15 years ago
Sun Mar 08 2009, 06:57pm
[act]meanwhile, in Agy's camp...[/act]
Avialle: [act]is humming absently to herself[/act]
Avialle's Army: [act]cough[/act]
Soldier: um... what happened to our Commander?
Avialle: I'm your commander now. ;D Mr. whats-his-name injured himself while tripping over a hard object. :nod:
Mr. What's-his-name: [act]taps Avialle on the shoulder[/act] I'm not inj -
Avialle: [act]trips mr. what's-his-name and stamps on his shoulder[/act] ;D
Mr what-his-name: OW!! ":(
Avialle: Oopsies. ;D You go rest now, I've got things under control. [act]pats him on the head[/act]
mr. Whats-his-name: [act]toddles off in confusion[/act]
Avialle: Good boy. Now, if only I could find and disable this weapon of their's...
Soldier: [act]cough[/act] Er... your orders, Miss - er - Ma'am - er ... Commander?
Avialle: Oh, right - um... Ok, we're going to try a different tactic... You'll find props and costumes in that room over there. [act]points[/act] ;D
Soldiers; o_O
Messenger: [act]rushes in[/act] We're ready to attack! All troops in position! The secret weapon is ready for release! But the Kindocastrians are trying some new tactic. They seem to be preparing some sort of catapult...
Mono: *is dressed in soldier gear of Lord Agy's troops* Psst Avialle!
Availle: 8-| YOU! Are you a traitor then??
mono: No :| All this time i've been infiltrating Lord Agy's echelon and have found a way to destroy his plans :D
avialle: :D

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bambi: *Arrives with her 50 shang warriors* Can we be of assitance?
Helena: 8-| Where did they come from? and what use will they be? they have no weapons!!!
Bambi: They came from my homeland, the Land of the shang in which i am emperess of. and we dont need weapons, we are hand to hand specilists!!!
Helena: But you have a staff?
Bambi: Yes, well, i was always better with a staff. . .
Helena: OK. What good will a staff do?
Bambi: *twists middle hand grip. Blades spurt out*
Helena: Well, thats much better.
Hope this is alright. I dont really know where we are up to so i just threw myself in ;D

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Sun Mar 08 2009, 07:30pm

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: okies, who has the cats?
Tea ppot soldiers: *hand over the cats*
Helena: load them up!
Tea Knights: *load the Cat-a-pults*
Helena: FIRE!!
Bambi: *cuts the ropes* :D
Agy's army: *are converged on by clawing, scratching cats* AHHH!!!! 8-|
btw Agy's army consists of:
Ninja pirates (who say HIYAA!)
Pirate Ninjas (who say ARRGH)
Mexican Hat Dancers (who say Si Senior)
Besmirched Knights of the Heptotable
Coffee Knights
Black Tartans
and Moddey Dhoo (who is is big black puppy dog :D )
haha and what is our army consisting of?
...did you just catapult my NINJA CATS? haha nice 8)

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Mon Mar 09 2009, 02:30pm

Wanderer Guilden
okies, our amry consists of:
tea pot worriors,
tea cup worriors,
sugar cube tong archers,
sugar cube horses and cavlery,
Feral Goldfish, from the fondu lake,
Tea knights,
Cat - a - pults
Shang warriors,
rusty clowns,
Crystal Swan Legion,
glitter knights,
the two elite knights - Jasper and Emmet,
Mono's knight- Edward
the rest of the Cullens (may as well put up the rest of the Vampires while im here :P )
the wolves...
and i forget the rest :P
Helena: oh, yes, maybe i should call up Sabriel and mogget! they will help us!
Sabriel: You called, Lady?
Mogget: *snickers*
Helena: remember the last time you didn't do what you were told, Mogget?
Mogget: n-not the-?
Helena: yes, the cat- a -pult ;D now, if you could work with Rin and Hannah over here, that would be much apriciated :D

