Pooh- I thought mum and i were on to something....
As if Maruman could be evil anyway :P (though I don't think the Destroyer will turn out to be so anyway), not unless he was in a particularly bad mood anyway.
Anyone got any ideas as to the significance of the moon? It's been retirated throughout the entire series to be just more then a dislike of Maruman's so it's got ot have sort of releveance. Plus the moon is on The Sending cover so :P
Yeh the moon has got something to do with something. I don't know what though. Rushtons grandmother or something hated the moon too remember, so I think maruman and rushtons grandmother have something to do with eachother. Hey just a thought. What if his grandmother knew him as a kitten? (I'm believing the theory that maruman is time traveling.) or maybe it has something to do with their maddness. I recall him saying his grandmother person was crazy. Maybe her mind was deformed like maruman. That has to have some reason behind it. They are lunatics. Lol. They hate the moon and are crazy.
I'm not sure this is where to post this thought???/
I was just thinking that maybe in TS one of Elspeth's choices changes the future????
I was trying to understand what Athis meant by Elspeth not being the one to pay for saving Rushton when this thought came to me.
What would you think if Mathew was the destroyer? I been thinking about it and he is/was close with Elspeth. Plus Mathews was searching/talking to Elspeth on the dreamtrails as well. Just a thought...
twisted mind at work here
how crazy would it be if Elspeth was the Destroyer.
We all know she's the seeker, who is supposed to find the weaponmachines. The destroyer only wins if she fails. BUT what if in finding them she turns them on and activates them....?
no future is 100% predictable. She was forseen to find them afterall...
as i said, twisted mind at work. And I don't really believe it, but it is as credible as anything else until i have "the Sending" in my hands....
Well I had the same thought as you did Allie, so maybe you aren't so twisted or at least only as twisted as i am :P
That would be quite crazy. I don't know of any proof that says differently.
Ok, how do we know we can trust Atthis? I mean her ancestors were experimented on by funaga and (please correct me if i'm wrong) we don't actually know who activated sentinel and created the great white and we havn't heard all of cassy's story either. I mean her father is one of the head developers so she could be in areas and kind of get away with it and do things people of the public couldn't do. Misfits probably weren't highly populated so what's the chance that many of them survived? Agyllians could have tried to wipe out humans but tried to save the misfits?
And there is seriously something up with the moon (someone mentioned it earlier). It's mentioned quite a few times.
I totally agree matthew is the destroyer. I don't have much evidence but yeh ~:|
Sorry i can get carried away ~:|
Well it is all a huge mystery that will be solved soon enough :P I am making no judgments on who is and isn't I will just say a POV and may or may not stick with it :P
14 years ago
Tue Feb 09 2010, 04:06pm
I quite like Allie's idea that Elspeth is the Destroyer. It fits, in that the Destroyer is supposed to be the Seeker's equal and can only succeed if she fails first.
It would also be just like IC to have Ariel (and others) going around being the big bad guy, then having the real enemy being on the inside. (Similar to the battle between Ember and Dark Ember in the Legendsong.) In the same way, it could even be that Elspeth's killing power is a reflection of this darker destiny.
Edit: Now I'm all confused. I don't know if Elspeth is the villain or the heroine or what? It was so much easier when it was just 'Elspeth is good and will save the world, Ariel is bad and will almost detroy it'. [act]sigh[/act] That's life for you.
I think that was my point.
I am Allie, the Confuser!!!
I think that would make sense if Elspeth was the destroyer. I mean no one seams to be as powerful as elf (not any funaga) and well how is she so certain its ariel. Well, from the way I see it Elspeth definitely believes he is but what be more shocking that elf discovering she is both the seeker and the destroyer, it would defiantly put a twist in the tail. Ariel to me seems to be more cruel than destroy the earth and he may be powerful but does his abilities compare to elf.
On the other hand im not sure if it actually could be elf since muraman is so hatful of aril more so than just he is crooked.
My mind is going to fast for my fingers so ill give up for now.
Does anyone think that Ariel is salamander as well...its weird but possible is he went around with different names?
strange i remember having some thought about the identity of salamander but i cant quit remember.????????????!!!!!!!!
14 years ago
Mon May 17 2010, 10:25pm
I havn't seen it anywhere and it's the product of too much free time to think so probably complete rubbish but anyway...
What is machines didn't create the great white but a misfit did. It was sorta like how elspeth found her power it just sorta clicked. Like in the ritcher clinic (sorry if this is the wrong spot i havn't read them for ages ~:|) where the agylians and misfits are held for their powers one misfit was just put past their limit and they found their power and used it.
Wow i should really leave thinking for the daylight hours ~:|
WE have to much free time...hehehe
What i don't completely understand is why anyone would want to destroy the whole world. I mean there seems to be no point really. So maybe they are not sure they are the destroyer or like or like Jemma said the great white might not have been caused by the machines but by a misfit, mabey the machines will do something different from wiping everything out. But then again i don't really think that.
why would you destroy the whole world when you were going to die too? Thats really stupid ;P