Yayness!!! That's awesome! :D
Thought that'd please you both!
As soon as I have any more info i'll post it
15 years ago
Fri Nov 06 2009, 09:58am
Okay I'm almost finished the second season, but since I don't know where I can get a hold of the 3rd season (it's not on DVD yet, is it???) I need to know before I watch the last episode... does it end on a cliffhanger? I don't want details, just a yes or no, so I don't sit around waiting for s3 to come out on DVD before I can find out how it ends (I hate cliffhangers, I'm almost ready to give up watching dramas on tv just to avoid them... I mean, I have like 5 weeks of Supernatural on tape that I haven't watched because it's better to collect a bunch and have a marathon)...
< may need professional help.
Anyway. To sumarize: does season 2 end on a 'but how are they going to get out of this mess?' or a 'no! Is that character dead?' type of note?
Also, I love this show. season 2's been especially intense. I like the new characters they've brought in. I kinda miss the old ones, but at the same time, I wasn't really attached to them, so it's alright.
You know, I can't remember the exact nature of the very end of season 2; about all I remember is the um...death, and nature of that. If there was a cliffy it was an inconsequential one and nothing like the one they left us on at the end of season 3! Though hopefully one of the others can verify this for you.

Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago
Mon Dec 07 2009, 08:04am

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I just checked out Amazon.ca, and apparently season 3 of Primeval came out in Canada last month (it's listed as Volume 2). It's on the Chapters site as well. :)
I just started watching Primeval a few weeks ago (I read the non-spoilered parts of this thread, and really liked the sound of it), and I've been enjoying it, especially for the characters and the humour! I'm currently a couple of episodes into season 3 (and you're both right, there's not really a cliffhanger at the end of season 2). Where's a good place to stop in season 3? I guess I don't really mind if I end up stuck on the cliffhanger, though - at least not now it's going to continue!
:D Thanks you three.
The characters really are the best part of this show, I have to say. The interaction between them all is really... genuine, I guess. I think it helps that it's not a military operation or something like that; they're scientists and civilians and students, and it works surprisingly well.
There's some new information on seasons 4 & 5
The cutters will not be making a return. The show makers have said that they always intended for Nick and Helen's stories to be finished by the end of season 3.
There will be none of the future predators in the two new series
...how is that possible, though? :-/
No Cutters? I mean...sure, they're both dead, but I'd always hoped there'd be *something* more since they were sort of the point of the original show.
And...no future creatures? That doesn't make any sense :-/ ...I might have to rewatch again but I don't remember the future creature storyline ever being resolved.
I guess the Cutters story has run its course for now.
With regard to the future predators, i think they were jsut referring to the bat-like creatures.
They may come up with something new to take its place
In reply to ^ and ^^, the spoiler refers to stuff they posted and stuff that happens at the end of season 3 (which I wasn't going to watch 'cause till the next seasons were out, but that I couldn't keep away from ~:| )
Regarding the future predators, it seemed that they were actually created in the present time, and Helen's whole reason for killing Nick was to stop that from happening... anyway, I think that with all the other stuff that happened at the end of season 3, they've succeded in preventing those bat-things from ever evolving, thus tying up that storyline... and just because the Cutters won't be back doesn't mean the effects of what Helen did won't still crop up from time to time...
Helen did kill some of our ancestors, so we'll have to see what change that has made to the timeline
OK, I've got some updates on the new series of Primeval:
Primeval creator Adrian Hodges has revealed that the fourth series "will start a year later. All the cast will reappear, but they won't necessarily reappear straightaway. However, we will be giving satisfying answers to all those cliffhangers."
Oh, thank Lud. I'd hate for them to simply hang a lantern on it and move on with a new storyline!
I'm sure they'll conclude the stories to yours and my satisfaction
Primeval's busy shooting its fourth and fifth seasons in Dublin, and there are a few new stars are joining the cast. Silent Witness's Ciaran McMenamin will play ex-soldier, zoologist and new group leader Matt, Gracie's Ruth Kearney is Jess, who runs operations from the ARC, and former Deep Space 9 doctor Alexander Siddig comes in as Philip Burton, a scientist who has a major stake in the now public/private partnership dino-hunting outfit.
14 years ago
Thu Aug 19 2010, 10:49pm
+++++ Season 4 News +++++
Picking up 12 months after the close of season 3, which saw Danny, Connor and Abby stranded in the past and Helen Cutter (apparently) biting the big one, season four will see the intrepid ARC team relocated to a whole new set of digs - and under new management.
The government has outsourced the study of dinosaurs and anomolies, and is now in a public/private partnership with ambitious entrepreneur Philip Burton (DS9's Alexander Siddig). Lesters hanging on running the day-to-day, but with Danny still lost somewhere in time there are a couple of fresh faces at the ARC to lend a hand.
