm not sure:
Waterfalls and fiery lakes
Purple desert under moons
Turin straightts
Hillside covered blue setter
Ship on waves of storming
Waterfall on fire
well hasnt ember been to/on a Ship on waves of storming, and Waterfalls and fiery lakes?!?!
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:05pm
but glynn has been on a hillside covered in blue sether (with solen), a ship on waves of storming and i think the turin straights too. (when she first came)
so who is the unraveller??
and where does it say that stuff about the journey of the unraveller. i dont think id ever seen it before ???
i just had a very strange thought. very hole-pickable though. anyway, what if glynn and ember are the same person....or something. coz they both share their experiences so what if they are both unravellers and soulsavers or something. that would explain how glynn was the trakkerbeast/betrayer, she could be betraying both herself and ember. and that evil draaka spirit thing could be confused as glynn was always overlooked.
i dont remember seein it either bobbie...but i was jsut goin to mention wat u did. so does it not (possibley) imply that both ember nad glynn are the soulsaver and unraveller?!
And tasmin could they not be the same person because they are twins?!...i think it was embers thought that 'the 2 moons cast two shadows over the whole of keltor causing everything to have a twin'..well somethin like that...*sigh*...*shrugs* thats ment to b my 'proof' the takerbeast/betrayer thing fits in well too. as u said!:)
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:06pm
hmm yes.....thats an interesting idea! ;) who said that about the waterfalls and seas etc? was it tasnim??
do u have a page reference, im really curious coz ive never seen it beofre
Guys, have ne of you actually READ both of them?????? Isn't it just convienient that Solen can be on tha same ship as Glynn? Is it just not convienient that he was in on the HUGE meeting with tha Shadowman ppl? BY GOD SOLEN IS THE SHADOWMAN!![color]TEXT (he also lives on Acantha ... or used 2)
Solen flying is a GR8 idea!! It make a good ending ... or they both could have fallen off a small cliff ( on Darkfall) and both have many broken bones ... it works for me!!! BUT DON'T LET THEM DIE IC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps. Glynn is Soulsaver ... Ember is Unraveller
Ello all! Guess who finally finished Darksong this morning?......ME!!!! And Miska, as promised, I am here now to share my thoughts with you, and all others who will listen.
Ahem. *Clears throat* Ok, here's what I think -
Ember is the Unraveller. Reason - Who better to free the Unykorn than the one who looks exactly like the woman who loved it so much? Plus, there is also the fact that Ronall, who was once Lanalor, has taken such an interest in her. Don't know really what that fact has to do with anthing, but it just seems right that Ember, who looks almost identical to Shennavyre, would be the one to free the Unykorn, and to save Lanalor's soul. Plus, there is also the fact that the Chaos spirit was telling the Draaka excatly where the Unraveller was, which coincided where Ember was as she travelled.
Glynn is the Soulsaver. Reason - She has a very high sense of pride, and is very protective of anyone weaker than her. Ember, Anyi, the fienna. She goes out of her way to protect anyone weaker than her. And if Ember is a visionweaver, with soulweaving tendencies, then wouldn't Glynn be like her Myrimidon protector? It isn't just a coincidence that she looks and fights like a Myrimidion. Plus, Glynn is exactly the sort of person who would fight to save the souls of the people of both Keltor and her world. And her being hidden by Ember "the weaker twin was shielding the stronger", then it emplies that whatever she is doing must be kept a secret from the Chaos spirit. What better task than Soulsaver, as the Chaos spirit would not want her to succeed in her task.
Solen is the Shadowman. Reason - He is always in the loop on everything concerning the Shadow network. But my biggest bit of evidance is in what Glynn saw in the Darklin vision. We know that some of it was fake, but we also know that some of it was real. Solen being captured, and Alude being the voice of the Chaos spirit in the new haven obviously never came to pass. But we know from Solen that the Draaka Prime is indeed working for the Shadowman. And in the vision, the Draaka, or someone, calls Solen the Prime's boss, or leader, impliying that the Prime answers to Solen. How else could that be true if Solen wern't the Shadowman?
Ok, they are the only three things that I am sure of. As for the others, well, I'm still thinking. Tarsin is a mystery. I'm not sure if he is connected to the Shadowman or not. It was just an idea I had while reading it. But the fact that he has been having the same dream as Ember about Glynn falling off that cliff implies that there is more to him that what meets the eye, and often we have been given the impression that he isn't entirely insane. As for Soonkar, well, he's an even bigger mystery. Maybe he is destined to assist the Unraveller? He is already willing to serve Ember, so it could work. And Hella! Does anyone else think that it's strange that she always seems to get caught up in everything? Solen's problems on Acantha, meeting up with Duran, and running into Glynn on Fomhikia, and then meeting up with Ember and Bleyd, once again becoming envolved with Duran and the other Myrimidions. I tell ya, there is more to her as well.
Eh, I think I've sad enough now. Enjoy picking all this apart, cos I know you will!
noooo hella cant be a draakira, she cant
anyone think anything of lev? just asking, mind
I've FINALLY pulled SOMEONE into the Solen-4-Shadowman bandwagon!! And also, I forgot 2 say sum things in my last post ....
Is it just a COINCIDENCE that EVERYONE knows Solen. AAANNNNDDDD is it JUST A COINCIDENCE he could send out a search party 4 Glynn?? NOOOOOO!
And also, Hella could NEVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be a draakira. It would be like saying that Rushton's pig is tha destroyer!!!
seeya! Fiery
ps. Tas, I think that Lev is just a nice character ...
what about nema as the shadowman?
she certainly has the wits and connections to pull it off.
also, i was rereading darksong and on pg. 308 glynn thinks: "maybe she wasn't so much deaf to music as impossibly, unbearably senstitive to it..." is it possible this is true and linked to her quest... like maybe she can only hear the song of making as anything but meaningless (and painful) noise...
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 10:10pm
Nema?? NO, she is waaaay 2 frail ;) but, SOLEN IS THE SHADOWMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone doubt that Ember will fall in luv with Bleyd???
Ember will crack eventually. I'm fairly certain that she will end up with Bleyd.
Lev.......he seemed just like a nice guy in Darkfall, so I don't really have anything suspitious on him. *Shrugs* He kinda slipped my mind actually.
I don't think that Hella could be a Draakira. I mean, she got so cut at Glynn when she thought that she had betrayed her to go back to the Draaka haven. She is so passionately against the Draaka, that I don't think it's even remotly possable that she could be a Draakira. I was just pointing out the fact that she always seems to get herself involved in whatever is going on, that's all.
Hmmm, that bit about Glynn and the music......interesting point. Maybe the song of making is slightly different to ordinatry music, and that's the only song that Glynn can hear? Maybe her being soulsaver requires her to be sensitive to the song of making, and deaf to all others? Meh, just a thought.
Fiery Dragon - YES! I so agree! Solen is so the Shadowman! It just all fits so well. It has to be him.