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
You missed the Crystal Swan Legion Helena. lol
Arwen: Yes, what are we going to do now?
Helena: Have a stragety meeting.
Arwen: Yes, we should probably know what Agyllian is planning as well.
Aragorn: That way we'd be able to plan against his manoeuvres.
Ravyn: maybe we should ask Mono and Availle what they're doing?
All: uhh...
Ravyn: *pulls out trusty walkie-talkie* Crazy Number, come in! Breaker! Breaker!
Mono: *W/T* what?
Ravyn: *W/T* *is crushing a chocolate wrapper near the W/T's microphone* we're losing you! come in! come in! BREAKER!
Mono: *W/T* Purple Hawk, that's a chocolate wrapper
Ravyn: *facepalm* *turns off the W/T* well, they were no help
Mono: X:-/
15 years ago
Sun Mar 08 2009, 11:24pm
Holy Lud.... I'm gone for all of a day, and we're halfway through a war?!?!?! Ummm... avialle, are you on our side or the other one?
Rin: *Has gathered her fellow geomancer friends* Ok, so, while we're having a strategy meeting, we'll bog them down with hail!
All: *sit down and strategize*
Cameo: Sooo.... does anyone have any ideas?
Rin:(edit: sorry Avialle! :P) Avialle has power over rust right....? So... could she rust all of Agyllians' armies weapons?
I'm on your side. :) I've been away for a while so you might not know me. I'm Queen of Rust. I managed to sneak into Agy's camp to figure out his plans, but now I have to pose as one of Agy's Commanders. :P
Avialle: [act]communicates to Helena through mind-link[/act] (0-) Hey Helena! What's up?
Helena: (0-) Oh, the usuall. Just plotting our war strategy. How about you?
Avialle: (0-) Well, I'm making my troops dress up as giant poodles... hehehe... |:| Oh, and i know what the secret weapon is. Agyllian's managed to get hold of a Coffee Monster. Only thing is, it's a shape-shifter, and it has infiltrated your camp. It could be anyone...
Helena: (0-) I see. |:|
Avialle: (0-) Oh, and there's something else they're not telling me. I think they've got something else up their sleeve. I'm trying to find out what it is... Wait, gotta go. [act]breaks off abruptly[/act]
Rin: Well... that was ... very... useful...
Raven: You don't have to be nice Rin, it wasn't useful at all :|
Helena: So, who do you guys think the shapeshifting Coffee Monster is?
Bambi: So it could imitate... anyone? Absolutely anyone?
Helena: I guess so...
Bambi: *Starts to panic* Then, it could be anyone at all! Or anything! It could be that table, or that chair, or that teapot *starts frantically pointing*
Helena: :| Don't insult my teapot....
Arwen: Well... Avialle said "anyone", right? So I have to asume it's a person. And I have to assume they'd imitate someone high-up, so they could find out what we were planning....
Aragorn: So, the most likely candidates... are us! *eyes everyone suspiciously*

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
[act]looks to Avialle while wearing a a Neuvo-Ravyn dress[/act]
Agyllian: Ah Thomas, my ever faithful servant...or so what's his name over there told me
Avialle: o_O You're wearing a dress.
Agyllain: Hmmm so I am, that Ravyn told me it was the latest fashion. Hahaha those tricksters are always trying something new. So back to business.
Avialle: [act]gets excited about possible secret intel[/act] The plans?
Agyllian: No, scrable. Oh right the plans. Yes well we do have our Ninja pirates skirmishing forward through the forests. The Besmirch guard is marching towards the battle ground as we speak with a detatchment of cat-a-pults. We then have a legion of heavy-bear cavalry (or slightly big boned as they like to refer to themselves, touchy creatures) taking the right flank for a surprise attack.
Avialle: [act]vigorously writing notes[/act] Ah hm, and you say they will attack where exactly?
Agyllain: Haven't thought of that yet. [act]Avialle's pen runs out[/act] Say, would you like to try my pen.
Avialle: Thanks [act]finishes notes including a detailed map[/act]. Mind if I borrow one of your carrier pigeons.
Agyllian: Please, be my guest. [act]Sniffs the air[/act] Say you smell alot like a parallel universe. Been on any holidays recently?
Avialle: [act]worried[/act] |:| Um yes...
Agyllain: Actually I think I smell ninja-spy school as well.......
Avialle: Ninja spy school! You must be joking! Of course not! *starts sweating nervously*
Agyllian: Then... where were you? And why are you sweating?
Avialle: I was in.... Wisconsin! And I'm sweating because I'm used to the cold weather there!
Agyllian: Isn't it winter in Wisconsin?
Avialle: No, because it was parrallel-universe Wisconsin
Agyllian: REalllyyyyy..... Well, before you get that carrier pigeon, go make me a cup of coffee. And leave that here. *points to plans* We wouldn't want you to spill coffee on it, would we?
Avialle: Of... Of course not! *thinks: Darn! ^@(@#%@)%#@$ coffee drinker*
*goes to army kitchen*
Agyllian: *keeps sniffing suspiciously* *turns to Mono*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Rin, Agyllian (if i remember correctly) like Tea better than Coffee... its just Fen who likes coffee :)
Mono: what? *does a jig* its not my fault i have a slight nervouse twitch :|
Agyllian: sorry, soldier, carry on :)
Avialle: *holds nose* gah! evil, vile coffee! Darn Fen for asking me to get the coffee... lud save us all....
Cook: what was that? 8-|
Aville: oh, i was just commenting on how.. *cringe* lovely... this brew is..
Cook: why, thank you! its my mothers recipe :D you know-
Avialle: im sorry, but i have to get this to Laddet Fen before she throws a hissy fit
Cook: oh no! not a hissy fit 8-|
Avialle: *taddles off* here you go, Ladett! can i have that pigeon now, Lord?
Aggy: sure, sure *waves her off*
Avialle: |:|
oo dont forget my glitter knights and also the two elite knights - Jasper and Emmet also just write me in as im a lil confused to as wots going on atm
I don't go on for two days and look what happens! Lol.
Cameo: Whoah, what is going on?
Jost: We are officially at war with Lord Allygian.
Cameo: Oh, ok. What is with all the talk about coffee?
Jost: He got hold of a coffee monster!
Cameo: *gasp* A coffee monster!
Jost: Don't worry Avialle has infiltrated.
Cameo: Wow, this is so exciting!
15 years ago
Mon Mar 09 2009, 11:34am
Hannah: The COFFE MONSTER!!!
Cameo: Where?! *looks around*
Hannah: *points*
Cameo: *laughs* No thats just coffe.
Hannah: :| monsterous coffe
15 years ago
Mon Mar 09 2009, 01:15pm
Avialle: [act]has sent off the carrier-pigeon[/act] [act]dusts hands with a satisfied smile[/act]
Mono: ... couldn't you have just used the mind-link?
Avialle: ... [act]facepalm[/act] :| Oh wells, this way's more fun. :nod: I feel like a real spy, with carrier pigeons and everything! :D
Agyllian: [act]comes up behind Avialle[/act] Spy? o_O
Avialle: [act]whips around[/act] Yes... er... um... I was just telling this soldier here about my plan to spy on the Kindocastrian's camp. ;D
Agyllian: Innitiative, that's what I like. [act]nods approvingly[/act] But you know we don't need a spy. We've got the Coffee Monster. It's already passing us information on their plans. We'll know all their moves in advance! And when I give the order it's in the perfect position to strike. We may not even need to fight, if the Coffee Monster can succesfully take out all of the Commanders. [act]sigh[/act] I do hate fighting.
Avialle: Right. [act]looks nervous[/act] Who is the Coffee Monster posing as, again?
Agyllian: Now that would be telling. ;) Don't want to spoil the surprise!
Avialle: [act]tries to sound conversational[/act] So, what have you done with the person the Coffee Monster is posing as?
Agyllian: [act]chuckles[/act] Oh, she's locked up somewhere safe. :nod:
Avialle: Ah-huh! So it's a she, is it?! [act]looks triumphant[/act]
Agyllian: ... yes. o_O [act]walks away[/act]
HAHA i know who's locked up!! ;D
it's.... me :|
and Agy, *looks to Avialle while wearing a a Neuvo-Ravyn dress*
do i really wanna know? lol ;P
Ravyn: get me OUTTA here!!! *is locked up in a safe*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
lol i thougt it was me o_O that would have been a shocker ;D
Helena: Ravyn, i want you to Round up the other troops and send the Coffee soldiers packing!
Ravyn: *sigh* sure...
Arwen: you seem a little depressed, whats the matter?
Ravyn: oh, its nothing... im just missing the good fights being in here...
Helena: i can't see how, you get to go to the second line of defence... there's going to be a lot of fighing up there :-/
Cam: i'll take it if you like, you can help Helena in the front line if you like :)
Ravyn: *eyes brighten* That sounds fantastic! :D *dashes off to get ready*
Helena: what's up with her?
Hannah: what are you talking about?
Helena: since when is Ravyn so polite?
Arwen: what do you mean?
Helena: Ravyn never says 'Fantastic' to anything :P ... ah wells... okies, thats all the plans set? rightyo im off, i'll collect RAvyn on the way *waves* good luck to you all :D *troops out*
i tried to make it sound like Ravyn, yet not like Ravyn, is that okies wth everyone?