Abby and Conner are now a proper couple.
The new team leader is Matt Anderson (Ciaran McMenamin) has a mysterious past and an innate understanding of animal psychology.
New girl Jess (Ruth Kearney) runs operations from the ARC control centre and is a computer wizz. She also has a crush on Becker.
Season 4 will be broadcast on ITV1 in the New Year
The new season of Primeval starts this Saturday (1st Jan) in the UK at 7.30pm GMT on ITV1
Season 4 has started well. Two episodes in one weekend!
I found it difficult to warm to the new characters at first (Matt, Jess, etc), though by the second episode they seemed to slot into place.
I'm glad Conner and Abby finally made it back to the present, though no news on Danny Quinn yet.
The new ARC looks like an interesting place, and as they've now moved the filming to Dublin (Ireland), the production costs will be lower, so we should see more effects and more action pieces.
Alexander Siddig's character will be an interesting one to keep an eye on, as it's completely different to the one he played on ST:DS9.
The trailer shown for the next episode looks interesting as it has some new mysterious woman, and possibly another future creature involved.
Future Episode Spoilers
It has been let slip that a previous central character will be back, though this doesn't mean back from the dead (sorry to dissapoint the Cutter fans).
This should mean one of two characters will return: Either Danny will find a way back to the present, or Jenny will return. Personally i'd like to see them both!
Episode 3 was good!
The new team seem to have found their feet and are working well together, though Matt still seems to be a bit of a rouge agent. Just who is that old man he's talking to?!
This weeks creatures were good. Although it wasn't mentioned, i'd guess that they were future predators (looks like they may have evolved from Velociraptors).
The new woman (Emily Merchant) looks like she'll be sticking around for a while, and we may yet get to meet the rest of the lost souls.
14 years ago
Wed Jan 12 2011, 08:09am
I LOVE this new season!
I hope the character from the past is Jenny (perhaps as Claudia? ;) )! She's one of the originals, so she'd be a lot more of a...spectacular return, IMO.
I haven't quite warmed to the newbies yet. Matt is interesting enough, with his little speeches with his uncle and whatever it is they're looking out for, but Jess is just...what is her job? Office secretary? Super hacker? Token (other) female? I can't tell.
I'm super happy that Becker has a a larger role too. It's the sort of thing that'd happen in a real organisation, where the lower ranks (thus barely noticable in the show originally) get promoted.
Episode 3 was great as well - people from other times, huzzuh! What future time were they in, though? If the creatures were an evolution of the Velociraptor...how did it get into the future to evolve in the first place? Very strange / interesting, I hope they don't just gloss over their inclusion. Sure it could have well come through another anomaly, just as the 19th century people did - but I mean, how did a (supposedly) extinct creature rebirth in order to re-evolve?
And it looks like that Ethan fellow will be the new Helen? IE, psycho :P
Jess has taken over from Conner's initial role and is now the coordinator of the teams inside the Arc and out in the field
I'm not sure if that guy is Matts uncle, but who ever he is he seems to know a lot about what is going on, and they are having discussions about the team. I'm sure we'll learn more soon.
I'm only guessing at an evolution from the Velociraptor because of the creatures behaviour. Maybe they're an evolutionary offshoot that hasn't been found in the fossil record yet?
I agree that Ethan will be the new seasons psycho. I guess we'll have to see if he lasts into next season
Epsiode 4 was good
The story wasn't bad, and had some chilling moments. I hadn't expected the young girl to die!
Seeing Becker get hurt was reminiscent of previous series where main characters have been killed off, and with the amount of creatures present in the school, i really thought he had been!
Episode 5 was interesting
It seems that Ethan has some link with the anomalies. Could he have worked for who ever created them?
The old man that Matt speaks to definitely seems to know more than he is letting on.
The trailer for episode six will feature Jenny!!! She will be getting married...
Eeeeeeee! JENNY!!! I knew it! :D
I am loving Ben Miller's actions in this series, I just gotta say. First the saving all of the animals in the ARC...and then his whole taking over from Jess (from Matt's perspective) was absolutely hilarious. I think that's why I love him so much; his whole character is both serious, and a tongue-in-cheek joke at the same time. Perfect role for him really :P
Ethan...yeah, I dunno! It's so bizarre, it seems like he's from 'now', maybe the future. What I don't get about him is his motive. Why is he going around being nasty? Did hed know Helen Cutter or something? Is his reason from being completely removed from that? I'm having trouble legitimising his character without a bit of an insight into what he's after.
But anyway, I'm just honestly glad that Primeval's back!