in the next book, i expect to see rushton finally fade into the obscurity he deserves and dameon/swallow/anybody else moving forward with elspeth
(or perhaps this is a fantasy of mine i've somehow confused with an educated guess..)
but i just don't feel like we ever really got to know rushton very well of that he was ever important to the storylines! how can he marry elspeth? noo
and jes must be the destroyer. it has such a symmetry to it, no?
1) they are related, from the same beginnings
2) boy vs. girl
3) elspeth escaped to something better, jes was lost to the regime
4) jes would be very likely to want to destroy the world as, if he was not killed, he has probably endured years of torment at the hands of other people
6) nobody really credits jes because he's supposed to be dead, obviously he fits 'someone we never guess' or at least not as much as say, the pig, haha
7) it would be awesome
maybe its just me but could it be that IC purely said we'd all be surprised by who the destroyer is to keep us talking? sorry to be devil's advocate but i reckon its pretty obvious its Ariel, but i havnt read the latest book yet so i could be wrong. He is the only one to visit her on the dreamtrails, "seeking her out". Then again she vcould just be sending me on a false lead and we're back to where we've started:P
Hi everyone, I just joined to find out about the release datef or The Sending. The latest news I had was Feb 2009, thought that seems to have been pushed back to September. While flicking through articles to confirm this, I read in a newsletter from Amazon on 12th December that TWO books are coming out- The Sending and Red Queen. Nooo! Does this mean that I have wait even longer to finish reading the series, or is this an American only split book thing, like Wavesong and The Stone Key? Help!
I am glad she is taking her time on the book. The waiting sucks, but at least I know it will not be rushed and thrown together at the last minute like Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer.
The more time you spend on something the better it is. The wait will be worth it :)
15 years ago
Tue Feb 10 2009, 06:24pm
OK so my speculation is that Salamander is actually Jakoby's sister - the one who ran away?
It would explain his(her~!) obsessive secrecy, because of her disfigured face, as well as hiding the fact that she's a woman, why Sadorians are never targeted by slavers, why Salamander is so good at navigating ships, Salamander's dark skin, the womens clothes in that chamber they found....
besides, why bring up Jakoby's sister if it didn't have any significance? I guess it could be charachter development, but I think there's more to it than that.
Oh, and it seems like Ariel is the destroyer, but that just seems to predictable for IC. Yelloweyes, I think your theory has alot of merit, somehow I keep thinking Jes is going to come back. I actually really expected Jes to be the plaugecarrier in the Stone Key, but it was Domick... that was tragic...
.. I never thought about that.. Well, I haven't even finished The Stone Key so I haven;t had the chance to speculate yet. But that does make a lot of sense. I completely forgot she had a sister. I really think that Jes will be in The Sending but, he has to be! Because his death was too suss..
Yeah, I totally agree with you Serendipity! I mean, Jes is important, he's the only other person who had the killing power, we have to see him come back!
I just finished the Stone Key yesterday *smiles* I got that (and Wavesong) for my birthday, so I obsesively read them over the weekend and ignored my hw (and now I'm paying for it... o well, lol the OC are worth it)
Hey everyone, just a quick question about when The Sending is due out. I work in a bookstore and during some quiet time was browsing TitlePage (an online reference to publishers and available stock etc) for my fave authors, not really expecting anything from IC when to my complete surprise it came up with a listing for The Sending, release date September 28, 2009. Now, TitlePage isn't always trustworthy so I thought I'd check in here before getting excited. Further research while writing this revealed that Wikipedia (I know, also not trustworthy) also quotes September as the release date. Anyone know how accurate this information is?
15 years ago
Fri May 08 2009, 04:45pm
What is the significance of wolves in the The Stone key and beyond? Wolves are referred to a few times and I don't think it is coincidence.
Aren't The red queen and the sending coming out in 2010 or am I just have wild dreams of joy and sadness?

Dreamweaver Ward
15 years ago
Fri May 08 2009, 07:10pm

Dreamweaver Ward
Dreamscape Artist
As Deb said above, 2010 is more likely than this year. Penguin is currently saying they're expecting The Sending out this year, but they do seem to be overly hopeful - IC herself is (or at least was) hoping for early 2010. Also, Red Queen is only coming out in the US/Canada, as it will be the second half of the Australian version of The Sending. :)
And I agree that the wolves are important - in fact, IC herself said so in an interview - the interviews are in the Main Menu at the left, under the Interviews heading - I think it's from the Little Fur interview. I suspect that Darga has been living in the mountains with a pack of wolves, and they'll lead Elf on her quest (or Gavyn if he leads the beasts to freedom instead), but of course I could be completely wrong. :P
Do you think Gavyn is the Innle but the beasts thought that the Seeker and Innle are the same thing? Because Innle is supposed to lead the beasts to freedom and the Seeker must destroy the weponmachines. Although, seen as Gavyn kind of forces beasts to love him, he'd be freeing the beasts while having them in his power. Ok,if I've gone into mad rammbling mode again, please tell me and I'll try to stop.

