12 years ago
Thu Jan 10 2013, 02:21pm
EDIT: I'd just like to 'assert my intellectual property' here and say that the snippets below are mine, and I do NOT give permission for them to be reproduced, copied, transmitted, in any form without asking me, not that I need to tell anyone that, just putting it out there.
Well, technically this isn't 'High School English', but I thought I'd continue the same thread title as I have in Writersmerge where I have all my "interesting" and cliff-hangery short stories from High School posted.
Anyway OberNoWriSu! I've never done anything like this, and I've never really written 'just for fun', so all of this is new to me. I have had ideas of stories in the past, but never enough time or willpower to get things started. So, now is the time. I won't be able to actually write anything this entire week, but once I get back from my camp (so about 6 days), I'll begin.
As for what I'm going to write about, I have no idea, so I guess the next 6 days are my planning phase. I will be interested to see what I come up with.
Sounds good, Daniel. So you're thinking a longer novella/novel type story?
Yeah, but I'm not sure how I'll go trying to write something, but I do like to be longwinded (hence my not so 'short' short stories), but it will be good to try and write something longer and more detailed.
Ohh, yay! Will it inculde murderers [act]crosses fingers[/act] ?
Excellent, soon we will have you addicted to writing like the rest of us, Daniel. Good luck. :)
12 years ago
Sun Dec 02 2012, 08:37pm
I'm not addicted!!! [act]twitches[/act]
Don't worry, it's a good addiction! We can quit anytime we like, except our fellow prodders get mad at us and start using the cattle prods... it's better to just stick with it :nods:
Haha, thanks guys.
And it is interesting that you say that Vestie, because, while I was on camp (yay I'm back now, and it was great) I kept having an idea that I should write ......... A MURDER MYSTERY. A pretty strange idea, but one that I kept coming back to (though admittedly, I soon forgot about writing and was focusing on the camp and having fun).
So yes, a murder mystery, how on earth will that work without it being majorly cliqued and lame? Well, I have no idea, and I guess this is why it is OberNoWriSu, and it is a time just to try and write without thinking of the consequences.
Of course I haven't had time to actually write anything, so the word count is at 0, hopefully that will change soon enough. I think I said I would try to aim for 10,000 and I think I meant over the 3 months, but I ambitiously want 10,000 each month, but we shall see how that goes....
Good luck to everyone else, and I can't wait to see the results!
I can't wait to begin reading it! I'm not totally sure how you could aviod the cliche murder mystery because I don't really write in this genre, but could it be from the perspective of the murderer? I'm not entirely sure what the mystery would be when it came from that angle... maybe you could keep the murderee's (assuming that is a word) identity a secret? It probably wouldn't work :P Oh well. I'm sure you will think of something that'll work :D
That is certainly an idea and nearly gave me goosebumps just thinking about it. I'll see what I can do...
This is sounding pretty awesome, good luck with the planning and writing! *has absolutely no suggestions or anything much to say at all*
Thanks Jelli, I'll try and get 'pen to paper' tomorrow
Okay so I have properly started to plan out what is going to go on, and who is doing what. So I have a character list (no names so far), and a brief outline of a few of the first chapters (including an introduction) and even a title, which will all be revealed in good time.
I've decided to write in third person, something I don't believe I have EVER DONE, so that will be exciting and challenging but this is OberNoWriSu for a reason. I have no idea if it is going to be a novella or novel, I'll see how I progress, but I am hoping I will get a good few chapters done over the summer. And I'm sure you'll have to prod me along the way
So if you count my planning writing as words, then I nearly have 100!!!!! Okay that is a lie, it is more like 75 but rounding up!
Can we please have the title...? Please?
I suppose we will have to be satisfied with that... for now. I expect words by midnight. You have 5 and a half hours...
Oh no! I can see that Vestie has quickly become accustomed to prodding, and I have yet to feel her wrath!
Some people are naturals :). And if her prodding doesn't make words happen, there are a few of us waiting in the wings to take over.
We're quite experienced at this gentle art :D
Now, where are these words I ordered? [act]charges cattle prod[/act]
12 years ago
Wed Dec 12 2012, 05:31pm
Yes my lord, I mean, Vestie.
They are being written as we speak. But writing in third person is harder than I thought. It will take some getting used to...
EDIT: Put [strike]away[/strike] down your prodders (for the moment...)! And be '[sub][/sub]proud' everyone I wrote 384 words in about 20 minutes! I would post what I have written, but I haven't got a name for the character involved yet, so once I do, you'll be the first to know. It is however, my introduction. I guess I like to start from the beginning and work my way through. I hope it is third person-y enough, that makes no sense, but I hope it actually sounds third person and not a weird mesh of first and third (does that make it second...? :rolling: ). It took me a while to wrap my head around how to write what I wanted, but doing it in third person, usually I'd just have a character say it or think it, but trying to throw in an omnipresent narrator is challenging, though I like it.
I like third person :nods:
Third person is scary, and weird.
With first person you get, literally, inside the head of one character. None of this invisible narrator stuff, who sometimes knows everything, and can get inside the head of EVERYONE, and is EVERYWHERE!
I must admit that third person can allow you to chop and change between characters, which comes in handy, and can make things interesting. Hopefully this experience won't convert me to a third-person-person!