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: I'll go and brief my Crystal Legions on what we're doing.
Aragorn: I'll come with you.
Arwen: Let's fly Ariana!
Ariana: Why don't you fly yourself though?
Arwen: ~:| :| I have no idea. Is it okay if Aragorn flies on you?
Ariana: Sure. It's been a while since you flew with me. *all fly*
Arwen: All right Legions. This is what's happening...
Dinaria Dragon: WAIT!
Arwen: where have you been?
Dinaria Dragon: gathering my troops. ;D
Cameo: er... we don't want evilness Dinaria.
Dinaria Dragon: :| well that eliminates most of them. But I still have my shimmering sea wolves, shimmering land wolves, shimmering air wolves, shimmering ice wolves, shimmering fire wolves, and some of the elementals agreed to come... but knowing them they will probably be a few centuries late so we can't rely on them :P unless you guys summon your elementals.
Arwen: o_O okay...
Mono: But... we still don't know who the coffee monster is!
Everyone: *off organizing troops*
Mono: Fine, then. I'll find the coffee monster myself *puts on Private Eye hat and glasses*
Rin: *mobilizing her geomancer troops*
Mono: *eyes Rin suspiciously* So, Rin, I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me
Rin: Sure :)
Mono: So... how are you feeling lately?
Rin: o_O Fine?
Mono: I mean, you know, you had that awful breakup, and then that fallout with that friend, and....
Rin: o_O What are you talking about?
Mono: (Thinks: Darn. She didn't fall for it.) *Tries new tactic* How's your head?
Rin: Errrr.... Why are you asking all this stuff, anyway?
Mono: (Thinks: She's avoiding the question! It must be her!) *starts dragging Rin away*
Rin: Hey! Mono! Wait! What are you doing?!!?
Mono: Die, evil coffee monster! Die!
Ravyn Coffee-Monster: *overhears*