15 years ago
Thu Mar 05 2009, 05:30pm
Hannah: *trying to change subject* So, what are we going to do with them *gestures towards captured twins*
Rin: Of course you can, Dinaria, but we still need a better plan
Helena: (0-) I know!
haha Congrats Dinaria! So your wedding is in the Kingdoms and not the Function Hall, right? Won't you have to change your avvie a bit now? (From fictional boyfriend to husband or something...)
yeah, it's in the Kingdoms. For some reason, they usually are :P oh well.
Dinaria Dragon: *goes back to the kitchen* *pigs out on caramel slice*
All: ::)
Hannah: anyway, the plan?

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: how about we *whispers*
Dinaria: exelent! :D
Hannah: ??? what?
Helena: oh, nothing *innocent looks* *ties string to clones* *dangles them over the Abyss of Eternity* so, who wants to cut the string? ;D

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: Not me. I'm desperate to see the Library. But I'll watch you do it.
Aragorn: I think I could probably guess who will shout they want to cut the string.
Both: *under their breath* One, two, three...

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bambi: I'll cut it!
Everyone: WHAT????? o_O
Bambi: Sure? why not?
Arwen: Well. . . it's just. . . well. . .
Dinaria Dragon: :( are you trying to out evil-ify me? :"(
Bambi: no, I just felt like cutting the string so they will fall into the abyss. ;D
Dinaria Dragon: :| *mutters something about three degrees in evilness going to waste*
Ravyn: *mutters something about wanting to out evil-ify Dinaria herself* :|
Legolas: ::) :kiss:

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *hears her* don't even think about it, she has a diferent type of evil to you... so it doesn't count...
Bambi: *cuts string* yay! :D
All: *wave goodbye to clones* :D
Hannah: * :O at Bambi*
Bocaj: *mutters* i wanted to cut the string
raven: to the fridge! :D [act]strikes hero pose and 'swooshes' off to the fridge[/act] 8)
all: ::)

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *remembers to way back* *sings Batman theme song as Raven swooshes off*
Batman theme song: 8)
sorry, i couldn't help myself ;D
Ravyn: :D *swooshes off to the pantry*

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: Which way is your Library MM?
MM: That way. *points*
Arwen: Thanks. *wanders off dreamily*
Aragorn: We won't see her for a while. She gets obsessed with books.
Arwen: *gives a little wave and flies off*
Rin: Wait for me, Arwen! *runs after*
*3 hours later*
Rin and Arwen: *return with 10 foot high stacks of books*
Rin: MM? Can I borrow these books?
Arwen: Yeah, me too!
MM: o_O uhhh....
Rin and Arwen: *Drop books on table* *open door so MM can see hall filled with piles of books* And these!
Everyone: o_O
Cameo: There's a library! Why did no-one tell me!?
Arwen: Erm, we sort of did.
Cameo: *mumbles incoherently* I'll be back in a few hours...
Jost: *waves* Bye!
Cameo: *has already walked off*
Yet another three hours later...
Cameo: *comes in with eight books* I already read fifty others... mind if I borrow these?
MM: Uhh, sure. Just make sure you return them.
Cameo: ;D I will! I do miss my library back home...
Jost: Hang on.. did you say fifty!
Cameo: Oh, yes. I'm rather a quick reader.
Jost: o_O I'll say you are!
Bocaj: Library...gah. It's so booky.
Hannah: You don't like books! 8-|
Bocaj: No books are for nerds.
MM, Rin, Arwen, Cameo, and Hannah: :|
Hannah: No books are for people * notices Bocaj is staring at a glitter flower*....oh why do I even bother. *ninjas to pantry singing own theme music* |:|
..was i around in the 'first war'?

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
nope... only Raven, MM and myself i think out of the regulars here were around back then :P just clicky the linky and you'll get the first page of the olf thread :nod:

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I don't think so Ravyn. You joined up in here after me, didn't you? I know that I wasn't around for the First War, but I was around for the mermaid part. I remember we were in trouble with him/the mer-people.
haha ok thanx guys
raven: 8-| [act]drops everything she is holding ie. drops majority of the contents of the fridge[/act]. we have to prepare the defenses!
helena: mm?
mm: already a step ahead of ya. 8)
glittery guards: [act]are running around everywhere carrying assorted weapons.[/act]
new kingdocastrians: [act]are muchly confused and have no idea what they should be doing.[/act]
I remember the mermaid bit :D good times. That's when my tail-quest started. And there was that magical fish. :D yes, happy days, happy days. lolz.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *assumes her full role of General* New Kingdocastrians! gather your guards! this is going to be one hell of a war! Cam?
Cam: yes?
Helena: could you call all of my sugar cube tong archers for me? Bambi?
Bambi: *is confused* uh.. yes?
Helena: call my teapot warriors pronto! and Rina nd Hannah, you can find the rest of my troops! *rummages around* ahha! found it! *pulls out her trusty hand bag*
old Kingdocastrians: *look at it with understanding and respect*
NK's: *are even more confused*
Helena: *pulls out the Tea-Bomb* ... this is a last resort
OK's: *remember the EEP's* *gulp*
raven: [act]follows Helena's lead and resumes her role of a knight at the rose shaped square table[/act] right! sugar cube tong archers to the battlements! teapot warriors down to the front courtyard and await orders! glittery guards! get all civilians to the safety of the caves downstairs. general helena, make ready the tea-bomb for if things start going bad. queen mm, i suggest we head out to the front of the castle to be prepared for the first attack. helena, do you have anything else that might be useful in your bag?
lolz i'm listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack atm, it's not affecting my post at all :P