Alrighty you are all so desperate to see the full works, and[strike] 'your wish is my command'[/strike] I decided to share. BUT, I'm not going to post all of it here, as much as I have no intention on publication, I don't want to share this work with the entire world for free, where it could be 'stolen'.
And so, to gain access, simply click
here (opens a Google Document Page) and then request permission, you'll unfortunately have to have a google account (but most people do these days, and it's easy enough to sign up). If your email doesn't contain some obviously recognisable thing about you, for example Vestie's email not saying Vestie (and in fact I think I've added Vestie's email already since she had a gmail one on her profile, so Vestie you should be able to access it, if not let me know, and you probably got an email), just give me a PM and let me know. I know this makes it difficult to access, but I'm 'paranoid' and like to make things difficult. But if you really want the words, you'll do anything to get them.
And it goes without saying that once you have access to these words, they are my 'property' and you don't have permission to distribute, copy, transmit, reproduce, etc in any form, unless you get my permission. Thanks
In other news I've got about 300 words more, so 3400 it is. For some reason I want to get to 15,000 by the end of Jan, but don't know how that will go since I'll be busy for a full 9 days, and writing won't be possible. So I guess I better get stuck into it!