the_stone_key_obernewtyn_isobelle_carmody.jpg After many requests, here's the 5 winning entries of our recent Stone Key competition. Thank you to the winners for agreeing to let us publish their responses on the site!

[hr][/hr]Rionach's entry:
7 years ago I pulled Obernewtyn off a dusty library shelf & I started to read. Until then I didn’t have a direction in my life, I was depressed & I thought of ending my own life.
The Trials of Elspeth & the Misfits gave me hope & something new, a dream. Before, I was uninterested in school, last year I graduated top of my class in librarian studies.
I’ve never met Isobelle Carmody but she taught me I could achieve the impossible & more importantly she gave me hope. Something I want to pass on to others like me.

Mony2208's entry:
Obernewtyn has become a welcome refuge for the Misfits of Elspeth’s world, just as it has become one for myself, who has eagerly followed the books since first trying to find my way in the world. I have found myself growing up alongside Elspeth from the moment she made the tremulous journey to Obernewtyn that fateful night so many years ago. And although I may not tread the steps of her life in person, my eyes have devoured every word of every book as though I have, and my spirit will always soar high with hers amongst the Dreamtrails.

Roz's entry:
‘Elspeth’ is my password to log on to my computer at work – a daily reminder of the influence of The
Obernewtyn Chronicles on my life.
I first read Obernewtyn when I was 11 years old, in 1993. It completely entranced me. Over the following years, the next books felt like a chronicle of my own life – capturing my own thoughts and feelings, and shaping my personality.
Isobelle Carmody's writing has deeply inspired and encouraged me, along with the friends I have made at
I am a true devotee to this series. I’ve been waiting fifteen years for The Stone Key!

Jrydell's entry:
The Obernewtyn Chronicles gave me strength to get through my adolescence. I felt like a misfit –
tormented for being different. I was picked on for not partying, drinking and not being 'cool'. Isobelle’s books showed me that I was special as an individual and for all my shortcomings and feelings of being alone, that I was going to be special to the world in some way. I can escape to another world where my imagination could roam free and I could dream of Elspeth’s quest. I admired Elspeth’s courage under fire and I will always be inspired by Obernewtyn.

Iatckeg's entry:
The Obernewtyn Chronicles means a great deal to me because I have never really read anything until I brought a copy from a second hand book store only a few months ago and have read them every chance I’ve had, a few days ago I finished book four and longed for more. I was overjoyed when I found out the fifth book was to be released soon and would be honoured to gain a copy. The Obernewtyn Chronicles have been the beginning of my reading life and I thank Carmody for showing me how wonderful reading can be.

For their entries, they each received a copy of The Stone Key.
And if you didn't happen to win...stay tuned ;) we may have a few more copies up our sleeves yet!


    15 years ago

    congrats on the winning answers. i loved them and they make me feel about my own life and how the OC mean in my life. i feel like i go through the same trials in self discovery.

    congrats again all of you


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    16 years ago

    I love the answers! It's so fantastic to see how much OC has shaped so many lives... may the legacy live on :)

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    16 years ago

    Those are some fantastic answers, guys :)

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    16 years ago

    Congratulations to the winners! I'm unsurprised to hear what Obernewtyn means to each of you.... it means the same to me. Much <3 to you all :)

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