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
I've often wondered if the animals have mixed up Elspeth with Gavyn too :P It's just so weird, he has so much Beast ability yet somehow Elspeth is meant to have a stronger connection to the animals?...
And perhaps the animals considering Innle and the Seeker as the same thing when they're not would support the Destroyer/H'rayka two different entities theory.
Either way, Gavyn is going to do something very important in the last book... and I'm going to be on the edge of my seat until he does it :|
Hmmm. Maybe it has to do with the prophecy. Because it seems that the Twentyfamilies know of it, the animals know of it, the Kasandas know of it, the enslaved populace of The Land of the Red Queen know of it. All these things seem interlinked.
Gavyn does seem important though...
As for Rushton mentioned way back by Jesmess, I get the feeling he may be even more prominent in the last book, it seems too unlikely that IC would link Rushton and Elf, and give him a family background - the moonhater - in TSK, as well as link him to J Ober and H Seraph if he was unimportant. I mentioned on one of the theories boards that I think he may be of Kasanda blood, why not? If Kasanda is Cassy then why wouldnt her children or childrens children know Hannahs? Especially considering Evander? was in love with her ward, a young woman who went to the mountains to seek her mother...Hannah?
Jes might be the destroyer...with that dark power, but she would have left REALLY subtle hints throughout that will make us smash our heads against the table and say "HOW DID WE MISS THAT?"
Does anyone have any idea how long The Sending is meant to be? I'm thinking that it's got to be even longer than TSK considering how much there seems to be yet to be cleared up. So many characters that need to be dealt with and have been hinted out throughout the series as being important in some way (Lidgebaby, Gavyn, Swallow etc. etc.) all of who haven't really done much yet.
There's just so much I can't possibly imagine how the Sending is going to end . . . *totally loving the fact that this is a series without a predictable plot* Seriously what in the world is actually going to happen in this book?? I wouldn't even put money on Elf going to TLotRQ despite it seeming an obvious kind of thing to happen.
*ramble ramble*
I think I remember reading an interview that had something about Jes in it. Something about IC not being sure if she should re-introduce him or something *ponders*

Mystic Ward
15 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I think I heard that the Sneding will be around 800 plus pages |:| though it could be more...or less.
Isobelle has tossed up the idea of bringing Jes back but has also said that it won't happen so who knows??? She tends to be very tight lipped on any plot happenings.
analivia is a suspect character as well |:|
Ooo yeah I forgot about Analivia, she was freaky weird. I haven't a clue as to what her deal could be either *frustrated facepalm*
For me it's a bit hard to imagine that jes isn't dead because if he's not how does rosemund know about the power? Why is she even at obernewtyn in the first place? She could have made it all up i guess but for her to make up something the same as what Elf has seems a bit unlikely. I'd rather just believe her story than try and make up another one.
With Gavyn he seems to me to be Ariel to beasts! Ariel is charming, so is Gavyn to beasts. Ariel finds important and makes them his friend, isn't that exactly what Gavyn does to beasts?!? I don't think they have Elf and Gavyn mixed up but more that he is evil without realising it. I would think he was the destroyer except that is impossible because of the fact that the destroyer was in book one.
One thing to do with that quest is: Is it possible that the Red Queens garden is the land without fanaga? Just think about it, we don't know exactly how big it is, the only people who were allowed in were the Red Queen and Dragon. If Dragon goes back unlocks her memories(as expected) and becomes the Red Queen, don't you think she'll reopen the garden?
Just a quick question about the destroyer for IC: Is it necessarily a Misfit? My thinking being: how funny if the destroyer was the first character mentioned in the whole series, Elii. he is: male, introduced in the first book(obviously), unexpected(because everyone expects it to be a misfit), and he's not evil. I can't say for sure he's her equal because i don't quite understand that. To me without her abilities he seems roughly her equal, and if the sentinal is as people suspect in TLOTRQ then what if lidgebaby got taken there too with the slavers then straight away elf would be powerless.
My second guess for destroyer would have to be daffyd. we don't know all of his powers for sure but we know he is a farseeker...
Rushton, Dameon and Matthew also could easily be the destroyer. I don't want to go into them though because i like them too much. ::)
Elii is an interesting idea but I'm pretty sure the Destroyer would have to be a misfit since the Destroyer was in the dreamtrails in TSK and it seems you need some sort of ability to be able to get there but I don't know I really need to re-read TKP and TSK. Then again we don't really know all that much about Elii other than he is a rebel leader so he could have repressed talent that he is unconciously using or something like that.

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
I think that's a really good point since in Ashling Elspeth tells us that Elii was always one to judge on instinct and she keeps telling us that Brydda's 'knack' is talent and 'knacks' are often thought to be well tuned instinct. For example, if you had a 'knack' for predicting the whether, it would probably just be your barometric pressure gage. This is what animals use to know when rain is coming and while humans have it, we generally spend so much time indoors that it stops working properly. However, if you say...go hiking for a month or so, it starts working again.
15 years ago
Mon Jul 13 2009, 06:19pm
What about Ruston - he has latent talent :D I am not sure about Elii- it doesn't really fit and he has been on the dreamtrails as someone pointed out.
I don't know if he has been talked about before.
Edit: What about Maruman as the is possible....
No. The destroyer is not a beast. Ic said.